Hey all 2

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I was just outside and it's definitely warmer here - the snow must be coming . . .

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Started snowing at 3:15 pm and still going. On the drive home, I noticed that it is in spotty areas. Thick in Lynnwood, nothing much near the water to speak of. then on my side, at first nothing much then heavy and stuck on the road a few more miles then nothing. the whole trip home was that way. My road was split, as I turned on it was just wet the closer to home the heaver it got and the road was covered. I guess the little car, likes the snow. LOL

So it crept above freezing today, and tonight there will be lows in the teens. Know what that means? Ice. Lots of ice on the roads. Be careful all!
I've actually been enjoying the cold, as soferdig says. Once I mourned the loss of my echiums and whatever else is dead out there, I decided to just get over it.
Will somebody please remind me of this in the spring when plant fever hits me and I begin to, once again, have hallucinations about what I can grow in this climate?

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Pix's I think some of us has. LOL
Stop snowing for now. will take pics in AM. I'm off , so hope I can see what I need to try to save, if its not to late.

And I chose this particular winter to experiment with leaving my dahlias in the ground. Sheesh.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Pix, let's hope the snow helps keep them warm. On the good side, it hasn't been a wet winter, so maybe they'll be okay . . .

I fear my usual optimism is not intact in terms of my dahlias. But the worst is over now, so who knows?

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Is the worst actually over? I thought there was more headed our way!!!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Maybe the worst of the cold is over? I have so much snow . . .

Thumbnail by katie59
Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Hiya Kathy! The chair on the right looks like it has a thick white cushion! I heard that snow hit hard out your way - but be glad you aren't in Arlington: 23" as of last night!
Going out with Hot spiced cider & the camera to get a few pictures. Sorry you're not a bit closer - I'd bring you some!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Hey, Kate -

Typed you a message on the other threat, but Yahoo got in the way and I lost it all.

I heard about Arlington (isn't that cocoajuno and balvenie?). 23" is amazing.

It is more beautiful than I've ever seen it out here - and the temps are relatively warm, though I know they'll drop again tonight. I knew we'd get some, but I had started to think we wouldn't get any. We got about 4 or 5 last night and then it didn't start again until this morning at around 8 or 9. Crazy weather patterns.

Enjoy that cider - I've been enjoying warm coffee all day and will switch to wine here after awhile. I can't even work today: the work server is too busy with people dialing in from home. And PSE has asked that we don't do laundry during peak times because we're using 25% more energy than is standard. So I guess I'll have to put in a movie and take a nap . . . or maybe shovel the driveway - guess I oughta get to that.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Send the snow to Montana and stop stealing it from us Seattle. It is ours! I want to ski powder when I get home Monday. We didn't get much in Montana.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Hey all, you all got more than me, it finally stopped got 4"

Deep discussion, on who is doing what.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Steve, so sorry. You can have it back if I can borrow a snow plow . . .

There is good cross country skiing in my neighbord this weekend.

Magic loves the snow.

Thumbnail by katie59
North Lakewood, WA(Zone 8b)

We are essentially snowed in. I think we have nearly 18" here in North Lakewood. I stayed home today and wandered out and about a couple times with my camera. Reminds me of Montana when I was growing up. Our road never got plowed or sanded. I'm glad it still is pretty and white.
I think I'll venture to work tomorrow if I can.

Thumbnail by thistledownfarm
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Linda - I forgot that you would be among those where it's deepest. How do you anticipate getting through the deep snow? Do you have a plow?

I'm thinking that we may have to shovel the road tomorrow to have even half a chance.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Amber the SnowDog:

Thumbnail by Katye
Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Ruby the Not SnowDog:

Thumbnail by Katye
Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Guess what she's really thinking....

Thumbnail by Katye
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Awwwww, Ruby - it'll go away soon. I can definitely see that they each feel very differently about the snow.

How was the hot spiced cider (and how do you make it?). I think I'll have to get some if I go to the store. It just sounded too good.

Eugene, OR

My DS sent me this today from Lake Los Angeles, CA. They never get snow!

Thumbnail by Sally_OR
Eugene, OR

Needless to say his dogs love it!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

That is so cute - all shapes and sizes and all wondering what this fabulous stuff is and how long it'll be here - trying to maximize their fun. I didn't realize that Los Angeles got snow. That's crazy.

Do you know if the bigger shaggy dog is a lurcher (sighthound crossed with something else)? The whippy tail and the position of his/her body as s/he runs seems to indicate greyhound or whippet. They have a darling crew.

Eugene, OR

They're mostly rescued dogs, DIL is a dog trainer with a big heart. I haven't seen that one (after we moved here)I'll ask her what it is. They don't get snow. That's why the whole place is shut down, DS couldn't even get home from work last night, (the freeway was shut down) and got stuck trying to get home today. He finally made it, but took a long time. They're in Lake Los Angeles, east of LA and considered high desert, they get cold in winter and maybe a flurry or two, but not actual snow.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I saw a couple of other videos of the snow on youtube, as well. It's crazy.

