December - the end of the 2008 orchid season

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

OK, to start the month I'd like to share my fist-bloomer, Vuylstekeara Chuck Perry 'Pacific Twilight'. The flowers are huge and wonderfully fragrant.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

another pic of my Brassidium Fly Away 'Miami'

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Paph. Ron Williamson..been open since last August!

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Phragmipedium Will Chantry has a second bloom opening

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Great show, Todd!!!! Especially like the Vuyl and Paph. Ron Williamson!

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Nice start of the month, Todd!!

Rhyncholaelia glauca

Thumbnail by RUK
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Sophronitis cernua - the tiny plant has been flowering for a while

Thumbnail by RUK
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Maxillaria sophronitis - I am having a real hard time keeping this one happy. I mounted last Spring a few pieces (horizontally) on tree - fern, they look a little happier.

Thumbnail by RUK
Gainesville, FL

While I was away in Dallas, this one decided to pop! I was in the GH for the first time to check on things this afternoon, and there it was! It's one of my favorites, Bulbophyllum medusae.

Thumbnail by gothqueen
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)


Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Not freaky at all, Todd? Gothqueen, it is beautiful.

I was going to post mine after all buds are open ( there are 7 more to go), but I guess, I might as well pop mine in here too.
Here it is as is -

Thumbnail by RUK
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Bulbo medusae - picture taken with flash.
Looks like fireworks?

Thumbnail by RUK
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

And how about some close ups -

Thumbnail by RUK
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

and another -
You know, this plant produced 1 mop head last year, I was delighted.
Picture my amazement when I discovered buds popping out everywhere.

Thumbnail by RUK
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Can you stand one more?
Btw scent-wise, I am very happy the Tuberolabium quisumbingii is still going strong....

Gothqueen, I certainly share your delight on this Bulbo.

Thumbnail by RUK
Effingham, SC(Zone 8a)

Ladies, Love the bulbo. medusae. Putting it on my wish list.

Gainesville, FL

Ohhhh! Ahhhh! Yours is a much larger specimen plant than mine! It's GORGEOUS! I can't wait til mine is that big!!!! How old is yours???

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Again I say freeky! (that's a good thing :) )

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Gothqueen - I bought it in April 2006, it was then a really nice plant already. This year I was really taken by surprise.
I had bought a tiny mounted plant in Sept. 2005. That one seemed so far away from blooming ( it still hasn't done anything yet) that I grabbed the larger plant when I saw that one the following year at the OS at Rockefeller center. I thought it was a bargain at 25 bucks at the time.

Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

Here are my orchids blooming today...Sorry all are nameless

Thumbnail by agedgardener
Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

and another

Thumbnail by agedgardener
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Your NOIDs are lovely...I used to have the same phal...passed on about 2 years ago :(

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Love all the new pics! Medusae rules!

I have a few plants with leaves gone and some healthy roots and roots gone with some healthy leaves. Do these plants ever recuperate for anyone? Or should I hold a wake and drink some whiskey??

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Lycaste, I think it's Memorial Eric Bullinger.

Thumbnail by boojum
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Another Paph. liemianum flower open.

Thumbnail by boojum
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

My old faithful asco opening again!

Thumbnail by boojum
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Kathy, it depends? If a plant just doesn't thrive, 5 years after purchase doesn't even attempt to flower, I might hold a wake - especially if space is at a premium. (If it looks healthy, just doesn't flower, I would be patient. )
Whiskey? Blech, blech. How about something more delicious....

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Mtssa. Charles M Fitch 'Izumi'.

Thumbnail by boojum
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Sposta drink Irish whiskey at a wake. I like one sip of rye or bourbon better. These are certainly not thriving-one is my pink neo. Pretty sure that one is a gonner. I'm starting to slow down on water in the cool room. They'll all be sad to be wet and cool if I don't kill em first! Poor things. Here's Epi Hokulea 'Lava Flow' today.

Thumbnail by boojum
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Will you look at the pretty Ascocenda against the night sky!! Lovely Lycaste and Paph too!

Pretty Asco, agedgardener!! I like the color!

I cross posted twice -
The Izumi and the 'Lava Flow' are certainly thriving!!

This message was edited Dec 2, 2008 8:24 PM

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Slc. Fire Lighter's gonna be a great show. The old flower's still out and two are opening and there's two more to go.

Thumbnail by boojum
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I think I'm going on 4 years of this madness now and I can tell you specific flowers that I just can't grow here after trying and trying. Broughtonias and Phals are really hard for me to keep for long. (I have a new idea for phals-just buy cheap ones that won't break my heart.) Sophronitis are impossible and neos struggle. I do better with neo x's. Catts do well, and my paphs and phrags are giving me new hope-some buds!

What plants are hard for all of you in your conditions? Maybe this summer we should all swap!

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Go for the Bourbon. I recommend Jack Black.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

I can't seem to keep Miltassias alive, and often have difficulty with anything 'oncidium'. Dens are close behind.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Gotta try the Jack Black, mama. I have some great dens and then some dens that required lots of patience. And many of my species dens lose lots of leaves but they come back and flower. I have mixed luck with Miltassias too.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Mama just let the Oncs. dry out between waterings. Feed every 2-3 weeks half strength. Bright, indirect light. You'll be fine!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Evan Craig and Knob Creek for me. DH likes Woodbridge.

I grew my first Miltassias this year and had good results. I have no Dens., for the first time ever, in my current collection, though I've done well with them. It's only been a little over a year since I started collecting again and everything except my Cyms are small. I have always liked Oncidiums and their relatives. I struggle at times with Sophronitis and am about to bloom the first ever Paph that I did not buy in bud. That's really pitiful for someone who has been growing as long as I have. I think I'm getting the hang of them though. More light, less water. I'm terrible with those big ol' Cats. too. I can grow giant plants and get one obscenely huge flower that seems to mock me. lol

Are those bulbos coming from Smith Krull, RUK and Goth?

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Laurel, my Bulbo medusae came from Carmela Orchids. (The tiny one I also mentioned was from Hauserman.)

Phals shudder with fear when they see me!! I have one plant mounted, that one does ok.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Thanks for all the tips! I have several Oncs that do all right, and a few dens that perform like stars, but the rest.... well, next year, all the non-performers are vacationing outdoors! Everyone who summered outside did beautifully for me. I have my largest and oldest Cym blooming right now, and the divisions I made all seem to be performing great, as well.

Laurel, My paphs are so easy to grow, I wish the rest of the crew would take notes! Catts? Some do well, others not so much.

Thanks for the encouragement, Tommy. Do you find many locally?

One more bourbon to try Kathy - Rebel Yell.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Hmmm. Which wishlist is longer? Orchids or bourbon?
That's the kick I needed-I must water less this winter. There's something that happens when I have a hose in hand-even when it's on the "mist" setting!

Thumbnail by boojum

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