ORVG COFFEE HOUSE #136 - Holiday Baking Season Begins!

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Hmm, nothing on the ground here in northern KY yet--not that I'm complaining!! lol
Glad to hear your DH made it safely home, Bonnie.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Nuthin here in Franklin yet either Renee`...I sure hope it passes us by....

Got the haircut done and I am off to the shower and rack...

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Well It's getting nasty here. Started sleeting about an hour ago and now snow mixed in. Jeff has not worked a night shift in like 3 months, but of course tonight he had to. Then hard head would not take the van, which is all wheel drive. I will worry until he is home in the morning. I hate nasty roads. I refuse to drive in them or even ride in a car with roads being bad. I had a bad experience with ice and snow roads.

So here i am up at 2 am and prob will not sleep until he is safe. The weather people don't know what to tell us. Kentucky must be in some weird weather pattern. We never really know what is coming our way. Maybe It's the hills??

So Ric how is lamb? I had it once, but I made it and don't really remember the taste. I also have a lamb coming in the spring or when it is ready to butcher. My friends have 3 that they are fattening up. They have one sold, so I decided to buy/barter one also. We are also getting calves in the spring. I just want one steer for the fall. They have 100 acres and if I help them when the calves first come. They will let me keep it on their place to graze until fall. I will have a veggie freezer and meat freezer. I love chicken, but just can't stand to kill any of my own.

Ok, I'm bored and rambling.
Goodnight all! Be safe tomorrow!!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Good Morning, All! It's just rainy here, thankfully.

As soon as I get a shower, I'm heading back upstate to UVa for some tests early tomorrow. I'll be back tomorrow night.

Y'all be good (or at least have fun!)...

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning everyone!
Darius....you be careful out there...and good luck on the tests!
Dusty...I'm glad to hear Jim is doing so well!! That's great!! I really feel pretty good now. Oh still some aches and pains...but heck...when you have old bones that's expected isn't it??? I need to cut Dave's hair too...just can't seem to find the time to do it!!
All this talk about lamb makes me hungry for it. When I was a little girl, my grandma always had us for Easter dinner...and she always had leg of lamb. I liked it! I know a lot of people don't...but I think a lot of things like that are an acquired taste. I grew up with it. Just like venison, all kinds of wild game....tongue...things like that. Tongue grosses my hubby out...lol!! But it makes the BEST cold meat sandwiches!!! MMMMM....I may have to go buy one just for me! My mom fixed that a lot. And it's so good with noodles too. OMgosh...I gotta shut up...making myself so hungry here!!
Well..they kept changing the weather direction last night, and now we are supposed to get snow later on today...and maybe some ice. I hope it holds off until late. Tonight is Dawson's Christmas program at the church. Not far to go...just in town...but still...we are like 6 hills out of town...lol!!
I think I may try to do a little baking here today. Or maybe make those candies that Jules posted. Or maybe both!!
I hope you all have a wonderful day..whatever you do!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good morning. It is icey here, so DH checked the roads,and they haven't done anything to them. Was planning on going to the funeral today, but don't want to take a chance on the driving.

I had a call from a past work friend, and we got all caught up. She has gone back to work and will work through the Legislative Session. I haven't had an offer for employment was great enough to lure me back.

Just piddling around, may make some peanut brittle today. DGD called, and school was cancelled, so she is making peanut brittle to give to some friends for Christmas. She made the first batch, with about 3 calls wanting clarification on directions. So she said it turned out good.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I enjoy lamb too. In spring our friend who worked at the food co op brought us a lot of locally raised lamb. The last time I fixed some I detected some of that stronger mutton flavor, which is kind of a turn off for me. When that happens it takes a while for me to want to eat it again. I do still have some chops in the freezer, so its a good thing this talk of lamb is making it sound good again.

The same friend also brought us goat chops, and they were wonderful.

Marcy, I would like to try tongue sometime. So many people think it sounds gross, but it doesn't seem any nastier than any other flesh from a cow to me. I always imagined it would be quite lean. Of course, I'll try almost anything, LOL. As a kid I even liked liver, and still do.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

You guys are making me hungry! I really like lamb especially loin. Trader Joe's had some that were pre-seasoned in a rosemary/burgandy marinade and boy was that good! We used something similar on venison as well and it is very good there too. Both those meats are nice with a hoisen sauce as well.. I like Tongue and Liver. mmm.. WIth our turkeys and chickens I make a little foil pouch and cook the heart and liver up for me since no one else likes it..yummm.. ok I have to go eat something now.. Thanks a lot!

