ORVG COFFEE HOUSE #136 - Holiday Baking Season Begins!

Toni you are a stinker, i m gooooing toooooo teeeeeelllllll " *wink* good score !
welcome newbies. ! come one and come all . Glad to see some new faces.
My name is SUe and i have 5 yr old twins and a 18 yr old. Yeah i thought i would try it again 12 yrs later , duh. what was i thinking ? LOL
darius to funny on the candle maker . Looks like you got a good haul and a full freezer.
we are getting a good dusting of snow throughout most of the day
went to grocery and that was my outside for the day hahahah

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I'm taking a short break... my back always kills me when I stand at the kitchen counter for a long time. I got 4 pounds of pork roast (raw) cubed and ground for past of the sausage, and all the venison boned but not cleaned of silverskin and fat. Also cleaned some beef suet and ground it to render. Man, beef suet is nothing like beef fat! Anyway, that left me a pan full of kidneys that I will sauté for the cats.

In the middle of doing all that, I remembered I had made an appt. to get my oil changed. (I made the appointment so I wouldn't have to wait.) So, after waiting 30 minutes and no sign of an empty bay, I left. My fuse is short right now, and besides... there is a quick-oil change place in town and I'll get the oil changed there after my trip next week while I'm still close on the mileage. I have to treat this 16 year-old vehicle kindly!

Okay, back to work... and to bring in firewood CAREFULLY before it snows again...

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

((((Darius)))) Please be careful...

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

That's just nuts, to have an appointment and have it mean nothing. I had that happen when I did a mystery shop at a Midas shop, plus I had to stay there the whole time and "stretch my legs" and mosey around the parking lot so I could provide details on how many cars were there, what the employees were wearing, etc. Then had to wait and listen to the spiel about what parts I needed to have replaced...I was there almost FOUR hours. Never again, even if it's "free" through the mystery shop!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I agree, GW... it's different if you are seeing a doctor who got tied up in surgery or the delivery room, but for a small town garage that mostly does tires and oil changes... phhhtttt.

yes darius be careful

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Wow when I sold for the phone company if we made appointments with our customers and didn't keep them our boss would have a caniption fit. Besides, we were only short changing ourselves cause if we didn't sell we didn't get paid...or eat...or shop...or have a job for much longer LOL. People better know that there are a ton of people out there wanting you to miss appointments with your customers so they can come right down the street to them. They should have at least given you a coupon for 20% off or whatever for when you come back. People are so short sided now a days.

Anyway....been doing a lot of nothing today. We got about an inch of snow with ice underneath so I decided to not skate around Cleveland.

Got the tree stuff upstairs and trying to work myself up to putting it up. My mother and I had this Christmas ritual where we would wrap our Christmas present to each other using this big red velvet bow she made and give the bow back and forth to each other. We did this since the early 80's. It was just a little silly thing we did between each other.
As I was going through the boxes, guess what I found?. I had forgotten all about it and remembered she gave me one of those 3 pan serving dishes with the bow on it last year. This year would be my turn to give it back to her. I paid for the kids to go to Vegas and sent Derek Santa's pay since I won't be going to California until March. So I get to keep it. That kinda made me sad.

I think I may put it on the box from the boys to me and start a new tradition but I think I want to just look at it for a while first.



Toni , what a sweet memory you had with your mom. :) Im sure this is hard for you this year without her. :( big (((((Toni))))))
how is that little Oprah doing ? what is she asking santa for the holidays ? a giant bone maybe ? lol

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I think your idea of starting the tradition with your sons is a good one. :) (((hugs from me, too)))

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello all!
Just wanted to show you what my hollar' looks like today. I love this type of snow. I went out last night late and the whole woods were glowing. I got to do my favorite thing and walk around while it was still flurrying. Suzie was smelling something good up the creek!

Thumbnail by daylilydaddy
morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Want to see what a very unhappy cold Chihuahua looks like? Emma always has to go where I go.

Thumbnail by daylilydaddy
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

((((((((Toni))))))))))).. Get the tree up and hang it up on the top this year.. Next year, you can send it to the LT...
And just what is wrong with Jemimah??? Did you forget her portrait is hanging over my mantle??? LOL

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

My SO Robyn's Family has strong Roots in Preble County, especially in the Eaton/Camden area.
And MANY of us here have roots in Kettering and Creek.
And in fact I was just thru Xenia two weeks ago...
Small world!

