Hibiscus in my garden...please show yours

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

These are all in bloom today and are really starting to bud up well.Have been blooming on & off for months,.but are now coming into their full season here .I will name them so you will all know.This is Ruth Wilcox...mine here is 12ft high .and is commonly used by hibiscus growers/hybridizers as a rootstock for some of the fancier cultivars.This will be in full bloom soon and will be covered in flowers.Is tough and easy to grow from cuttings.

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

This is 'Peach Blow'...One of my very 'special' favourites.I have this growing in a tub but will have to plant out soon as it is really rootbound .I could trim the roots or pot on to a larger tub but it will never reach it's maximum size this way,so will have to find a spot somewhere in the garden for it.It's only fault is, it has weak bloom stalks causing the flowers to hang down from their own weight.

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia


Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Rose Scott aka versicolor.Huge single.Tough bush

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Mrs George Davis aka Kona.
This bush is now approx 10ft high in my garden.....and is covered in buds...I love it's huge double blooms.It is another tough grower for me.

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Looking up into the bush.

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Snow Queen,beautiful even without the flowers!

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Another view

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Not sure of the name of this but suspect it is 'Cairo Red'...my camera cannot capture the true red colour.It is a very bright cherry/scarlet that just' jumps out at you'...this badly needs to be planted out .

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Not a hibiscus,but still beautiful,like a little golden jewel!.An oleander chrysalis

Thumbnail by brical1
Merino, Australia

I'm definitely moving into your backyard brical. It is all so beautiful, Jean

Sydney, Australia

Here is one for you. Shown it previously but it deserves another showing.
H. coccinea - herbaceous, grows in boggy conditions, canes die at the end of the season and new ones arise from the base. Grows easily from seed but flowers are a 24 hour job. Flowers should form in the next couple of weeks. Will send photos of hibiscus when next at sussex inlet. Heaps there. Currently in leaf.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi brical,
I have hibiscus Mrs George Davis silly me left it in the wrong spot it got hit with hot dry wind a couple weeks ago it is in a bad way no leaves looks like it is going to plant heaven is there some thing I can do to save it I know I should have tried sooner this is how it is now .

Thumbnail by sammut
Sydney, Australia

Looks like the pic did not attach.
Try this

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Gisborne, New Zealand

All the hibiscus flowers are lovely but that Snow Queen is a nice looking plant as well.. Steve yours is lovely as well.. They are just starting to flower here. My single red has had about 3 flowers so far..
Any must know hints on their cultivation that may improve the condition of my own...

Merino, Australia

Those hibiscus are really beautiful. I have never tried the usual large flowered ones, but I fear we may have too long a cold spell for them. The native ones do extremely well and I love my large purple one. You have inspired me to get one of the others and see how it does go. I have posted this pic before but my Alogyne is in flower nearly all year including winter.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Budgie...your H coccinea is lovely...yes please post more pics of it when you can.
Sammut,It looks to me that your hibiscus can be saved,put a tray under it and don't let it dry out again Yah hear!! lol
Are you intending to grow it in the garden or keep it in a pot?If you are planning to keep it pot grown,I would wait until it fully recovered from this setback then pot into a larger pot...with good potting mix, combined with manure(horse/cow)& good garden soil for body(not too much ,no more than a 1/4) and top with some slow release fert pellets.I would then always keep a tray under it AFTER it becomes established in it's new pot.I have NEVER lost a plant in summer yet, from root rot caused by sitting in a tray of water...but then I don't put trays under newly potted plants either...wait until the roots have had time to spread out into the new mix and establish themselves..in winter I would be very careful not to overwater particularly if it gets really cold there.Cold& wet spell disaster!!lol
Awchid,Could you post some pics of your hibs when you can please?
Jean your Alogyne is beautiful!!Is it really that colour blueish/purple and is it short lived?

Merino, Australia

I have only had this one for around 4 years, I think they live for quite a while. It really is that color. I liked it so much, I bought another to put out the front. Nothing seems to bother it. Jean.

melbourne, Australia

i haven't got any hibiscus... but i have just brought today a alyogyne jean. yours is just stunning - will be definately looking out for that next time i shop. mine is the alyogyne huegelii pink form. flowers are pink with purple centres. hope mine goes as well as yours jean.


western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi brical,
Thanks - will be growing it in a pot I bought some new pots to day there is atill 3 really big ones still in the ute so big and heavy it will take 3 men to lift them out .----------Sammut.

Thumbnail by sammut
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Hibiscus 'Full Moon'.My garden is quite shady ...this one is just starting to come into it's own...if it had been growing in full sun it would have been blooming now for months. Has a most beautiful clear yellow bloom ...this is not the best shape but gives you an idea of its pure colour.Earlier this year or late last ..I posted pics of it on the hibiscus forum...the blooms then were spectacular.I would recommend this one to anyone wanting a good strong growing double yellow.I have found it to be an excellent shrub.I would have 10 if I could lol!!

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Another new acquisition,'Ritzy'...the petals have an iridescent sheen...I could not resist this one!Where to plant it ?I have no idea lol!! My motto is: acquire first ...think about that one later!!

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

I have had this one for a few years but it is only a bit over a metre high ... is smothered in by the surrounding plants!Still does ok though!