No word on the computer yet. They did call talking about a couple program that weren't working properly and I had to tell them that that was my fault and not something the virus did. heh heh.. oh well.. hoping for good news soon.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

It's been snowing here for about 2 hours now.
Maybe 1 1/2" down and of COURSE there are already 5 2 car wrecks on 275 right by here.
Bonnie, Jim said they had about 2" last night in Bracken County.
15 miles west on the AA no snow.....


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Well I'm sure glad to see others like some of the same things! Neal...tongue is VERY lean. And you peel the outer skin off once it is cooked...so you don't eat any of those little taste buds...LOL!! Ok..now I have grossed everybody out!! My mother always boiled a tongue..with different spices. Been so long since I made one...I can't even tell you what? But it has a wonderful flavor.
Jazz...I like liver and heart too. And gizzards.
Hope they get your computer up and running soon!! Well..I sat down here because my little heater is here...and my legs were cold! Debating whether or not to build a fire in the stove. It sure seems cold in here...but since we have to go away tonight...not sure I want to. I know! Lots of people that heat with wood leave them burning day and night...but I kind of hate to go away and leave a fire myself.
Anyway...I am getting warm here now...!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ok Ric...keep it down there!!

Hi everyone!
The lamb and sugar cream pie sounds good. It's been a long time since I've had lamb. Maybe I'll drop some hints for hubby.

I've been out of town. Hubby's company sent him to New Jersey for training. Since that's where all of my family is (and I'm still unemployed), I went along too. We spent a couple of days in Washington, DC then a week in southern Jersey. It felt so good to go out running around in the marshlands. Ahhhh.....Philly cheese steaks, NY style pizzas, Tastykakes, and scrapple. It's so pretty to watch the sunset in the marshes. And in DC, I finally got to see the WWII memorial. It's huge! Very nicely done. They are also working on the Korean War area but they're not done yet.

Marcy, I grew up eating game meat too. My dad went fishing, crabbing, and clamming. We also had loggerheads (turtle), deer, rabbit, and muskrat.

Thumbnail by valrita
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ewwwwwwwwww.....You ATE muskrat??????? LOL! Sorry...never heard of anyone eating them. We trapped them in our pond to get rid of them before they ruined the sides....but no one ever ate them!
Hey...welcome back Velnita!!! Glad you had a good time. Yeah...my dad, uncle, and grandfather always went hunting. Rabbits, squirrels, deer...birds. Some yummy stuff! My grandma could cook anything gamey and make it taste good! Hmmmm...wonder if she sneaked muskrat in on us?????

Yup. Baked on low with BBQ sauce. It's not bad. He sold the skins. Sometimes I went along with him to check the traps.

My mom cooked tongue in her pressure cooker. It was okay but I liked it better the next day on a sandwich with mustard.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

velnita, so good to see ya back! And it sounds like getting away has lifted your spirits- been thinkin' bout ya :-)

My ex's dad was a hunter and kept us in venison all the time, I loved it. He got a bear one time and I tried that. It was really good! To me it tasted like beef with a hint of liver flavor.

Dad used to set lines for catfish, and would sometimes catch a snapping turtle. He used to say different parts of the turtle tasted like different meats, but I couldn't tell much difference. Its been years, but seems like I ate it, but wasn't overly impressed with it- kind of a tough, beefy texture with a slightly fishy taste. Dad was usually pretty good at preparing stuff he caught, but turtle may not have been his thing, LOL.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hmmm...we used to have turtle soup! That was good!! Would get some big snappers in our pond!
Ok...I gotta get busy here...haven't done much of anything yet today!
Later everyone!

I've never tried bear but I'd like to. I'd love to have a bear skin rug. My grandfather had one that I loved.