BERTIE! GREAT to see you here!

Polly I'm w/ you on the Beardless Iris.
They are my favorite type too.
Siberians and aquatics do very well here.
Robyn likes the Bearded Types.... but as I am bearded too....... LOL!

We're meeting up w/ dryad (Robin) and her Sister tomorrow morning.
50 or so pounds of prime lamb coming our way.
Hooking up in Dillsboro, IN... where ever THAT is....
(There actually is a LAMB, Indiana near there but out of both of our ways... LOL!)
I also just cut a deal for Angus Beef for Spring.... so we may just need another freezer.....

(((Neal))) HANG TOUGH!
It's definitely a bad patch you're going thru for sure.
Call ANY of us if you need a shoulder!

We're going to use these doors for the time being.
We've had them...like most of the stuff in the FPR.... in the garage for years.
A little paint and some TLC......


Thumbnail by henryr10
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Evening all, Toni, finding things like that gives you a jolt doesn't it? It will be better next year, and you can start that new tradition. ((hugs)) to you.

Ric, those doors will be fine, with a new coat of paint. What are you puting on the ceiling? Yuck on the lamb, you can have my part of it.

I didn't get much accomplished this afternoon, a friend stopped by, and that meant I had to entertain and listen, she is going through a rough patch right now, so that was more important than finishing any chore I had to do. Tomorrow is another day, and hopefully can get some things done then.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

The temp is steadily dropping ever since I got home...It was 22* then, and now is it 17.6 *...I didn't even to go the barn to get my check or turn in my paperwork...I'll do that in the morning, and go the bank, and Krogers and come home and kick hinnie in my kitchen and dining room...and get some ornaments on this pathetic naked tree...I hope...

My Winchester patient that I had this morning, is a very sweet lady Vet that is a parapalegic...She had something in her yard that I coveted last Spring...and she said when she got the one she really wanted, that I could have it...Today was the day...It rode around all day today in the Wheelie with me...She got her new one, and Blessed me with this one for my Christmas gift...It is the Catholic Saint, Francis, the Patron Saint of the birds and animals...I have never ever seen one this large, (it is almost 4 feet tall) and if I had, it would have been out of my price range I'm sure...She was mighty sneaky in telling dispatch that this was her last appt. until after Christmas and she absolutely HAD to have me come get her, so I could get my gift...They finally asked me about my *Silent Passenger* that I had in the Wheelie all day when I called in tonight... Then they told me that she had told them what she was up to...How sweet is that?? LOL

Michelle... I win the bet with myself!!! I guessed HE was due around St Paddys Day...;-)) I sure do hope you decide to name HIM Noland...I think Noland Craig would be a wonderful name for HIM... ;-))

Darius...I had a thought...Perhaps you could find one of those metal luggage carriers at a Thrift Store somewhere, and you could stack firewood on it and pull it in behind you...They look like a mini 2 wheel dolly and they fold up to stow them...With a good sturdy Bungee strap it might work...small loads, but at least you wouldn't have armloads...
However.. my first suggestion is to tell the unemployed among you that the chore of bringing in the firewood is up to them...Especially the younger one...

Bons!! I am shocked that you would tell these two Newbies that *Most* of us are crazy....Shame on you !!! You know very well that every one of us are *Certifiable*!!! ORVG stands for OH Realllly Veeery Gnuts!!!
ROFLLLLLLLLLL Of course they have likely figured that out by now due to their Lurking....LOL
I sure do hope DGD appreciates your extra efforts today...

Geo!! You gots wayyyy more *S* than we do..Ours is allll gone!!!
Glad you could enjoy it Lil Bro...
What size is that Chi-hula-hula Miz Emma?? I may have a coat to fit her in my Rescue stash...

Welll all.. I think I have a hot date with a guy named Shower and I am gonna go meet him...He has been calling my name for over an hour...
Pups just went out and did their thing, so we are all ready for hitting the rack...I am soooo glad that thing is up off the floor this last week...LOL

Love and Huggggs to all!!!
Sleep tight!!

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks everyone for the welcome, and it looks like I brought out some other lurkers too. How neat.

And how nice to see lots of people like the beadrless irises. Defoecat, they don't need tons of water. If you can grow daylilies you can grow sibs. They love regular garden soil.

