The Christmas Flowerpot Cafe (sweet sixteen)

Humansville, MO

hi all
bob i glad you doing better
it nice here today
but wach for this week
they said cold and wet and snow
all wich are bad word

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Glad that Bob is able to spend most of his time at home, don't let the company run you two any more ragged. Do just as you would if it were me poppin in, just let me know when it is time to leave. Will he have to travel once a week for very long do they think? Enjoy your time at the park, you deserve some R&R with all you are contending with.
Elle, do hope the snow stays away for you, but guess it is inevitable that we get some. Do you have to travel far to work - do you have to go when the weather is bad?
Hey plantgeek, are you gonna try the nog? I bet you are an ace at whippin up something like it. You are just a marvelous chef.
Hey Sue are you still lookin at life through those rose colored glasses LOL!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Glad that Bob is able to spend most of his time at home, don't let the company run you two any more ragged. Do just as you would if it were me poppin in, just let me know when it is time to leave. Will he have to travel once a week for very long do they think? Enjoy your time at the park, you deserve some R&R with all you are contending with.
Elle, do hope the snow stays away for you, but guess it is inevitable that we get some. Do you have to travel far to work - do you have to go when the weather is bad?
Hey plantgeek, are you gonna try the nog? I bet you are an ace at whippin up something like it. You are just a marvelous chef.
Hey Sue are you still lookin at life through those rose colored glasses LOL!

Here is father Christmas dropping in to say hello to everyone!

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

HO HO HO! Hello Father Christmas, I've been VERY good this year....... honest!

Am I seeing double/////////????
Am I seeing doule//////////????

that eggnogg is powerful stuff!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Man am I ever slow on the draw, I couldn't figure out what you meant Terri, but now I see it too. Wonder how I managed that one?

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Candee, that is a magnificent Father Christmas and he is looking a bit hungry so I brought these for him. (yes I am trying to bribe Santa ;~)

Thumbnail by Zanymuse
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I think the bribe is working Zany looks like he already took a bite of one.

london England, United Kingdom

Oh yummy, is there one going spare? Thanks Zany!

london England, United Kingdom

Father Christmas, would you like a nice juicy pear?

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Oh Candee, I forgot to say, I love your funky hairdo, blue really suits you! lol

Thumbnail by terriculture
(Zone 6a)

Hi All! I haven't been on as much must be all the snow and such....the gardening bug always comes back in Feb/March :) I ordered half a dozen seed magazines and have been looking through them. Also another member just sent me a bunch(8) brug cuttings, so if they all grow I'll have 16 next year........................I must need my head examined. I have a small city yard. Every year I end up with more plants then I have room for.......but I have to admit I wouldn't have it any other way!!! I'm loving the new modern theme for the cafe and the Pink Floyd adds to the retro glam feel!

Thanks for the welcome Plantgeek! And everone else as well! Hope you're all doing well :)

I brought some flowers by with me..........they' my garden.......yes....they were growing in the snow :) Just kidding we bought them at the supermarket.


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi Steven. Glad that you found your way back to the Cafe. We were getting worried that a posse might be needed to round you up. Isn't it great that we can have fresh flowers any time of the year available at the grocery.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

How thoughtless of me! Yes, of course there are cookies for everyone!

Thumbnail by Zanymuse
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Santa must be happy with his share. I notice he has almost finished a whole cookie and drank a lot of his milk.

Thumbnail by Zanymuse
Louisville, KY

Why yes, I am happy, er... I mean Santa is happy with his share. hehe

Can't stay long y'all, gotta run off to work, but I didn't want anyone to think I'm neglecting this very potent eggnog.

Steven, welcome back! Hey, I know just what to get you for Xmas - a big ol' bundle of switches. lol

Sue, you rock girl! And I love the new doo.

Ooops, gotta go. Y'all have great gobs of fun.