I don't know what kind of turtle my dad used to catch. I remember that they were big though. Two men would take a large branch and get the turtle to bite on it. Then they'd lift it up and another would chop the head off. The shell was between 2 and 3 feet across. The taste was okay but I always preferred crab and clams (yes, even raw ones). I hated to tend the crab cages though. The boards on the marsh were always broken and I was always afraid of stepping in the wrong place. It's easy to get sucked down to your waist in mud. Eating them was always fun though.

I also remember duck and squirrel but my dad wasn't fond of them much.

Yes Neal, the trip lifted my spirits. It's been 7 or 8 years since I've been home. Plus I love the history of NJ. It's cool to see houses that are older than the United States. I appreciate the kind thoughts. Hopefully jobs will open up at the beginning of the year. I've given up on finding anything this month. Wrong time of the year. And I'm anxious for spring to get here!!!!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Velnita, that sounds like a snapping turtle. Ouch -- can you imagine that beak clamping onto a finger instead of a branch?

Hi, everyone. Just kinda lurking lately, haven't felt much like talking. I'm still in limbo with my job, though today I found out my boss has a conference call scheduled with several people at corporate on Thursday to get this all solved. The new app system marked me as non-rehireable despite my boss coding me as a definitely would re-hire. I've been waiting a month now. :P I'm just ready to get back to *something*.

Catch y'all later. :)

The pond where we used to go swimming was the same pond that my dad caught the turtles. I never gave it a second thought but now, I'd NEVER let a child swim in there. I think my dad told me once that the turtles were 80 to 90 pounds. But it fed my family and my aunts family (she had 7 kids, mostly boys).

I must have missed something. Are they not giving your job back to you? Has your surgery healed good?

This is part of the WWII memorial. The pic doesn't even show half of it. It's huge and really nice.

Thumbnail by valrita
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Back in August or early September, my boss told me she had to terminate me from the system and then re-hire me when I was able to go back to work. Evidently the DM was pressuring her to do this -- something to do with labor stats. Well, that nasty little man is no longer with the company, thank goodness. But, something's screwed up with the new application. My surgery's healed about as well as it will, I think. I still have to do exercises to keep everything flexible, and I hurt if I overdo things. The surgeon said I won't cause any permanent damage with anything I do, but I will cause extra inflammation and pain.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Yikes, I think I was one of the people that started us down this talking path about eating unusual things. I remember my mother frying a young ground hog and trying to pass it off as chicken. Didn't look like no chicken to me, cause it didn't have a big breast. My mother used to love turtle, DH would occasionally find/catch one, and he would clean it and take it to her to fix. They would eat it, but I never tasted it.

DH has brought in rabbitt and squirrel, fish of course, but he isn't a deer hunter. So our basic diet is fish, chicken, beef and pork. I do like beef liver occasionally, but want no part of souse, or tongue. It is a mental thing with me, and I know if I couldn't see what I was eating, it would probably be good.

Oh, I love quail and pheasant.

Well, I have done a few things around the house. Made a Christmas gift, but it is boxed to ship, so can't show you. I have been playing with etching glass, and I etched a coffee mug as a gift for a friend Turned out well.

Think I will cut out some stained glass, so that I can get started on another project.

DH is going to the hospital, and just as soon as supper is ready, and we eat, he will head out. I think the roads are better, and won't be a problem.


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Well our roads are worse! Dave made it home...but said it was very slick. Our grocery is on a corner, and he said he saw at least two cars that almost hit the building. Of course they were going too fast. But Dawson's program is cancelled.....so I am glad of that. No need for us all to be out and about on these bad roads. I wasn't looking forward to trying to walk out there!!
They will reschedule it I'm sure.
I made the microwave popcorn today Lou! It is GOOD!!!! I added peanuts to it. Even Dave likes it...and he isn't a big popcorn fan.
Didn't get to the candies yet Jules...but I will!!

