Have: Unique vegetable seeds

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Mostly commercial seeds purchased during end of season sales and other because I don''t know when enough is enough*G* Surplus seeds won't have room to plant.

"Silver Queen",white podded,commercial,Parks Seed '08,5/25 ct. pkgs
Dwarf Burgundy,from a friends container garden, picked green but I did germination test and got 3 out of 5 to germinate,10/08,4/30ct.pkgs.

>Herb,Chinese Chives"Dugeirhong",commercial Gourmet Seeds Inc.'08,3/30ct.pkgs.
>Cardoon"Tender heart",commercial Germania Seeds,'07,4/30 ct.pkgs.
>Specialty cuke,Miniature white,commercial,Johnny's Selected Seeds,10/08,3/20ct.pkgs.

Seeds I am looking for:
Please note "commercial only" on most seeds as they are F1's

>Bell pepper,sweet
"Chinese Giant"

"Autumn King"

>Cauilflowers,commercial only:

"Redbor",commercial only

Butterscotch,commercial only

"Beck's Big Buck"

Pea,asparagus(tetragohlobus purpurea)

"Belstar Super"

"Baby Bush"
"Golden Rod"


"Giant Golden"
"Giant Copperhead"

>Humulus, variegated and/or gold leaf

"Crane Series"(especially these)

>Phytolacca variegata/variegated pokeweed

"Cherry Brandy"

"Tiger Eyes"


Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

Hello Peggy,

I have seeds for the 'Chinese Giant' pepper and the 'Autumn King' carrot. I'd be very interested in seeds for the 'Miniature White' cucumber and Echinacea paradoxa.


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