ORVG COFFEE HOUSE #136 - Holiday Baking Season Begins!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Chele you've been having conversations w/ yourself since I've known you.
And CERTAINLY the birth of the 6 Pack has reinforced that!
We all know when we talk to our kids we're really just talking to ourselves....

Other Chele WELCOME!
or is New Chele and OLD Chele...... LOL!

We just got back from meeting Robin and her Sis.
(COLD AS A ......... well let's just say it was still under 20 and breezy when were talking Lamb.)
It was fun finally hooking up w/ her.
As w/ about everyone we've met at Dave's she's a BIG Hugger!
And as delightful as I expected.
We only had about a 1/2 hour to chat but it was great fun!

I'm hoping we can get her Sis here to Dave's too.
Bonnie or Darius we HAVE to hook her up w/ MaryE.
They will both be in Sheep heaven!

Off to work on the Room.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

You better watch it with the OLD comments buster! I am hormonal and could turn on you any minute! LOL

We have one kid watching basketball games that needs picked up. We have to drop one with another family when we go to Carly's game so she can go to a birthday party. We have a soccer party tonight and another tomorrow. Who's on first??

Off and running!

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Good morning!

Oprah and I kinda slept in. Stayed up late looking at pictures and getting the tree together.

Geo little Emma is absolutely a cutie! Tell her cousin Oprah said hey!

The bow is under the tree and will more than likely be passed on next year to the Lt. He got kinda melancoly last night when I told him I found it. I hadn't realized we were passing it for most of his life. I think I may get him a sweater or something this year and give it to him.

Going to get some stuff around here done. Gonna go have coffee with a friend and see what kind of hijinx I can get in to brush away this funk that is trying to get me down.

OOOO Pretty Woman is on!

Have a great day!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

This is a picture of DGD's stained glass sun catcher that she made for her mother for Christmas. I still need to add the chain for hanging. It is a calla lily bloom.

Thumbnail by defoecat
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

NICE Work!
And what an instant heirloom!
I have an old 'Real' Lead on around here I made my Mother about 45 years ago.


Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Very pretty indeed! Please tell her we are in awe of her status as an 'arteest', Bonnie!
Hello, new people!

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Gemini's, Gemini's Gemini's and I make 4! May 23rd. It's no wonder there is so much chatter on here. Hey new Chele! Well off to make another sugar cream pie(Jeff has claimed the other one from last night) Neal is coming up and we are going to a friends house after the visitation. I am making another sugar cream pie and blackberry fried pies. We just can't all get together without lots of food!

The medication rearranging has done wonders. No swelling in my feet, BP down and my energy level is great! Jeff had a major melt down last night on me, but he doesn't understand all this medical talk. Poor guy. He is so scared I will get sick again. I am going to fix a nice meal for my boys before I go to the friends house. Better get on it!
Hugs all around!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Great news about the med switch helping. So glad that you are feeling better. Better stop all the talk about fried fruit pies, I can be there in 2 hours you know!!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Lovely suncathcher. How special!

Great news George. Praying that the change of meds will be it, then.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Great news (((((Geo)))))!!!! Hopefully that is the end of that!!

Well I survived the errands...stopped off to see my Landlord, and give him his treat, get a hug and a smootch from Cookie, play with the Cayenne by the roaring bonfire of pinelogs that Bro has burning, and walked back home...what a treat!!! Cookie tried to entice me with some wine, but I passed...I cleaned up my mess in the kitchen, started another one, took the laundry hamper to the basement and brought up all of the clothes Cookie left for me for the Vets closet...I had to get another big box to put them in...:-))
I am working on the dining room now...Tools etc. in there that need to be gone...I can't decide to take them to the garage or the basement... LOL....Oh yeah, and I swept off the front porch, and got a better pic of my St. Francis...There is a bird in his hand, and one by his hip, and at the base there is a small bunny...I am sooo proud of this... What a wonderful gift that I will treasure always...

I got my small Christmas tree up on the cabinet in the dining room, and the Ancient Nativity set put next to it...All that is left is to put the ornaments on the big tree, and clear off the dining table...I have yet to locate my table runner, and that is really frustrating me...If it does warm up tomorrow, I will put the lights up on the front porch...
I am going to work on my reef tank tomorrow while I do laundry...The new snails have done a wonderous job of cleaning the coral and rocks, not to mention the back corners of the glass...My Freshwater tank is doing terrific now too...The fish are happy and the water is crystal clear...

Off to get supper in front of the spouse...Cornbread is nearly done..

