movie "Australia"

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Ok guys. You probably aren't interested. I was thinking the movie would be at least a good travel logue. Critics have not been kind. Has anyone seen it and would you recommend it? Three hours is a long time to sit still. However, if it has any merit in your eyes, I would give it a try.



We probably see 1 to 2 movies a year...or less.

Hi Christi ...I was listening to people who have been to see it on the radio last night, they all said it was very good and did not feel like three hours at all ...I think for whatever reason many men won't want to go because Oprah talked about it being an old fashioned romance, and from what I have seen most people in the States say they don't like Nichole ...I think knowing you will love it, the adventure and wonderful scenery will grab you and the little aboriginal boy will steal your heart away.
It has upset me a little to read people slagging off my Country and calling it a second rate America (people who haven't even seen the movie) but I think that talk is coming from the younger folk who would rather look at the new vampire film (which is also a love story) and know nothing about our country.Once word of mouth spreads ... people will go see Australia, but it may have been pulled by then. I hope you get to see it and tell your friends.

Sorry I had to leave before I had finished ...just come back to say is like an old fashioned western only ... Australian because it was a little like that in those days ...spills thrills, cattle stampede, aboriginal dreamtime (like the medicine man in American films) and yes a bit of corny romance, just like the old days. We were bombed in Darwin. A lot of people overseas don't realize that.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

I first heard about this on Oprah. She said it was getting great reviews? I'm not nessesarily an Oprah advocate but the lady has seen a lot of movies and read a lot of books so I typically trust her opinion of those genres. And she said this movie was the best movie she's seen in ages, that the breathtaking scenery alone is worth going to see, that movies used to be made with this kind of epic story and scenery but just are not made like this anymore.

Was it premiered in Australia first?

only just opened last Thursday ...I know I am an Australian so of course I will see it, the scenes we have seen already make my heart throb with love for our rugged outback ...yes another outback story ... but it is deep in our souls, I don't expect people from overseas to love it as much as us but I love the Grande Canyon, did you know the largest rock on Earth is here in australia and it isn't Uluru ...I love to watch the world and I hope the world will watch our magnificent outback, and fall under it's spell.
Thankyou for your comment I hope you get to see it. ^_^

Alstonville, Australia

Well said chrissy, I think a lot of the overseas people don't know Uluru may be we should tell them it was Ayres Rock (everyone knows Ayres Rock) we had to change it to Uluru because the aboriginals own it and changed the name (I think Uluru means big rock) same diff !!

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

1/2 of Australia was made an hour south from Townsville, a place called Bollywood (Bowen).

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you very much. Will make plans to see it this week. I have never, ever given the critics any credit so why did I have to start now. Usually if the critics don't like it, I love it!

Will let you know.

I already love your country. We are all God's children and this planet is His creation

I am really happy about that ...I hope you love it Christi ^_^

SYDNEY, Australia


Update ...a lot of people ringing in and saying they are are going back to see it again ...word of mouth is spreading.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

I went to see the movie "Australia" and I thought is was fantastic. It had everything...romance, action, comedy, and educational as well.

I was enjoying it so much it didn't seem too long to me.

I just can't understand why people would complain.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

We finally got to see it last night along with our best friends. It was beautiful and you're correct about the length, we were surprised that it was 3 hours because it went by really fast. Our main problem was hearing. We are 4 seniors and hearing is not the best anymore. Was really funny as we passed up and down the row to each other "What'd he say? What'd she say? hahahaha Decided we like it even better when we can rent it and turn on the captions. Even at that we were able to keep up with the story and the scenery was gorgeous. I almost chocked to death in the early scenes with all the dust.

After the movie there was much discussion among us concerning Darwin. We were all born from 1939-1941 and had not been taught WWII history about Australia. Was the song worked in because of the comments about OZ or has that always been a nickname?

Chrissy, as you and I have commented before there is more in common with Texas and Australia than not. One thing is a fierce loyalty as you guys have.

As for the actors, no way to pick just one favorite. They all got into character and were ver;y believable. The child most especially.

We all loved it. Nothing like a good old fashioned love story that ends with he hero and heroine kissing each other. I'm really a prude about some things. Only one word from Hugh Jackman could have been left out. We didn't just have to hear it to know he was not a happy camper.

Love you all a lot. Now off to google "Darwin" so I may learn more of the true history.


Merino, Australia

My word on the movie 'Australia' and others like it. A fantastic look at our outback. Just a pity that a lot of people will believe a lot of the fictional bits are true. It would make a great tourist promo though. Much better than the yuppie thing they are using to sell us to overseas now .
Needless to say, I have travelled around the real outback and the color is magnificent. You can see the stars at night and the feeling of being the only person on earth is awe inspiring.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Don't know about others, but the four of us were quite sure the whole story originated in someone's mind. We have the same problem with being Texans. Lots of misinformed people about our life styles.

Hi Christi ...I am very happy you enjoyed the movie ...a "movie" is what a Australia is ...perhaps the name suggests it is a documentry ... almost every movie uses a mix of fact and fiction perhaps bazza made a bit of a mistake in calling it what he did.
It used a basic line of someone from another country coming here and feeling like they landed on Mars or worse ...but then is slowly but surely smittened by the rugged beauty of the place truly is a feeling that one cannot describe unless you see it for real.Think of the many great Westerns ...a mix of fact and fiction.
The Darwin bombings are for real but unlike Pearl harbour they were over a period of time.
I am dying to see it myself but can't get there until after the christmas rush.Many folks here are returning to see it again ...I hope word of mouth will work in America too.
As to us having so much in common with Texas ...yes, and we love you too. ^_^

Christi I forgot to ask you if you could understand what the actors were saying? (the parts you could hear).

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Pretty much. Texan's have a flat monotone which is just awful. We all watch the British Comedies on PBS all the time. Even though the accents are quite different there is a common rhythm. Our problem wasn't the accent so much as the sound seemed to turned real low in the theatre. We never know if it is us or them. hahaha

As for what is expected from titles, we were all devastated by the protrayal of "Dallas". That was/is truly a joke. I refused to even watch it. Have heard that the biggest fans were in UK. I was born and raised less than 5 miles from downtown Dallas, Texas. Live only 14 miles from the center of Dallas now. Of course, the Metroplex now covers some 500 square miles. The weather forecast is always off for somebody because it covers such a large area. Dallas natives are few and far between. Seems we must have a good business climate, as well as "climate" since we have sooo many move here from the north.
Bad weather is just a little cold here and there.


The business thing was before the fall. We are all suffering now.

Hugs mate.Nothing like a good movie to lift spirits when times are tough, I am so happy you saw the Movie and good times will return.

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