Hey all 2

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Hera ya go STEVE, LOL
We came from here.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

lol.... ok, what's going on with that picture? :-p

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Thank you Tilly for the new post. You need to keep your Mary Jane off the coffee table or your cats will get into it. LOL

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

yep, that's about what I was thinking there Sofer!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Your funny, I would never !!! LOL

The pic is funny, and so's Tilly, I was getting in the car and tilly was lying on the roof and would not get off, I had the camera in my pocket, took it out, turn it on just as she was looking into the car and snap the pic. with the 'I want to go' look or ' Don't leave, its warm up here'.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

What, you would never leave your mary jane out where the cat could get to it? LOL

Anybody else having trouble posting pictures? I can get a post to take at all if I try to attach a photo . . .

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Both LOL

I just got home haven't tried yet.
just a test
This is 'The Ratso' Guarding my work bench

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Mine went Okay.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Kathy I know it is hard to post with music blasting under a warm buzz of MJ and conac. It will get easier when you wait a while longer. Good luck. LOL

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Hey Steve, kinda funny how this tread got silent. LOL You scared everyone off talking about bad things like that, shame on you....All my kitties are clean and sober. and I only like beer on hot days. Not in to that other stuff.

Okay waiting on new Tour, who's next mmmmm Pixy you ready????
We want to see, I know I do Love the pics you have showen.

Cut kitty!
I'm not exactly ready to do a thread yet, but maybe this weekend. I just haven't had the time to go through the photos.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Turns out it was malware that McAfee couldn't get. Thank goodness for Malwarebytes' Anti-malware. Anyway, I can post pictures now . . .

Thumbnail by katie59
Eugene, OR

Awwwwwwwwwww....what a pretty group!!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I shall clean up my act. So sorry for my weakness and improper discussion. I shall put on my halo and be someone else. Hmmmmmmm........... Hello my wonderful friends. Your kitties are darling. A group of Burmese like kittens? They will talk a lot when they grow up Kathy. Hope all is well with all of you. Steve (the angel)

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Pixy, are you ready for the big storm that's coming our way? I was feeling pretty smug about our mild weather after listening and seeing pictures of everyone else's cold freezing weather, and seeing the effect on their plants. Now it's our turn. Yuck.

I have a hydrangea and a Harry Lauder Walking Stick in big Vietnamese pots. Will they be ok, or should I move them next to the house and cover them with a blanket? They are too big to move into the GH.

Soferdig, you are too funny. I enjoy your posts, you seem to be a regular down to earth guy.

Do any of you guys wintersow?
I am getting a lot of different seeds from the Piggy Swap here on DG. I will have plenty to share with you.

Yeah, Lynn, I hear you about feeling smug. Guess we shouldn't do that, huh? I spent a few hours outside today in the nasty wet and cold covering a few things, digging up stuff I swore I wouldn't dig up.

I wouldn't worry about the pots, but if you can snug them up next to the house that would probably be good, especially if it's on the south side of the house. It's going to be cold, but the bitter cold will not last that long, I hope.

I've got some seeds sprouting and some wintersown and waiting outside for spring. Trying to keep it down to a mild roar this year. Ha.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Yes it was icky out there today. I moved my pot of Festival Grass Cordyline into the GH. It is one of my favorite plants and I didn't want to take any chances with it. I did move Harry and the Hydrangea close to the house. I covered a few of my mini roses with some Burlap bags. I should have done more, but we had to run to Federal Way to turn the water off to make sure the pipes don't freeze. (House is empty and for sale). Now I don't want to do anything but sit here in my comfy chair and catch up on DG.

What did you wintersow? I am looking forward to trying this. Do you have any Brugs or Daturas?

I have two Cordyline australis plants that I'm going to leave in the ground and let take their chances. It was a hard decision. I may still change my mind, but they are supposed to be hardy to zone 8 so we'll see. You might get colder there than I will. Isn't Buckley up on a hill? I'm at sea level and close to Puget Sound.

I have Haloragis 'Wellington Bronze' and Variegated pokeweed winter sowed just now, but I have some other things I haven't done yet, and I have many other things already sprouted in the greenhouse. I am overwintering three brugs and a small datura in the greenhouse. The datura is one I started from seed last year and it didn't do much of anything because of the cold spring. It's recovering and beginning to put on new growth in the greenhouse and maybe it will do something next year. I have a species datura that just stays in the ground every year. I've had it for 7 years and it's come back every time. It's late, but it does bloom.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

The kitties are part of the colony I helped rescue in 2005 (can't believe it was that long ago). They are Allegro, Vivace, Dolce and Agelina - named for descriptive musical terms. I have three of them still - lost Vivace to coyotes, I think.

Hard to believe, but they are the kids of two solid white sisters. There are four more who were adopted - two black and white with a little longer hair, a seal point siamese with no tail and a pur white boy with a short, kinked tail. There was so much diversity in these cats!!

One has turned out to be a talker, and you're right, Steve, now that I think about it - her head shape is kind of Burmese, so there may be some back in there somewhere.

I didn't get anything covered this week, but tomorrow I'll be out there covering some things up. It would have been nice to have some snow to help, but after a brief dusting tonight, there hasn't been any more.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Steve you are such a dear at times, and then, well I still love Ya. I recall you saying somewhere about a tread that was long gone, about your gardens? I can't wait for you to re-post that. Would love to see it.

