Companion planting

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

I came across this page today and thought it would of interest to those who visit this forum.

North, TX

Hi KaperC, I was checking out your link but I think the print is so large that it makes it hard to read, and I was moving the cursors back and forth trying to read each line. I love the idea of companion planting myself! Hoping to find more people interested.

Here's another link I found:

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

The link works fine for me - did you try using your CTRL key plus the 'minus' key to reduce the font size? Thanks for the link - the font was too small for me, so I had to increase it! LOL

North, TX

Hi again, thanks for the computer instructions. I am pretty much a computer dumb-dumb and it probably is something I could fix if I knew how!!!! If my eight year old grandson were here, he could help me!!

I enjoyed your link very much... although I'm now in Texas, most of my family remains in SoCal.

Have you tried growing any natives or wildflowers in with your veggie garden? I've heard some of them are very beneficial and promote growth of veggies and other plants nearby, such as yarrow and calendula. I will experiment this spring.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Don't have a veggie garden - yet - but do grow chives between our apple trees. Our landscape is probably 90+% native CA plants.

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