Thumbnail by brical1

Judy I had that stunning Ritzy the summer before the big freeze ...it was the most amazing neon tang (remember orange tang drink?) colour ...it did not live past the freeze so make sure you keep it in a warm pocket, your hibiscus pics are beautiful ...mine are just starting up here and the blooms look a mess what with all the wind and rain so it has been a real pleasure looking at yours ^_^

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Chrissy,Yes will keep it well protected in winter until it is established...will probably sit in it's pot for a while yet.
We are getting plenty of the wind here too...doesn't take long for it to dry everything out though.
Show us your hib pics when you can, please?

Gisborne, New Zealand

I think my red H. is like yours, I have grown it in a pot for a couple of years now. Seems to do alright.

Thumbnail by Awchid
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

You're right! It does look like mine ...do you know it's name?(its beautiful!)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Very nice Judy! I really like that Rose Scott...How big is it accross? And the orange, not too common of a color in gardens.

Jean, that Alogyne is awsome, that's a new plant for me to learn about. How big does it get?

Our weather after the snow last week was back to shorts and T-shirt over the weekend, and now another 20 degree drop in the span of 2 hours. Cold stays for a couple of days, and by the weekend near 80F again.

Hibiscus are still blooming here, they seem to prefer cooler than the hot summers here.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison

The first one to to bloom without being mangled by the stormy weather ...common but nice

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Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Rj,it would be over 6" across...it goes by another name too ...pink versicolor.When you say "orange" to me it conjures up so many different shades/colours...there are so many " orange's" that I just don't like, as they are too harsh on the eye.(jmo)but yes these 2 hibiscus are really nice versions of that colour!LOL
Your hibiscus is beautiful and still blooming after your snowfall!Wow!
Chrissy your hibiscus looks like my Ruth Wilcox...can't wait to see more pics of your others too

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

true, we don't see that much of a variation for orange flowers here, but I like the rich darker oranges.
Fortuneatly snow melts by morning here, and in fact protects the leaves from freezing by insulating them. I would pick a nice snowfall over a frost any day.
One of the Chalice vines bloomed yesterday, and more on the way-

This is peach double hibiscus..has a touch orange I think

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison

It is the same as yours Judy ...and like yours it will soon be a mass of blooms ...it is about 12ft high. I love your blooms and I agree with you about that double yellow, it's a beauty.
About orange in gardens ...I am fond of the contrast, nice hot coral oranges framed by lush big green leaves screams tropics to me, however I know for most people it is a no no.
Rj I hope you are getting through winter ok ...do you still have hibiscus? wow ...here in my garden they are at their best in Autumn.
I have to say as pretty as it looks I am glad that we don't have to deal with snow. I hope all of your beautiful babies come through winter ok.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Chrissy,
Yes, that orange one I posted up the thread http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/p.php?pid=5896482
is covered ! It seems to like it cold.
We're just finishing up autumn...winter starts this weekend on sunday I think. For this area, next month is the month that is coldest, and Feb we start warming up already.
We don't normally deal with snow here, and that's why we're running out with the cameras. Still give me snow over a hard freeze anyday.

A white christmas ^_^ lovely.Ours will be hot and muggy ...bring out the prawns and salads. Nice but true christmas is the baked meal and Christmas pudding ...quite silly at 100F plus but we still cling to traditions ...these days it's a feast of just about anything, since our family is made up of so many different nationalities ...so the customs and foods are gradually changing.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

When I grew up in Africa, we use to take branches from the lebanese cypress and make a Christmas tree. On Christmas, we closed the curtains and turned the airconditioner as cold as we could get it...lol another year we made a christmas tree from palm fronds.

Rj I hope you write a book about your past and your gardening passions ...you can put me on the list as a customer, I am waiting ^_^
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas ...Peace and Love from way down under ... to way up there in Texas. We share many things in common as christi always says ...Hugs to all of our Texas mates and the Tropical Kids, including the tropic kid in Kansas.

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Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Chrissy, Merry Christmas to you and all the Australian Gardeners!
I'll probably write a little something someday..right now I'm practicing in our local news paper with a weekly blog or two!.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Rj,Sending Christmas wishes from me too....I hope you have a wonderful time with all who are dear to you..
You'll have to show us your weekly blog sometime ...I'm sure it would be excellent reading..

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

aah thankyou..! I bet you'll get to see alot of presents open in your garden on christmas!
We've gone from a lovely 77F last night at my friends Caldwells Nursery Winter Solstice party last night to a chilly 40 something - cold tonight and back in the warm again for a few days..And there are Hibiscus blooming this morning!.
I"m so glad I was off work last couple of days, terrible weather accross the nation and now an airplane accident, don't know what happened except the airplane from Denver taking off barely got to the take off speed when something terrible happened, airplane veered off the runway into a shallow ravine, sheering off the landing gear and right engine, burst into flames, but yes...there is good news, everyone exited the aircraft via the slides and at this time no life sustaining injuries! Still waiting to find out what happened.

Re the blogs, I've just been doing it for a month..I think you can read the past blogs as well, not sure how it looks to visitors to the page..it's the Houston Chronicle, in the HoustonGrows section.
This weeks is entitled
"Psychiatric Help, 5 cents Please!" it's about how Mother Nature keeps us gardeners well balance through gardening.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

okay, back on topic...here's the bloom on this chilly morning. Double red from Hawaii

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison

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