Pix, No hurry. was just wondering, looking for some ideas to add to my own, 3 more cars have left today 2 to go. And I'm getting itchy feet, and I know I can't do much now. but can plan. LOL

Katie, I'm glad you got the Mal ? whatevers fixed, I'm good with puters but that I have no clue as to what it is. Love the kitties nice group.

I have not even, Have come up with a plan yet on how to do all the seeds I have, sent from so many friends. I may have to wait till Feb. and go for it. And hope for the best. I tried WS last year and failed. not sure if I want to try it again.

So far all we got, and I have to say both sides of the water, is wind and rain and was not really that cold even in Lynnwood left there at 11:30 PM. home now and its not bad outside.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I shall post my new garden pictures when I get home. I am no longer carrying my laptop and do all my posting on my cell phone. Too many hassels at the airport and with one suitcase i need to keep it simple.
I had yesterday off and walked in the cold sun on a snow covered beach until the very high tide trapped me in a cove on a southern exposure of beach off Douglas Island. Wow was it beautiful I saw whales, sea lions, and tons of sea birds flying in the sunnny sky. The mountains were spectacular.

Oh Soferdig, it sounds like you were just forced to sit there and enjoy all that beautiful stuff earth has to offer! Poor you!
Isn't it great that tides ebb and flow? Not that you didn't enjoy every minute of it.

So, Burmese are the talkers, huh? That explains Cleo I think. Her head is shaped like those kitties of Kathy's.

Tills, I'm glad those cars are going away for you! All that property opening up that can be useful garden space! Now is totally the time for planning.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I did not know that Humpback whales stay here during the winter. They don't all migrate to Hawaii each year. They were bubble feeding off the beach I was hiking on yesterday.
Siamese talk a lot also. I think if you talk to them as kittens they continue to talk later in life. All of my cats talk somewhat just the Siamese and Burmese talk all the time.

Eugene, OR

And I know Siamese especially talk when they're in heat. LOL

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Sounds like you are enjoying yourself, Steve. How many pics can you store in your phone? or are you E-mailing them home?

I wish I could get some planting done now, but no time to do it in. And the one spot under the big maple, is going to take alot of work to clean it up, heven knows what has been buried behind those cars in all the weeds and blackberrys. I may find enought car parts to build a car LOL

We got snow flurries going on now, how are the rest of you doing?

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I forgot to add to last post.
I have to talkers, Sassy who is part siamese, always has something to say, her best word is 'Oww' no 'me' in it. just 'Oww" like she hurt herself.
And Corky who is a tabby, and will hold a conversation with you, as long as you keep talking to her. She is funny.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I have a 2gig chip on the phone to store all the photos I take. Anyway my directions for downloading are at home on my laptop. Got a lot today up skiing in the mountains on a crystal clear day. I got to be the first to open a new area after they blew off the avalanches today. Had to hike a long way to get clear powder. I am very tired tonight. Some spectacular scenery and a good workout for my first day skiing this year.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I didn't get any skiing in today, but I did get a little ice skating in, without skates. LOL we had almost 4" of snow, and the parking lot was soild ice. Its 29* now.
took this as I headed off to work.

Thumbnail by tillysrat

25 degrees here with snow on the ground and ice on the streets. It's supposed to get down to 13F tomorrow night. You know all those zone 9 plants I was hoping would make it? Forget about it. Not if this is any indication of the winter to come.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Sorry for you PNW eners we have such surprises every year. Though we are only -4 tonight according to my DW. Here in Juneau it remains sunny and cool 28 or so. Nice.

Eugene, OR

About the same here Pix. This is really going to stress some of my old faithfuls. 3 nights in the teens isn't good. Covered, not much else I can do.

Of course, if I do lose things, that means I have to replace them right? Trying to put a good spin on this.

Yeah, me too, Sally. But I think I lost my echiums out front, even though they each have their own little 'greenhouses' over them. If they are gone, I'm done trying to grow them. They'll get replaced with something hardy to zone 4!

Sofer, if I lived in Montana, this would definitely not be a surprise! LOL! I would be expecting it! Still, the sunshine today was really beautiful.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I just wonder who of my new plants that I have planted this last year come back. And all the baby Irises that I bought. I was not planing for this so soon, I was not getting the time I needed like I used to have before being transfered to Lynnwood and was thinking more Jan. Guess we will see LOL
And I have heard this is suppose to last 10 more days. Hate to see whats coming later.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Eugene, OR

Hopefully, this is the grand hurrah and it will be a nice calm winter. I can hope anyway.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

"Oh the first snow fall of the winter" I love winter. So beautiful, so wonderful warming by a fire, so nice to feel the frozen seat of the car, so nice to scrape off windshields and sip warm coffee. Winter is wonderful!

Marysville, WA(Zone 7a)

Yesterday and today at about 8:00 it was 17degrees here in merry old Marysville, along with too much snow.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

23 here all day yesterday. Was 17 earlier this morning and has warmed up to 21. Burrr...

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Morning everyone! -3 here this morning at 7:30 and is 6 right now. WOW! It's really warming up fast! LOL

Thumbnail by gardener105
Eugene, OR

Beautiful pic Susan. We're already up to 19!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks Steve for the detail of my daily travels, I don't think I will ever be warm again. One thing I have found a few things that make it a little easier. I have a windshield bonnet, so no scraping. and a little heater that works in the Cig. lighter, but I worry about using it to long and end up getting off the ferry with a dead battery. You can't have your car running on the passage.
You all are colder than us. I hate cold to be out in it, by a warm fire inside, and look at it. Love it.
Stay warm all
Hugs to keep you warm.

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