Humansville, MO

hi all
yes we are going to get bad weather
yes i have to work if i can get there
if it get bad like last year
i will have to stay all night

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Yuk, having to stay all night at work is not good, hope you don't have the worst weather that causes that elle.
Steven, oh how we missed you and those spring supermarket posies are just what is needed to warm us up these days. Except for Sue of course there in the tropics LOL! How much snow do you have there already? We had another dusting this more, but nothing to keep us down.
Terri, I love my hairdo that is just too Elton John fab and with the glasses I just could not be anymore cool dude! Except for the age LOL!
Zany you are the true Cookie Monster, you and plantgeek have been feeding frenzy these past days, think I better get to the gym tomorrow.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

about to jump in the pool. wish you were here

london England, United Kingdom

Lets go guys! I've got a couple of hours before I start the Sunday roast!

Hold on to your glasses everyone! ...........

Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

It's a bird... it's a's a teapot helicopter? LOL this one is fun and kinda silly looking. I love it!

london England, United Kingdom

STEVEN!!!! Lovely to see you Darling, kiss kiss...... lol
What pretty fresh flowers, they look splendid on MY table in the cafe, Thank you.

Have fun everyone, got a busy few days ahead over here!
Good luck with the show Dianne!

Please save a couple of those cookies for Starlight, just incase!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Zany!
It's our flowerpot cafe flying teapot! We can go anywhere we like..........
all aboard for a dip in Sue's pool .....................

Edited to say, Yay!! I'm going to the airport soon to meet my brother, he's been working in the Bahamas since Feb.
Can't wait to see him.

This message was edited Dec 14, 2008 4:50 AM

london England, United Kingdom

serving light refreshments on board our short flight!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Enjoy your brother's visit ! We went into town and had lunch with my brother today. He is getting closer to retiring and looking forward to leaving for the Philippines in February. He loves the Philippines and plans to spend his retirement years there with annual visits home. . . But now his company is trying to talk him into waiting an extra 6 mos. to a year. He is excited about going and at the same time tempted to stay if they offer him what he wants. It will be interesting to see what he decides.

We are getting our first real winter storm and the temps have dropped to the high 30's with lots of snow on the mountains around us. It is beautiful seeing the mountain ranges with some snow covered and others verdant green. I do love this area for the mountains!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

The flying teapot is back!!! Hooray!! I missed the first trip to Sue's - now I get to go on this one. Thank you all for sending it back to pick me up to join you. Finished the second show tonight - was a little nervous last night with my two solo numbers, but it went well. Thanks for sending the luck my way, Terri. Did you get the chance to visit your brother while he was in the Bahamas?

Zany - we must be getting the same cold front that has hit your area.. No snow here for us, but the night time temps is dropping close to freezing. Went out and harvested my bell peppers before the frost gets to them.

Elle - hope you were able to get home Okay.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

soilsandup, Yes, this cold system is covering a very large area. BRRRR That reminds me, I need to pick up bell peppers for dinner tomorrow night. Cold weather makes me crave stuffed peppers.

Elle? Did you get home?

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Zany - looks like you are a night owl too. Do you do all your baking late at night? Those Christmas cookies were great.

I keep the house at abiut 68-69 degrees during the day and the heat off during the night - my middle daughter who is currently living in Los Angeles came home for the weekend and complained about how cold it is in the house. But, after hearing about freezing pipes, and such, I don't think we have much to complain about.

Louisville, KY

A flying teapot, what fun! Wheeeeeeeee... And such yummy snacks for the trip. Thanks Terri. You rock.
Hellooo Sue. Thanks for the invite back. A dip in the tropics is just what I needed to get thru the winter. I brought along a ginger/ cardamon pound cake drizzled with peach sauce. Spider! It's so good to see you. Come here and give me a hug ya big beautiful hairy thing. Sue, she has gotten so big. A bit paunchy too. She's been eating too many politicians again. No problem, I'll take her for a few spins down to the beach, work off the excess. Spider, you must include a super model in your diet once in a while. Just be sure to drug test them first. You don't wanna end up in rehab sweetie.

