Raising Aussie Osprey #4

PERTH, Australia

I wish this shot showed better detail because Aussie's feet are both several inches clear of the nest floor.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Heavily cropped. Good for a scalp massage, eh, Wallaby?

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Time for a snooze.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

For Mum too.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Guess who.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Marlton, NJ

Great pics Margaret! He'll definitely be flying soon.

Was Dad around?

PERTH, Australia

Thanks Pelle. No, didn't see or hear him. I think the chick is starting to get a bit bored in the nest. Today it was picking up sticks and wandering around the nest. Every day I go there, I think that this will be the day and so far it hasn't been. And sure as eggs, if I missed a day now, I'd also miss the grand event.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Wow, yes great scalp massagers, lol! Like all little kids when they are asleep, they look like they could never be trouble! I love the sleeping shot.

Perhaps the heat is getting to Mum, plus lack of exercise. She can't get to shade with watching the nest either.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

aren't kids sooo cute when they are asleep... ;)

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

LOL Scalp massagers...LOL

Yes, that are very cute when sleeping, nanny ;o))


Orchard Park, NY

Just joining you to read about the last couple days' events. Was worried I might have missed the big event Margaret, and everyone. Mom has an incredibly demanding job guarding Aussie. It's no wonder she's exhausted. I'm wondering if the male might harm Aussie if the female doesn't keep him at bay? I believe many species chase off the male, or kill him. Well, anyway, it doesn't appear that it will be much longer. Maybe predators take longer to develop. Fabulous pictures Margaret. I really like the 6:48 one of Aussie extending her wings. Wow, what a wing span.

PERTH, Australia

Yesterday was the quietest day at the nest in months. Nothing exciting to report. The greatest entertainment was the Willie Wagtails harassing every other bird in the area. It was almost like one of those demonstrations they do to let you test stereo. From the left you'd hear and angry "chatter, chatter, chatter" and the next thing a Kookaburra would fly past with a Willie Wagtail firmly attached to it back. Then from somewhere on the right you'd hear the same chattering and a Raven would fly past cawing loudly with a Wagtail attached to its tail. They went to give a quick burst of annoyance to the female Osprey several times during the afternoon. Unfortunately I had a really bad focus day and nearly all of my shots were disappointing. I'm including these three just because they're funny.

The shadow hits the nest at about 5.15pm. There's about a fifteen minute window of sunlight on the nest again at 6.30pm, so I went home briefly and returned at 6.30. Still nothing happening, but as I was driving up the street the first thing I saw was a Willie Wagtail attached to the back of a Kookaburra which was flying across the road.

I was talking to a guy at the site yesterday afternoon. He's been watching these particular birds for the past five years and reckons it will be at least a week before the chick does anything really exciting. He was also saying that once the chick has fledged, it will return to the nest site until April. He also said that these particular birds have successfully raised two and three chicks in previous years. Makes you wonder why the other chick from this year didn't succeed.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

WWT coming in for a landing next to the female Osprey after buzzing her for a few seconds.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

I heard her say "The cheek of this guy"

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Orchard Park, NY

The tune playing in the background . . . "Mr. Big Shot. Who does he think he is?"

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

That's too funny Margaret, the bravery of the Willie Wagtail is phenomenal. And the nerves, to go sit beside her, after harassing her. He could of easily become diner to her chick. Can't wait to see Aussie take the leap of faith.
I'm sure that's going to be a very emotional thing for you, to see that in person. Wish I was in your shoes. We'll all be cheering when she does.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Watching anxiously here.


Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Margaret, is the Wag tail a part of the Osprey's diet? Also, the man with whom you spoke in the park seems to know alot about the birds and provided you, and us, with some interesting information. Lee

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes, it is amazing how the small birds tackle with the large ones that could easily make a snack of them.

I have seen Ospreys here after the lake newly freezes shopping for food at my bird feeders. But I think they prefer fish.

I have watched the perching eagles get bombed by red winged blackbirds. After a few swoops, the eagle reaches up with his beak and snaps at them. They usually dive a little higher after seeing that beak so close. LOL.

Must be like us having very large mosquitoes, it has to be annoying.

Orchard Park, NY

I was wondering about the osprey life span after Margaret's acquiaintence commented on watching the site for 5 years. Didn't find that info., but did find a couple interesting web sites: http://www.ospreys.com/ and http://www.postmorrow.org/OspreyFund/ospreys.htm Margaret, the first site offers a grant to study ospreys.

