Show me your potting benches !

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Well, we're gonna build a potting bench. Plan to recycle the tires off of a two-wheeled wheelbarrow, to make it portable, and some extra fence boards for the shelves and top. Since it is going to be "portable" it can't be too big and heavy. I've found some basic designs, but thought I'd get the input of those "that have gone before". What do you wish you'd done, what did you find you could live without. It's going to stay outside, so I don't think I want "drawers" , Florida rainstorms put water in places you'd never think it would get. I do want a wire mesh back of some sort to put "S" hooks on and lots of hooks on the sides and top to hang things from. Perhaps a small shelf, but worry about it getting top heavy while moving.
Pictures please if you have them!!

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