Pitcher ???'s

Craryville, NY

Yes, I caved and bought two lovely little Pitchers in those stupid plastic containers. DO I need to do anything special with them indoors this time of year? They are quite small and have a couple of larger and lots of little pitchers formed. Thanks so much in advance; I couldn't stamd that they were being ignored, and then would be thrown out once they died of neglect. Now, I don't want to repeat the same mistake!

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Do you mean NEPS or Sarrs.?

Craryville, NY

Not sure...sorry for the delay. We had no power for what seemed like forever from that ice storm. Can you enlighten me on the difference between the two?

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Sars require dormancy, Neps do not. Neps are NOT hardy. Google both and see which you have!

Craryville, NY

I've got Sars! They are shrivelling up, what do I do?

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

These require dormancy. May be too late now as they normally are woke up in mid February. They are put to bed around The first frost in the fall. They are NOT indoor plants. USe ONLY distilled or rain water on them NO TAP WATER or bottled water. NO fertilizer. After kast frost in the spring (mid may in ny) they go outside in FULL SUN and stay out until first frost.

Craryville, NY

Are they hardy in zone 5a-b? Maybe I can put them in the garage, they actually started their shrivelling when we lost power for a week and it got pretty cold in the house where they were....

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

As log as they don't freeze, they are not hardy in our area. Keep them at around 35-40 degrees F.

Craryville, NY

Thanks....if these don't make it, I will try again....We are north of you in Columbia County

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Yes, try again! Sarrs are awesome plants! If they are "purple pitcher" plants they may survive. These are purple pitcher plants:



Craryville, NY

Hi Tommy: I just looked at the little shrivelled things, and the "lips" do have that purplish veining. But they don't look anything like the large specimen in the Wikipedia listing. I am crossing my fingers and toes....do I still keep them watered, assuming they may have gone dormant during our power outage, or do I let them stay dry, just moist....?

Craryville, NY

Oh, also, they are still in their original soil mix...what;s the best mix for them?

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Best soil is a 50/50 mix of peat moss and perlite.

Keep soil moist during dormancy and keep the pots (in full Sun) in a water tray during the growing season with an inch or 2 of rain or distilled water.

Craryville, NY

Got it....

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