Wish I had some pictures of our dog, Kobuk. He was incredibly handsome and he had the sweetest temperament, to boot. I trained him to do some very simple and nonsense things, but if I'd had some guidance, the two of us could have had some great fun.

Eugene, OR

That's what my DIL does, trains people and dogs together. Mostly for security, but some for behavior too.

Don't you love dog photos with snow? We took our dogs sledding last night and they had a blast. As Aussies, they must herd us and there is no better person to herd than someone on a sled going fast. Skippy running like thunder down the hill, trying to grab our sleeve to get us to stop, then leaping on us when we tumble off the sled at the bottom. He was in heaven. Fran, of course, making sure he didn't go overboard, keeping an eye on everything. Wish I had a photo but there is no place for a camera in the snow and the dark.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Sounds like fun!!! I can hear them say " let's do it again, mom" LOL

When I was growing up on the farm, the man 2 fields down had a pool and a dog that would 'rescue' me every time I was in the pool. It was very hard to swim with a dog trying to grab your arm and get you out of the pool. LOL

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Kathy - Hot Spiced Cider: I use frozen concentrate Apple juice & a variety of whole spices (cinnamon, cloves, orange peel, Allspice, nutmeg, Ginger, Juniper berries, & I can't remember what else). I make 1 - 2 gallons of juice in a stockpot, throw in a small handful of the spices, bring it to a boil, then turn it off, put the lid on & let it steep for about 20-25 minutes. Strain & enjoy.
I think PCC & Whole Foods carries a packaged mix of something similar - add to juice, etc.
This is also good made with Wine, for those who prefer the adult version.
Trader Joe's has a bottled Apple Cider that is pretty tasty - just heat it up.

Ruby did a U-turn out the door this morning - she wants nothing to do with anything cold. Having no undercoat sucks, and the only fat on her is her belly, so no insulation without a jacket. Amber just came in from outside & had obviously been enjoying laying in the snow again. I cannot imagine that - makes me shiver thinking about it.

North Lakewood, WA(Zone 8b)

Poor Ruby looks absolutely disgusted. My Tuck likes the snow if I go out and play with him, but he doesn't venture far alone.
Wow snow in LA and quite a bit it looks like!
Maybe we are in the ice age and don't know it? LOL

Thumbnail by thistledownfarm
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I just got home, its not fun out there.
My DH heared on the news that Kitsap Co. is supposed to get hit with 12" to 17" tonite. this is not good.

I found a old pic of the snow storm in 96. Thats my Nika, had to but her down from old age. and the mound to the right of her is my DHs white truck.

Oh, Tuck is so cute!!
Jan, that dog must have been a retriever!!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh, Jan and Pixy - those are great images. Gotta love somebody always "looking out" for you.

Kate - thank you for the recipe. I think I will do it this year. Where do you get juniper berries for consumption?

Nick is with Ruby - he hasn't much coat and has absolutely no body fat. And it's bitter cold out tonight. I just got in from hauling my car out of the ditch (long story) and I'm on my second glass of wine - starting to relax, finally. Just in time for the big storm tomorrow. They say we'll have hurrican force winds . . .

Linda - Tuck is a cutie. Is he small for a cattle dog or is that just the angle? He looks like he's JR size and ready to go at a moment's notice.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

My call form my son made me for get the pic. Opps

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Hey you guys are worrying me because my DW is driving to Seattle sat and will arrive Sat night. When is the storm supposed to hit? I am going to the weather site now. Kathy I won't ask about the ditch. Those can be quite stressful. Sorry. I fly into your great city tomorrow to pick up my new car. This may be difficult.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Kathy, hope you and your car are okay (especially you, of course!).

Steve, we can now worry about your wife along with you - please tell her to be careful . . . not sure she can even get over the passes . . . they are going to be closed soon because of possible blizzard conditions. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Steve & DW}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Great photos, everyone!

Eugene, OR

sofer....worrying here too, will wait to hear she arrived safely.

We've warmed up, so the snow is mostly gone here. Main roads are clear, still icy patches but way better than before.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Sally, I'm up to 16 degrees at the moment. But the sun is shining and it is beautiful.

Eugene, OR

Things are looking up! Have a great day.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Steve - this is from the National Weather Service website. Hope it links for your use, otherwise copy & paste.....
From all that I've read this morning, the storm is approaching from the west, colliding with the existing arctic front/winds from the east. This is supposed to peak & sustain between 7 pm tonight through 7 am Sunday. Click on the map provided to get updated information for the route she is taking. (I assumed it would be I-90).
Karen should be prepared for the possibility of the pass being closed. Also - there is an expectation of 3 - 8" more snow this evening, west of the Cascades.


This message was edited Dec 20, 2008 10:50 AM

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