Just a Question

Elizabeth Park, Australia

How do you treat Pig Face? What is it's proper name?

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Yancysu,
I have pig face growing I was told it was a Mesembryanthemum I call it a succulent ?in spring lots of flowers they look like daisys loves to grow in the sun mine is in the drive way sun all day tolerates drough t its more a ground cover . I could be corrected on the name .

Elizabeth Park, Australia

Hi sammut,
I have two growing and I love them but after they flower they look terrible, all stringy and they look half dead...is this normal or am I doing something wrong?

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Yancysu,
Mine are in the ground I have cut alot of the dead flower heads of still a lot still to cut .I have a few in pots they look a bit stringy they dont like a lot of water . I just took this pic. ---------Sammut.

Thumbnail by sammut
Merino, Australia

Hello yancysu. I have a lot of different colored pigface and when flowering is finished i just cut the lot back. The lady I got mine from originally had a husband who cut hers back really hard with hedge shears. they come back every year. when they get too big and untidy, just take a few cuttings. Jean.

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