I found out that the adults will hold back food from the nestling when they want her to fledge. Also, the first site has a newsletter with a story about finding a quarter mile length of twine in a nest.

Finally, the first site says that osprey populations in Florida have declined by 1/3.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Here in North East Florida they are doing pretty good. They have taken to nesting on the cell phone towers. And we have a lot of water ways. So both help.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Oooo, A GRANT to study Ospreys, Margaret! Can you say "early retirement?"

Okay, so you know those Looney Toons cartoon with the sheep dog and the coyote where they are friends, but punch the timeclock to begin their day? That's what the WWT reminds me of. Just on a coffee break, sitting down by Mrs. Osprey! Too funny.

Orchard Park, NY

Yes Marna! And when the bell rings they're in a flurry again. You're hysterical (in a good way I mean)!!!

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

I do what I can, OP!

Our little dog reminds us of the sheepdog. He just sits in the back yard and overlooks his kingdom!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh that is funny Mrs. Ed, and I can just picture that in my head!! LOL

Will have to checkout those sites.

PERTH, Australia

I haven't seen these Ospreys with anything but fish. That isn't to say it may not happen, I just haven't seen it. Lee, I haven't seen the Ospreys snap at the WWT's or react with any aggression. On the contrary, the Ospreys act defensively and the open beak shots I've got is them sounding off in annoyance. Good analogy about them being like mosquitoes, cpartschick.

OP, I don't know what the life span is, but if I get a grant to study them, believe me, you'll be the first to know. Thanks for the information. Yesterday I was at the site from 3pm until after 7pm and the chick didn't get anything to eat. The male was in his usual tree having a lovely feed of fish and the chick was calling plaintively. Mum just stood on the right hand branch, not scolding the male to bring the food to the nest. I got the impression that it was being kept hungry for a purpose.

Mrs Ed, I can say "early retirement" very loudly. I wish.

Today the chick had only one real burst of wing exercise. I was ill prepared for the action, watching the water skiers below having a ball. However, it really lifted off the floor of the nest.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Melbourne, FL

It may be fledging time then! Good luck Margaret!

PERTH, Australia

Thanks, GP. What's the bet it happens on Christmas Day whilst I'm at a barbecue - ooh, I mean church.

I was there for close on three hours today and no sign of the male. The Willie Wagtails were once again complementing the activities on the river below with their annoying behaviour.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

The little squirt!

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Melbourne, FL

A church barbeque! Great idea! Seriously, I think I would be sleeping there!

PERTH, Australia

They swoop and wheel and dive and turn, all the time chattering angrily, as if they, and only they, should be allowed in the area. Frequently after temporarily ceasing hostilities, the WWT comes flying up the embankment straight towards me and lands on the fence behind my head, tail flashing from side to side, not in an aggressive manner, but rather to say "there, did you see that"?

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

I've thought about overnighting there GP, but I think I'm too much of a wimp or have too vivid an imagination to deal with all the creepy crawly critters that I think would come out after dark.

My compatriot with the extraordinary photographic gear could see blood drawn on the Osprey's head.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

I really love this one. Just imagine if these little blighters were as big as the Ospreys. No-one would be safe.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Wow those really are extraordinary photos Margaret!

PERTH, Australia

This was not a look that held any malice or aggression by the Osprey female. It was more curiosity.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Thanks Knip. I'll admit to being pretty pleased with them.

Last shot for today. I hope to go back there tomorrow (wild horses couldn't keep me away).

Thumbnail by MargaretK
North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Spectacular Marg! I thought WW would only buzz by or harass the osprey. To be so small they certainly are bossy ;o) I so hope that you get to see Aussie take her first flight.

Church BBQ! LOL Very funny GP.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Great series of the WW Margaret! The female Osprey looks as though she is giving a psychological assessment, as in "who's you mother little child, and why did she bring you up without manners".

Looks like take off day if little Oz is being starved, lol.

This message was edited Dec 21, 2008 6:22 PM

Orchard Park, NY

This is getting even more exciting Margaret! I'm with you in spirit. I don't think you need to spend the night. She'll probably fledge early though, don't you think?

PERTH, Australia

It is getting exciting. I'm resentful of having other things in my life at the moment. I just want to be there ALL the time.

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