Brown bagging the bedroom floor...

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

After completing a brown bag technique on the hallway in our
home, hubby seemed to like it. After I put about six coats of
polyurethane on the hall over time, he really loved it. Last week he
asked me if I would do the technique on his bedroom floor. Of course
I could not resist, so here we go!

Step one...

I ran the Eureka over the floor, cleaned and rolled up the
area rugs that had previously hidden the hideous floor and ran
the Eureka again. You can see where I one time thought about
painting the floor and gave up, tossing area rugs on top of it
instead. Fixxer-uppers. Sigh.

After using a palm sander to flatten all the areas of the floor with
bumps and blips, I used a crowbar, hammer, screwdriver and
whatever else I could find to remove nails from the floor. They seem
to work their way out of the floor. Nails and wood - boo. Use screws.

In areas where the floor was damaged from boring a hole to remove
the nails, I used a wood putty to fill the holes, then sand flat after the
putty was completely dry. Run the vac, then mop or wipe down to remove
all dirt, dust and residue.

So today, I am about to begin again. Here is what the floor looks like
at 1:39 p.m. on Sunday, November 30. Pretty sad looking, yes?

Thumbnail by WUVIE
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