Have a good evening y'all....

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)


We went to a drive thru Holiday Lights deal last night w/ our neighbors.
The county throws one at Sharon Woods and it is a beautiful wooded site.
We had heard marvelous things about it.
Well 3 miles of backed up traffic AFTER we entered the park we got to the display.
Paid the fee (WAY too much) and then were told to turn our lights out and drive thru.
We did... the people behind us didn't... errrr... we finally yelled at them to dim the lights.
4 girls too busy talking... TOTALLY ignored... so we let them pass... w/ a few choice words LOL!
THEN as we entered a light tunnel... REAL cool!... traffic again stopped.
Somehow there was a wreck ...at 3 MPH!...
AND they decided to get out and do the insurance thing... idiots!
luckily an off duty cop was behind them and got them to move on...
So we then proceded to finish the display.
Real pretty!
WAY too expensive!
2 hours wasted plus the gas...
NOT on our list of things ever to do again! LOL!

For the Preble/Darke folks Terri said Fort St. Clair is a MUCH nicer deal!

45° (Wind Chill 39°) going to the low 50's and we are under a Wind Advisory AGAIN!

the national weather service in wilmington has issued a wind
advisory...which is in effect from noon today to midnight tonight.
Here we go again!


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Good Morning!

Ric, we are supposed to get to the low 50's too; haven't heard about any wind advisories...

Today's chore list is to finish the chores on the list from yesterday, LOL.

Wishing everyone a lovely day...!!

Huber Heights , OH(Zone 5b)

Everyone must be busy today, I know I am, I have lots to do we are leaving for Jacksonville Florida, on the 21st. I have alot to get finished.

Have a nice day!!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi All...Bonnie, you didn't have to say it was a calla lily...it looks exactly like a calla lily. What a great job she did. I hope her mom gives it proper praise!

George...great news. Keep up the good work.

Ric we drove through that once. I think the trick is to get there just before it turns dark. Then the line isn't so bad, but you are right about it being overpriced and once was quite enough. I can't get Bill to do much in the way of light sights.... :o( Only reason we did that one was because my folks asked us to and they paid. I'd love to see Ludlow Falls again...I don't even know if they're still doing that one but I always enjoyed that walk.

Did you tell Robin to get her arse back here? Glad you got a hug. Is lamb on the menu for tonight?

Well, I best get myself back to wrapping. I'm missing my box, box. I will have to do some creative wrapping!!

Waving to all I didn't mention...hope you have a great Sunday.

Huber Heights , OH(Zone 5b)

No they don't do Ludlow Falls anymore, they didn't get enough in donations to keep it running, it was really nice, I lived in Miami county for 20 years before remarrying.

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Wonderful news George!
Beautiful sunchaser.

Good evening all. Rainey and gray up Cleveland way all day today. I did absolutely nothing today cause i honestly missed most of it. I stayed up late last night watching the tube and took a pain pill that pretty much knocked me out until noon. I wanted to go to church but missed it.

Anyway, enjoying the Christmas present I am not supposed to have yet and eating some cookies and cream ice cream while I watch a bunch of stuff I put on the DVR and forgot about.

So...catch ya later I suppose.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

(((GEORGE))) GREAT News!

Cookie we had Lamb Chops last night.
GREAT mild flavor, almost no grease and very little fat.
We're thinking hard about a Yearling.

57° here and we didn't get the wind........

We did start 'Icing the Cake'.
The open area will be a Broom/Cleaning supply Storage.
The doors and curtains of course will be changed out.
Robyn will probably start priming tomorrow.
More beadboard and some drywall next up.
As we are doing my Family Christmas next Saturday I'd say we'll wait for the Holiday 5 day weekend for the next big push.


This message was edited Dec 14, 2008 9:01 PM

Thumbnail by henryr10
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Evening all, I was busy all day. First church then lunch and kitchen cleaning. Laid down to take a nap, but somehow that didn't happen. I tackled more paper work, paying bills and sending more Christmas cards, and cleaning off my desk. I can actually see the top of it now.

Last night DMIL asked if I would fry some fish and make hushpuppies and have DH bring them to her. Well, I did, and DH took a plate to her at the hospital. He said she ate one hush puppy, and ate about 1/2 of a small piece of fish. Even so, glad that I did that for her.

Ric, I am just not a lamb eating person. I know it looks good, but I just have a problem with it. It goes back to my childhood, when my DF raised sheep. Won't go into specifics, but rest assured I have a good reason for staying away from it. Nuff said. Now give me a beef, pork, chicken, turkey, any kind of sea food, and I am good. I don't do internal organs of any animal though.

