Plant ID

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Just got this plant from an old lady who told me not to worry about names.......but I really like to know the names and how to care for it...thanks all

Thumbnail by MyaC
Brisbane, Australia

I have them too...Cheers Kat

Hi Mya ...I am no expert but it could be this one ...lucky you ^_^

Brisbane, Australia

scadoxus katherinae..often called other names..send up the big red ball flower and when that dies down, they leaves come up. Pretty spectacular! Hope the links help. Nice to meet you, Mya! Cheers, Kat

Kat yours is correct ...never heard of them before ...very pretty.

Brisbane, Australia

Hi Chrissy and Mya..

The link you gave for the paintbrush lily is is a relative but not the same..the common names are confusing as what one person calls a blood lily or paintbrush lily, may not be the same as what another calls it. They are from South Africa and seem to like the warmer climates..pretty unuaual and spectacular. I have the4 snake lily too..has a rough stem, mottled like a snake! Cheers and ciao, a hot, sultry, steamy Brisbane...expecting storms this avo so watch our colourful radar later!!!

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Thanks both for the information...I now know where to place this darling.......I'll have to get some more, because in real life, this is a stunning flower......

My niece grows the one I mentioned and they are spectacular ...she said to just treat them like agapanthus. I know what you mean don't really capture the Oomph in so many things, sometime you really have to meet things up close and personal and even then it's hard to believe your own eyes!
Thanks Kat ^_^ ain't nature wonderful.
gosh it's soooo hot ...37C here in my garden and in "real" time it's only 11.45. It's all drooping out there and I am not going outside again. I hope your temps are not too high and I hope any storms only cool you down, someone told me the other day that this Sydney weather is Brisbane weather.

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