Hey everyone :)
Bonnie i m sorry to hear of your friends son. My heart goes out to them .T&P to you and them .
Ric i love lamb. Would you like fava beans Clarise pphhhtttt LOL
Bear is good as a sausage . Friends in Idaho got one and made sausage , to greasy of a meat for much anything else So i m told.
love the memorial Velnita. looks realy pretty. The sign reminds me of the old song "muskrat love " by Catp and Tenille. :)
a bit of snow here
How are you doing Toni :)
Jazz sorry to hear of you comp problems :( but i m glad to see you posting :) i love Trader Joe's too
Marcy its always nice to have a great dr with a sense of humor.
Gw hope things go well at the meeting at your work. Silly people don't know what a good worker you are do they ? What they would be missing if you leave.
Darius thinking of you and your test tomorrow. Hope it all goes well.
big wave to you all if i didn't mention you. sorry if i missed anyone.
Things are going ok . havn't heard from my DD. Just one of them things i guess. YOu just wait to hear from them when they are on a drug binge. Her dad and step mom are no help . So i sit and wait and pray. I just pray...... ALOT..... LOL :)
Have a warm night everyone
hugs to you all

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Sue we had a running gag going about the Lambs on Carol's Parking Lot thread.

Ric Lector

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Howie came home this afternoon and said the Jetta has something wrong with the transmission, that all the gears are lighting up in the dash as if they're all in use, and it won't shift right. Tonight at his men's group, a mechanic friend of ours said these cars have something happen where they'll go into second gear and won't go back out of it. He told Howie that at most places we'd be looking at a minimum of $1000 to fix it, maybe $1500. The car's only worth about $3000 as it is, probably less.

Can I just scream now? :X I hate hearing bad news at night. Nighttime can be the worst time anyway, and to hear something like this right before I go to bed stinks.

At least we have the van still.

I'm outta here. G'night, y'all.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Kimberly, sorry for the car problems. Could you get somebody to do a minimal fix, and then put it up for sale?

Velnita glad to see you posting. I have seen the memorial, and it is beautiful. I love Washington DC, and I love their Metro, easy to get around without having to drive.

Marcy, did you have more winter weather this afternoon? All of the precip stopped here about 11-12. Our weather liars are saying we will wake up to temps of 35 or above. So that will take some worry out of being out on the road for the grocery/errand day.

DH went to the hospital tonight, and said that there was an accident blocking the road coming home. Since he was pretty close, he was able to turn around and take another route home. The road was entirely blocked so he would have had to sit there for who knows how long. This is a stretch of road about 8 miles from here, and I don't know what the problem is, but people are all the time running off the road and through this farmer's fence. It is a stretch of about 300 yards, and the farmer averages having to fix the fence at least once every couple of weeks.

Well, off to check some other threads and e-mail.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Darn Kimberley! Bad time for car problems. ;(

I went and laid in bed then came back because I forgot to post.

Lana-Wvdaisy called me a little while ago. She is FINALLY having her surgery tomorrow. She hasn't been able to get on much and got in the weeds on the threads. I'm sure she'd love a card or some happy thoughts in her dmail. Or let me know if you'd like her email. I'm sure she is still getting that.

I'm going back to my warm covers...

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey Y'all just got in from playing bingo.

Hope your tomorrow is better than your today!

Hugs and good vibrations to all who need 'em!


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Kimberley first have it scoped.
Do not take it to a transmission shop.
It could just be a sensor.... O2 ones cause transmission qlitches in a lot of cars.


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Kimberly, so sorry to hear the job and vehicle woes. Wishing you good news in the near future :-)

Bonnie, you reminded me of souse, which is one of the few things I won't eat. Uuuugg...I had to help Dad make it one time as a teen, I think it scarred me, LOL. Scraping all that nastiness off the skull and grinding it was just too gross. I remember being sick and staying home from school the next day- my stomach still hadn't recovered the next morning!

Sue, LOL on the Clarice comment! Here's a good way to silence the lambs, hehehe. The bear I tried was quite lean, but it may have been the cut- I have no idea what part I was eating.

Chele, glad you heard from Lana. I'd like her email addy.

LOL glad you like the comment on Lambs. Ric to funny on your new name LOL
Neal hmmm my freind isn't always so smart on her bear meats LOL if she doesn't know somthing then she just bulls her way out of it. Most time i catch her and just say " oh really " let her believe what she wants LOLLLL
GW bummer on the car . Yeah i agree getting bad news at night just keeps me awake ack :P
yeah for Lana on her surgery good she is getting it.
not much here kids have a snow day , well or an ice day . I have to get my hair done . Yep i m going to drive the roads for my hair .LOL
take care

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Time for another new thread already!


Not trying to take over this task - I just have the time to do it now....

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