Who is this AB-Med?

Kingston, NY(Zone 5b)

I received this as Jewel Of Omar, but alas, it is not!
It is a beautiful iris that looks to be an AB-med. Excellent substance and endurance.
Anyone know who it is?
Thanks ~ hespiris

Thumbnail by hespiris
Kingston, NY(Zone 5b)

I do love these colors!

Thumbnail by hespiris
South Hamilton, MA

Looks like 'Omar's Gold', same hybridizer as the other one.

Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

Great color combo.

Kingston, NY(Zone 5b)

I wish it were Omar's Gold, which is a much paler yellow in both standards and falls. There is currently a picture of it at http://www.pilmore.com/PIGAB.html

I have Garden-reNamed this 'Jewel of Omar's Gold' (JOG) for lack of a better name to track with. It was the first for me of supposed ABs from Harold Peters back in '00 or '01, and is such a great performer that my expectation got the best of my purchasing hand! Generally what grows for me in the AB class are the smallest, and those at about 2/3rds registered height. Usually they bloom 1-3 years then wither away. But this JOG has been here 7-8 years.

Differences in description & height are notable for Jewel of Omar (lav. beard; paler coloration; 18"; 1/4 I. balkana) and Omar's Gold (yellow bitone; 18"). In the bed shot that is Orange Petals in the background at about 26"-28". I doubt that it is in the Omar series (so may not be by Boswell) as the rest are 7-18", and wonder if there is enough aril in it for that classification for how well it does here. It may be in the IB class... from the late 90's - 2001, but no later.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

It looks a great deal like Byzantine Art which was registered in 2001, but Byzantine Art is 33 inches. Is yours that tall? Apparently Baumunk doesn't know one parent of Byzantine Art. See it at:

South Hamilton, MA

Remember soil differences. Your plant looks more like our Omar's Gold than the one you mention. If it is IB size it could be a Boswell, his are not tall.

Kingston, NY(Zone 5b)

pajaritomt, JOG does look a lot like Byzantine Art, except it does not have "very dark red signal with red overlay extending 3/4" from signal", but maybe that is environmental - mine is reddish-brown and more diffuse. It may get to 33", and it is the right timing of intro. I have another picture with Orange Petals (to 28") and a couple of the JOG stalks are a little taller, but the bulk of the clump is mid-high 20's. It is worth buying Byzantine Art to see. I had wondered if it might be from Baumunk. Or maybe this is that unknown parent! ~ maybe it's an Unknown parent 'cause nobody knows who it is...can you tell I'm well into reading a mystery?

In looking at my oldest pictures, they are titled as Omar's Gold. I think at some early point I realized it was not as, any way you look, those standards are lavender (blue?) and thought it had a better chance of meeting the description of Jewel of Omar (sorry to get it backwards earlier) except for that lavender beard and height difference. I found pictures from the first year it bloomed, when it was paler but still lav/gold, and am posting one. I see in the picture, that was the best mulch they ever ate - would have thought darker colors…I know they 'prefer' cement - just seems counterintuitive.

irisMA, I see this JOG still on several current iris sites as Omar's Gold and I think it is in many gardens as such. It seems there's been a bit of a mix-up with this cv being sold, photographed, and possibly hybridized with as Omar's Gold, but it isn't. Anita Moran has a good picture of the real 'Omar's Gold' on her site; Laurif put a nice picture in the Plant Files of 'Jewel of Omar' - and both match the descriptions. I have been frustrated by mine's true ID for several years now.

From AIS checklist:
Omar’s Gold AB (OGB-), 18" S. yellow; F. golden yellow, black line signal; beards gold.
Jewel of Omar AB (OB-), 18" S. medium blue, purple at base; greenish yellow styles; F. medium lime yellow, maroon brown around violet beard.

So… Byzantine Art is on the buy list. To bad it will take a couple of years to see if they match. Thank you both as this process helps me keep looking at details.

This message was edited Dec 1, 2008 3:32 AM

Thumbnail by hespiris
South Hamilton, MA

Byzantine Art is 1/2 aril & the Boswells are 1/4. So BA is the more tender. It also had the stems fall over for us because of the weight of the flowers. The halfs do better in NM than they do here.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I will hope to find out in a couple of years what this cv is. I like that it could be that BA's unknown parent. You might consider sending a photo to Lowell Baumunk who is very friendly and accessible. He might have an idea who that is. Best of luck in your search.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes this looks like 'Omar's Gold' I will post a better pic of it later when I get home

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Anita! I am glad someone came along who knew! Actually, I guess that makes it two people who know, with IrisMA. Majority wins in this case, I would say.

This message was edited Dec 2, 2008 10:04 AM

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Here is 'Omar's Gold' Taken by Betsy Higgins

Thumbnail by avmoran
South Hamilton, MA

I think there is a match.

Kingston, NY(Zone 5b)

Yes, all the pictures are the same.
Thank you, everyone, for sharing.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Here is Omar's Gold Growing in Maryland

Thumbnail by avmoran

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