I have a funny story, about internal organs, but it probably is not appropriate here. If you just have to know, d-mail me.

Ric that plant room is slowly getting there. I know that if you have 5 days to work on it, it will be a done deal.

Toni, are you enjoying your Christmas present that you aren't supposed to have yet? Hehe, I like that one.

Thanks for the compliments on the cala lily, this is not DGD's thing though. She told me tonight that she is not ever gonna do another project. Guess she wasn't overly impressed with me as the teacher.

Speaking of light sight seeing, at the Kentucky Horse Park they have a tour each year, with spectacular scenes throughout the park. It is pricey, but if you cram enough people in the car, it is reasonable. They charge by the vehicle. While we were out last night, DH took another route home, to show me a couple of houses. One was lights from top to bottom, and many on the trees, shrubs and in the yard. Another very close by, had a nativity scene, it wasn't "Showy", just pretty. Our Sunday paper had pictures of several homes in Louisville, with an astronomical number of lights on them. One house had a large evergreen in the yard with 78,000 lights on it alone. Wonder if they pay installments on the electric bill all year long?

A good friend of mine's son killed himself on Friday night, they found him Saturday morning. Sat in the car with the motor running in the garage. I went this afternoon to her house, and she is a mess. I fear for her sanity. Please keep me in your t & p's tomorrow night and Tuesday morning, as I will be with her for the visitation and the funeral. So sad, but even more so at this time of year.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Many Prayers in the Smoke Bons...I am soo sorry...It is a hard thing for a parent to bury a child, but doubly so when death is by their own hand...

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Dusty. It will be a tough week, as I try to console a good friend.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Get some rest Dear One...You are most assuredly gonna need it...

I am missing my Eldest boy tonight...I tried to get the tree done, and found some ornaments he had made or given me...Since I didn't put up a tree last year, I didn't see them...Kinda put a hammer in my backside...

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning everyone.
Bonnie, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend ....as well as everyone else who is missing a loved one.
Well...supposed to go to a drs appt this afternoon...which means leaving shortly. But it is already 32 degrees here and (they) are saying it is already 'icing' in Randolph county...which is the next county over from us in Indiana. So we haven't made up our minds whether or not we are going????? It's not like it is a critical thing. Just a check up on the knees.
Dave is for staying home...and I kinda am too...buttttttt....would like to get this over with too. He doesn't like driving on ice...did it for years traveling back and forth to work 100 miles a day. And I did too...just not as far. Hmmmmmmm...what to do??
Ok...just wanted to let you all know I am still here....and I will talk to you later!!!
Everyone have a great and safe day out there!!

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Good morning all!
Well it begins. I have the first of quite a few Dr. appointments today starting at 11am. They are rushing me in quick. Which is good. I love this doctor today. She is a nurse practitioner. Both my Dr. are(well I guess they are not Dr., but prefer them to regular Dr. nurses are smarter!! Hehe) I can already feel the effects of the drug changes. They are all good. I can wear my favorite boots now and my rings. My energy level is great, so hope these appointments come out good.

The only thing that is bugging me is for some reason my mothers death is really getting to me. Well my nephew and other friends(even pets) I have lost also. I even started moving plants out of the memorial garden and plan to just work the soil and fill it with wildflowers. It was starting to look like a graveyard. I guess It's just the time of year. I have also felt the separation of some good friends. We have been walking on different paths. Just the cycle of life. It just seems to be going faster as I get older!
Hugs to all!!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Bonnie, my heart goes out to your friend. Having seen what my cousin, Lois went through for all those years after her daughter's suicide, I've had a glimpse of that pain. I realized later I'd said that happened 16 years ago, but meant to type 26 years ago. She never had a happy Christmas again. Please encourage your friend to seek grief counseling. A mother losing a child, and to suicide as well, is a pain I can't conceive.