Terri, have fun with your brother and don't worry about finishing the paint job- I took care of that. So, relax and enjoy the visit.

Elle, hope everything is ok. I'm knitting you a suit of Everwarm (I'm making this up), so if you should get stuck in the cold or at work, you won't freeze your heine off.

Ooops, gotta run. Time to slop paint. Y'all have a most wonderful day.

Humansville, MO

the weather did not get bad yet
but they said tonight
i hope it after 12
then i get the week off
and hope to miss the bad weather
i need that flying tea pot

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Ok everyone wish for the storm to stall out untill after midnight for Elle!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

elle, so glad you have a week off after the 12, good planning on your part. Hope the weather holds for you until then.
Sue, I can see you dippin right now and will be close by in PV on next Saturday so we can dip together, right after I get my first massage on the beach!
Oh, Terri, gonna savor those horse durves on our trip next week if any are left from the heli ride it is the best one yet! Smooth sailing!
Dianne what were your solo numbers, bet you rocked!
Steven, hope the cafe lights are not keeping your and yours up at night?
Zany, am having a nice roast tonight that is braised and very slow cooked with taters and carrots, will try to save you a slice. Hope hubby is resting and you get some as well. Don't let these holidays wear you 2 out!

This message was edited Dec 15, 2008 7:35 AM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Morning everybody!

Finally finding my way back over here. been runnig liek crazy. Too many things goign on and finishign finals and research projects and such.

See everybody been doing pretty good. Finaly we got a warm spell and been out this morning playing while it lasts and picked a few flowers I foudn th efrost didn't get.

Here a Christmas, snow sundae for ya all to enjoy.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh that looks extra good star. Is that raspberry fillin I see?

Louisville, KY

Star, that's beautiful. And soooo yummy.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LOL.. Doidn't think about raspberyy filling, was tryign to make a giant cherry in the center.

Then are the new Dianthus out for 2009 I growing and the white was some of the mums I foiund blooming still that the frost hadn't got too.

Humansville, MO

o how lovly
we got ice and snow
wemt slining to town for rabbit feed
got wood heat
warm 1 room
we still got
light and tv and cp
we think we will make it out of this weather ok
hope every one does the same

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Do be careful elle, I know you have to go outside often to tend the animals and you want to be extra careful on the ice. Is your entire house heated by wood or something else?
Try to stay dry and wear a lot of layers. Will be thinkin of ya.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Elle.. Are you by yoruself or do you have somebody with you. Sorry don't remember. But in this bad weather with the ice and stuff, try and let somebody when yoru going out and when you'll be back in the house, even a neighbor and call them each time. The weather so bad and so bitter old yoru way. That way if you should slip and fall or something, somebody wil know you might be hurt if ya don't call back or come in right away.

yep wear layers and keep yoru head and throat warm and becaureful dear. They say that weather gonn abe bad for a coupel of weeks yoru way. That this was only the first of three bad storms coming to your area.

Louisville, KY

Ok, so I just whipped up body-suites made of Everwarm for everyone, no-slip sexy boots and a latch-onto-thin-air wench in case you get stuck in snow. And to top it off- hot apple cider and apple jack, take your pick.

But seriously, the weather is no joke in some parts. We got a dusting of sleet, snow and freezing rain all in one night, which is nothing compared to up North. Just a little tap on the noggin to get folks' attention here.

Hope y'all stay safe and warm and have a body to snuggle up to, be it of the two-legged sort, furry, winged or scaled.


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hey plantgeek, you better get a patten on that thin air wench, I could use any number of them! Thanks for the cider, sipping on it now as I am out of the sleet which I drove home in and do not intend to tackle tomorrow. Going over these 2 mts. is one thing, not gonna risk it with sleet!

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