Sounds like you guys are really busy. 7 kids, 61/2 kids , and an 18 uear old and 5 year old twins. Wow, are some of you busy. Bless your hearts. What families full of joy.

And what a beautiful, peaceful picture, George.

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Little Emma is all of 3lbs. She has a sweater, but forgot to put it on her. She just sneaks out with me all the time and I will not even know it until I look down. She came from a friend I made give her to me. They were so busy and had 5 other dogs, so she got left behind a lot. Now she is a spoiled baby and is my shadow.

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

I forgot to say HEY! Polly. I hope to have some really nice beardless thanks to her ; ) You should have seen what I got from her!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Geo .. I think I may hve an insulated coat that will fit her.. What is her neck to tail measure??

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Polly, I am so glad that my child rearing days are over. I have just substituted dogs for the human kind!!

George she is a pretty little girl, and for heaven's sake, get her a coat, she will catch pneumonia going out all naked like that!!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Hey George! I hope to see some nice pictures in the spring.

Defoecat, I am so glad my child rearing days are over too, but there's still my husband....But I truly appreciate people that have lots of children, that have the love to take care of them, and the patience. Just taking them to their school activities is a great undertaking nowdays. Nothing better than a large family with loving caring parents. My first few years in my working days were spent in children services at the Dept of Soc Serv. I truly, truly appreciate parents that love and care for their kids.

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

I hope everyone got a chance to see the moon tonight. My woods are completely glowing. I have taken a couple of frolics outside to enjoy the scene. It's like a fantasy world out there. I watch and read lots of fantasy movies and books. The scene outside reminds me of the movie "legend" with Tom Cruise. I am expecting unicorns to be coming down my creek any Minute now! Well thanks to marcy I have just baked another 2 sugar cream pies. I forgot the 1/2 and 1/2 and used pure whipping cream. Turned out perfect and so decadent. I am going to spring these pies at our Christmas eve "party" for the kids. The grown up's will love these. This is a defiant keeper recipe. I am munching on a piece right now.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Hmmm, lemme see...
George, lovely snow pic... we didn't get much, but the creek is up.
Dusty, GREAT looking statue... (and I have a good hand truck, just keep forgetting to get it out of the barn)
Ric, I have doors in my barn just like your white ones... and same dinginess, LOL. What are you paying for the lamb?

Waving to everyone else~~~~~

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Geo, we cross-posted. Too cloudy to see the moon here; it's supposed to be the biggest visual of the moon in the past 15 or so years. Sigh.

Huber Heights , OH(Zone 5b)

Thank you (Henery) Ric
I have alot of family in Preble county with the last name ROBBINS I am related to half of Lewisburg my Grandpa lives there and my Uncle, my great aunt & uncle had 10 kids, ane most of them still live around Lewisburg, and Eaton. It is a small world.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi all! I just met Kimberley (gardenwife) and she asked me to stop in to say "hi" from a fellow Ohioan! :-)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Chele! I hadn't even noticed you're in Ohio! Welcome to the Coffee House :-)

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks gemini! Got my cup o joe in hand. :-) I'm in a Columbus suburb - how far away are we?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Bwah! I feel like I'm caught in a conversation with myself without even participating. LOL Gemini talking to Chele....I am both. I've really lost it now. help help

Welcome Chele! I'm the other Chele, gardening in Ohio! And another Gemini. LOL Who's the good twin? Who's the bad twin? Triplets separated by birth?

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Ok I am really cracking up because I am a gemini as well!!! Ahhhhh! What have I fallen into??

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi Chele, hi Gemini..............maybe I'm just talking to myself?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL I figured people would read my post and think I was nuts. LOL (Not saying I'm not nuts...)

When's your birthday? June 9th here!

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Good to know we're not really long lost twins. I'm May 22.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

chuckle I recently read about twins that were born 14 weeks apart!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Chele welcome.

Ric, glad to know Robin is still "with" us!!! She certainly is being quiet on here!

Toni, dear....hugs for you in this first Christmas without your mom. I hope you have sweet memories and are not too sad.

Dusty...SCORE!!!! Good for you. It will fit in nicely!