We had a lovely visit in Morehead Saturday night. Dave got delayed out of town, so we didn't make it in time for the visitation at the funeral home. Changed the plan and visited at a friend's house, spent the night, and went to the funeral the next day. George brought the promised pie, and it did not disappoint! I had 3 pieces, and still found myself wanting to grab it out of the friend's hand who took the rest home, LOL. Yes, I'll be making sugar cream pies in the near future! I'm a big fan of custard pies anyway, but these are way up on my list of favorites now. And I must add George added perfect light touch of nutmeg (I think?)- just a hint, so the cream flavor prevailed.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

oohhhh what is this sugar cream pie ya'll are talking about? I love egg custard - anything like that?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Chele, Here is Marcy's pie recipe. It was on the last Ohio thread. :)

Sugar Cream Pie

1 cup white sugar
5 Tablespoons of flour
dash salt
2 cups whipping cream
1 cup half n half
2 egg yolks..NO whites
1 teaspoon vanilla
nutmeg or cinnamon
unbaked pie shell 9" NOT deep dish

Whisk flour sugar and salt together in a small bowl. In larger bowl beat egg yolks till well mixed. Add half n half, cream, and vanilla. Mix well. Gradually add sugar mixture while whisking into the liquid. Mix until sugar is dissolved. Pour into pie shell. Top with cinnamon or nutmeg..your preference. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Back to dishes and laundry, waiting for hubby to come in with groceries. We pick up our Angel Food groceries on Saturday.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks Chele!! Sounds wonderful, I'm going to make it for Christmas. Think my FIL will like it - I hope. :-)

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

The only changes I made to the sugar cream pie was I used only whipping cream no 1/2 and 1/2. I whisked every thing as I made it. Even the eggs before I added the cream. Then I also really whisked the who batter until it was fairly thick. Also that makes 2 pies. I sprinkled cinnamon on mine. Oh, also I baked the pies at 350 for 30 minutes then decreased the temp to 325 for the last 30. I have made 5 so far. My boys love them! I have 1/2 of one in the freezer right now. I want to see how they freeze.

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

((((((((((Dusty))))))))))) 'nuff said. Yeah ((((((((Cookie))))))))) I am digging my new 'puter.

Good afternoon (((((((((Family)))))))))))! I see y'all are busy swapping recipes and what not for Christmas. That pie recipe looks delicious. Wonder how it would turn out with a little lemon flavoring?

Anyway.........Not much happening around these parts. A real quiet day. Helped fix a friends puter and gave her the new keyboard off my new one. I use an ergonomic keyboard and love it so I will stick with that one. Her's had pretty much bit the dust so....

Gonna go find some dinner around here. That recipe is making me hungry.


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone. Glad to see you are enjoying the pie recipe. It is very famous around here...not just our house...but the the whole Darke Co. area. Of course...not everyone likes sugar cream pie, I'm sure..but if you do...!!! George...I don't know about all that whipping cream!!! Wow...the calories!!! And the fat too! I'm sure it was VERY good though...lol!!
Well..my knee dr released me today. Don't have to see him for another year!! He is soo proud of me..well..of his work on me I should say! He was telling me how a fella wanted double knee surgery...and the dr told him about me. He said..I have this 88 yr,. old woman...with diabetes 2....and she just came through it like a champ. So if you can guarantee me you will do the same...I will do both at the same time!! I was about to smack him...88 yrs old indeed!! But then he told me ...ya know...I always remember the bad ones...and not the good ones. But I will NEVER forget YOU!!! So I forgave him for the 88!!
My back dr was his proffessor in college...so he told me to say hi to Dr. Lehner. I said I would...and I would tell him how good he was too. He says..don't do that! I was kind of a goof off in college....and I'm sure he remembers that...lol! I told him it was a good thing he didn't goof my knees!!!!
Well now I have another recipe for you all....if you are interested. This one came from a new Taste of Home magazine...Cooking for Two.
It is like a quiche...only no crust .
It is called Individual Quiches
2 slices of bread, cubed
1/2 cup diced up ham
1/2 cup chopped mushrooms; fresh
1/2 cup fresh broccoli
1 Tablespoon chopped onion
1 Tablespoon chopped green pepper
6 eggs
1/2 cup 2% milk
1 tablespoon prepared mustard
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Spray 4 10 oz. ramkins with cooking spray. Divide the bread cubes between the ramkins. Then layer the broccoli, mushrooms, ham, onion and green pepper. In a small bowl, combine eggs, milk and mustard. Pour over the ramkins, dividing evenly. Sprinkle cheese on top. Bake..uncovered, at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.

I made these tonight...and they are WONDERFUL!!!
Like George, though, I had to adlib a bit. I added a little more mustard...just a squirt or two. I also sprinkled parmesan cheese in with the egg mixture. Also pepper, and a very little bit of Lawry salt.
One ramkin was enough for each of us! So we had two left. Now...it says you can cool these out...and freeze them. Then either heat in the oven for 30-35 min....or nuke them at 50% power for 4-6 min.
Try them...you'll like them!!!
Ok..I know I typed a book...but had to share!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

One of my friends from HS was a HUGE Goof-off and I'm sure that didn't change when he went to college.
He's now a very well respected Bone Man too!
Maybe that's a prerequisite.



Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Evening all. Went to visitation tonight, it was packed. DH brought me home and then headed out to the hospital. He isn't home, and I am beginning to worry, we have sleet and freezing rain that has been falling since about 6:00. He has the cell phone, but I don't want him trying to answer a phone if he is on the road. So, I will be sitting on the edge of my seat,until he gets here, or calls.

Marcy, great news on being released. Now to just get a good report from the back dr. What did you serve with the individual quiches? Maybe a salad and some good home made bread?

Toni glad that you were able to pass along the keyboard and help somebody else out. Did I miss something, about Dusty and Cookie? Gotta go back and read.

Ric, are you all getting this wintery mix up your way? Or Renee, don't know if it is supposed to head your way or not.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Yeah Bonnie about 24 hours of the Wintery Stuff...

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Still no word from DH. I am getting very worried.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ric and Bonnie...thanks!! Ric...you may be right about the drs and goofing off!!!!! LOL!

My back dr is hilarious too. He is head of Children's Medical Center in Dayton. A good guy!
Well..they keep changing our weather. First..we were supposed to get it...then north of I-70....we weren't. Now they are saying ice and snow moving in again! WHO KNOWS???????
Bonnie...I don't see the back dr for another yr either. So far things seem to be going good with the back. Yay for me!!
On the quiches...we just had applesauce with them. I could hardly eat all that!! It is very filling!
Well...here is hoping your hubby gets home real soon..with no problems. Keep us posted.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

DH is home, said the roads were terrible, but very little traffic on them. As far as he can tell, nothing done to the roads. So if you don't have to go out, don't. Maybe by morning the roads will be better, but if the snow comes, they may be worse. Did I tell you Winter although not officially here, is really here!

Marcy, probably missed seeing your post about the back Dr. May have been absent on that day. But what a great gift for Christmas that is, knowing you are Dr free for a whole year.

I am hoping when I go for my check up in Janurary as a follow up to the surgery last year, that I am given a clean bill of health too.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi Guys, Just a quick update on me. First of all my computer is at the computer doctor. I couldn't get rid of the virus darn it. Hopefully it will be back soon. I hate being without it.

I understand about this time of year. I get sad..Today especially when I got doen with Christmas shopping and thought.. now surely that can't be all? Then I realized that I didn't have to buy for my grandpa or two uncles this year. :(

But life goes on and I have people around to make memories with and enjoy the season with. Bug hugs to all of you and may you truely enjoy this time of year and each moment

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Oh good Bonnie! I'm glad he's home...now I can go to bed..!! I was worrying with you! Well..not dr free...still have to go in April to my family dr for BP check...and whatever else he can find wrong!!! But hopefully none until then!
Well...take care all...watch those roads...and stay safe. I am off to bed here!! Nite nite!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Marcy, I can imagine the worst in this situation.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Wellll so much for my day off I hoped for ...Got home at 7:45 tonight, and have to be in Fairborn at 0530 for a 6 am drop in Riverside at Dialysis...I didn't even want to look at the rest of the list...I made meatloaf, mashed pots and corn on the cob last night, and Jim asked for a repeat tonight, so I said.. well you know where the nuker is...LOL
I ate an Arbys Marthas Vineyard salad for $4.99 at 3pm, and want nothing more...

Bons..I am glad DH made it home in one piece... Nothing here in Franklin yet, but did see some up by Indian Lake in Champaign county tonight...
It is down to 20 here now and was 28 when I got home....

Marcy .. that is terrrrrific news!! Jim is doing great from his back surgery... Like you, He is a new person!!!

I fed my fishies and added water and did another blowing on the reef...It is really cleaning up beautifully...Those snails and hermit crabs are doing quite a job on it in such a short time...They seem to be working from the top down...LOL...I didn't get done what I wanted to do to it this weekend, but hopefully I can next weekend...I am making new saltwater as Cookie said they were due for a change...Right now, everything is status quo, according to the tests...There are a couple of filters/pumps that need to be restarted or removed...some are unplugged, so I will make an assessment of what is needed and what is not, and remove and clean the unneeded to save as back up...Whenever I have blown the tank, it looks like green mud, but within 15 mins it is clear as glass again...so something in there is doing a fantastic job...

Off to cut Jims hair, and then find my rack...I am whupped tonight....


Love and huggs to all who need them....

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