Hello I need your help.

Hanover Twp., PA(Zone 6a)

I didn't really know about the Clematis forum. Can anyone help with the ID on this Clematis. It begins to bloom in June.

Thumbnail by mgarr
Athens, PA


I am not one of the experts on this forum, however, your picture looks very much like my Ruutel. This was taken on 6/20 - Wilkes Barre isn't that far from me either - perhaps 2 hours tops. So if it is in fact, Ruutel - your's would be blooming about the same time as mine.


Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Hanover Twp., PA(Zone 6a)

That was my guess after the plant forum gave me that name. I think I have found the name. thank you very much for you help. :)

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