Bertie is off to Kentucky today to celebrate a college graduation for her granddaughter. She is always anxious to get back home when she goes down there....I think she's afraid they'll lock her up and keep her... ^_^

We're watching the little KJ tonight....he will be two in April but his mommy says he's already in to the terrible twos....I watched him on Thanksgiving and he IS a handful....wish us luck.

Here's a picture of my Christmas tree. Poor little angel has her head in the ceiling instead of the clouds....

Thumbnail by joycet
Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Goodmorning Everyone! What a wonderful frosty morning on my hilltop! What's so wonderful, you ask? Suppose to be 50* today and 60* tomorrow. WhooHoo!

The diet is going well, with little grumbling from DH. I had to get on him the first day about if he wasn't going to give it a good effort, I didn't want to hear any whining whatsoever about being tired and not feeling well. We weighed ourselves this morning and he's lost 4.5# and I've lost 3#. Pretty happy about that! Did I mention on an earlier post that he said the only thing really missing was bread and potatoes? Litttle does he know how much is really missing! LOL!

Welcome to the new visitors! Wonderful group of people here and great friends! Laughing at how there is bound to be some double takes when reading posts from the 2 Cheles!

Darius, I'm disappointed! You"re not a candlemaker, too? LOL! Oh, well, Martha Stewart still doesn't have anything on you....you could run circles around her with your skills!

Toni, T&P are with you! I love the idea of passing on the bow tradition to your son. Yesterday was pretty rough for me because it was DM's birthday and she loved the Christmas season.

Bonnie, Is GD having serious cell phone withdrawals, yet? One of mine got her phone wet this past summer while visiting...bordered on hysteria for a couple of days till the phone dried out.

Joyce and Dusty, you two are getting quite a little group starting up in your neighborhood. How nice for you both!

Dusty, the statue is awsome! What a nice surprise!

Sue, any idea when T will be going back to work? We'll probably be here till after New Years now. Money will be pretty tight by then, but it's always good to be able to be home for Christmas. Will probably be pulling into the next job on fumes....good thing gas prices are down!

George, Emma is adorable!

Ric, looking good on the new room!

Waving and saying a special hello to those I missed mentioning! :-)

Hope everyone has a great day!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning everyone!!
Welcome to the 'new' Chele!! Well...AND the 'old' one too....lol!!
Looks like you all have been busy for sure this morning!
We slept in a bit...so getting a late start here. And we will be off to Christmas shop! About time...don't you think???
I only have to shop for the little ones. The bigger ones get money. That's what they want!
Geo....I am sure that pie was good...........and FATTENING!!!! Shhhhhhhhhhh.....I didn't say that!!! I think I will make one for Christmas too. I also have to make my malted milk ice cream pie too. Make it every year!
Loved your pics George! Yes...that moon was huge last night! And gorgeous!!
Well...the walking at Wally wasn't quite as bad yesterday. My legs hurt...but not as bad as last week...so maybe things are improving?
I go back to the dr on Monday. Why? I have no idea!! So he can see how good I am walking?????
Waving to each and every one of you out there!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!! Have a good day!!!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

LOL, I love the Chele, Chele, gemini, gemini, gemini exchange! Too funny...

Robin, I may have to become a candlemaker after all... turns out the kidney fat I'm rendering is tallow! (That is, if you render it 3X so it becomes hard.) If I can get more kidney suet for free, I'll convert it to more tallow now since it stores okay, and consider making candles later in winter. Tallow isn't the best for candles at all, but it is historically important. I'd love to scour the woods for bayberries, too.

It's supposed to warm up here, too. Not so much today as the next several days though. Maybe I can get motivated to finish the yard clean-up before Tuesday when I go upstate again.

I slept late (was awake until almost 3 AM) so I'm off to find food...


Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Afternoon y'all...Just a quick *drive-by* before I head out to do my errands...I have been putzing around here all morning, and cooking something special for my Landlord...I absolutely must stay in his good graces, as he snuck over here and installed a banister on the basement stairs for me...I guess I will have to cook something special for my spouse too, as yesterday he made a wonderful bar for me to hang my clothes on when they come from the dryer...Cookie used to hang hers from the pipes, but I ain't near tall enough for that...LOL

It's up to 26* here, so I'm off...

Y'all have a great day...

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks for all the warm welcomes! Waving with floured fingers - today's our baking day. With 4 girls in the kitchen though, had to take a break. :-) I look forward to meeting everyone!

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