The Christmas Flowerpot Cafe (sweet sixteen)

Louisville, KY

I'll second that Candee. Would you please Dianne? We are having tons of fun up here on the table, but chaotic flopping and flipping does not a choreography make. Synchronized flopping would be much more cute.

Zany, I made you a pair of sexy slippers trimmed in bells. You can be comfy and still jingle the night away by tapping out time with us.

If y'all really want that poundcake, the recipe is in the Moosewood Desert Book. It's filled with lots of yummy stuff, well worth puttin' on the pounds for. Dw and I couldn't decide where to start, so we each wrote 2 favorites on a scrap of paper and drew one from a hat, and keep drawing till there are no more. Now the real trick is coming out of the kitchen with something edible without letting two cooks spoil the cake. lol

Zany, I hope Bob is still doing well and you are getting some rest.

Elle, hope you are still having great breakfasts of fresh eggs.

Terri, can't wait to see your next arraingement. You always come up with something awesome.

Cheers to everyone and please help yourselves to all the goodies cause I'm making more wicked diet busters. hehehe

london England, United Kingdom

Psssst Plantgeek! Pass me my bra please!

Humansville, MO

hi all
yes we are getting 2 or 3 a day now
even with it being cold
with this cold weather we got trouble with our water in the barn
broke 3 line
they are 75 feet long
dave had two line to go
he went down this morming
to see if line 1 will go
and see if we have any more broken
i hope not
the house seen to be holding ok
they said freeze rain maybe tues i hope not
other wise we are trying to keep warm
this is an older tralner house
bad new about work have to work every weekend this month
o well i glad i got a job

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Thank you so much for the dancing slippers. They are quite lovely and fit perfectly...How did you know to make them both for left feet?

Terri, I am sorry but you bra was so lovely I snagged it to make one of these My granddaughter will love it for her Breast cancer awareness meetings.

Candee, Madame Woodsy will gut you a slice of the pound cake. It is yummy!

soilsandup, those boots look fab on you and your can can kicks are unbelievable. I'd fall over if I tried to kick that high. You go girl!!

Elle, where have you gotten off to? I was hoping for a fresh egg omelette this morning from those chickens of yours.

Plantgeek, do you think Diane can choreograph a dance for my two left feet? That sounds fun.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh, hi Elle. you posted while I was typing. I'm glad you are getting eggs now. Sorry about your water line troubles though!

Humansville, MO

we will make it
dave got 1 more line to go
with raiseing rabbit there alway something going on
need to get in the xmas mold
wich seen hard to do this year

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

elle, do you raise rabbits for food or as pets? We used to be able to buy rabbit at the grocery store here but they quit carrying it years ago. I liked it but could never bring myself to slaughter one that I raised myself and it got too expensive to raise them and pay someone else to do the dirty work for me.

Humansville, MO

we raisesthem for meat
we ship 133 this week
we ship every other week
we do eat the rabbit
dave just have not kill

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

elle, so glad you came by. Sorry to hear about your pipes, we have replaced them at our cabin and it is a real mess and expense. Do you put any insulation around yours? They have some newer stuff on the market these days as preventative medicine if it is feasible.
Glad to hear you are getting eggs even in the cold and sounds like you ship a lot of rabbits out.
Now try to rest a bit and get ready for the holidays. Bet you can make some great egggggnog!!!

Humansville, MO

thank i love eggnog
will make some

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Elle - We always have egg nog this time of the year at home. Can't wait to try yours at the cafe.

I will give it a go for the choreography, and I like the thought of synchronized flopping. As my dance teacher always says, don't worry if you don't get it right. The audience will just think that you have a solo part. Broadway here we come.....better make it off, off, off, off broadway LoL.

london England, United Kingdom

Hello everyone!
Just popping in with a jug of cream to go with the wonderful pound cake, sounds lovely! What is £ cake? does it cost a £ per portion? LOL

Dianne, I was disapointed with the Christmas designs in the mag this year. Not very inspiring, I like the quirky sheep though! Hope to get a peep at your costumes soon, hows the rehearsals going?

Zany, I want my bra back!!!!! please Lol Hope your Granddaughter likes it.
How is Bob and when will he be home again?

Candee, I'm sure we will have a New Years cafe', maybe Sue is busy designing it now?!!
Will you be home for new years eve?

Elle, hope you get the pipes fixed soon and get into the Christmas spirit with the eggnog! Keep warm.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Sorry Terri, but that bra was much more her style than my granny styled ones and it is for a good, it was just begging to be turned into a purse... Tell you what, why not have a nice Daquari or several and you'll forget all about it!

Bob made it home about 6:00 this evening. Everything looks good except he lost his balance transfering from the car to his chair and fell. He wasn't injured but he'll be sore for a few days from the jarring. Poor Bob just can't get a break!

The whole ordeal is making this teetotaler wanna nice stiff drink...Think I'll have one of those Daquaris myself!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Zany! I'm working the night shift in the cafe tonight, can't sleep a wink! Don't know what came over me flinging my bra like that. LOL! If I wasn't a teetolaler, I'd join you in that stiff Daquaris! Maybe a hot chocolate will calm us down?!

Bob Bob, whatever next!! oppsadaisy there. Hope he gets a comfortable nights sleep now!
I'm gonna make him some new flower socks for Christmas!!

PG88 ...... It's all your fault!!!!! you made me do it!!!!!

london England, United Kingdom

wanna play hopscotch?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL do you think it is a good idea to be jumping around without your bra? You could end up with a black ey or a bloody nose...

Luckily Bob had some vicadin left so he should sleep well tonight ;~)

Since we aren't doing Christmas here I think I'm going to work on a PS Christmas for a while. Maybe even get to sleep before 2 am.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

How about a tree dripping with diamonds, emeralds and rubies?

Thumbnail by Zanymuse
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Zany if that doesn't get Steven back over here I don't know what will. He will surely want to pick your tree goodies for a gift for his lovely wife don't ya think. I am just wondering are we to now use the back door cause the last time I came around back there the lights were out and I almost took a spill myself, course I had a few of those daquiries in me. Doesn't appear that you got to sleep before 2 either?
Glad that Bob has something to take to get some sleep and hope he isn't bruised in addition to everything else. Think we need to give Terri some of those drugs so she can get some rest as well. How do you 2 manage to stay up all day and night, I haven't been able to do that for 30 years LOL!
As for the pound cake Terri, it doesn't cost a pound per slice but you will gain a pound per slice! It is a cake but more dense than a regular baked cake. So more bang for your buck or pound whatever the denomination may be.
Yes, I will be home for the New Year, and will need help staying awake so we better plan for quite an event!
Elle, I have a great homemade eggnog recipe if you are interested I can dmail or post here for you.

Louisville, KY

Oh, you poor dears. Here, have some sleepy tea. This is called dragon pearls- hand rolled jasmine leaves with a flower inside. Very relaxing, calming, makes you say nighty-night. And to sweeten this, I brought acacia tree honey, light in color and flavor yet has a high note of distinction. Very yummy.

Candee, you have a good point about us getting black eyes, so I corraled a box of Elton John glasses. Funky enough to fit the occasion, yet practical too.

Terri, Terri, Terri... lol I can't take the blame on that one. I don't think anyone can make ya do anything. However, I did manage to find (not telling where) leopard print pasties. Will these do?

Dianne, thank you for organizing our flopping selves. Maybe I should get jingle pasties for us.

Zany, sorry Bob took a spill, but glad it wasn't more than that.

Elle, hope y'all get the pipes repaired without too much expense.
OK, gotta run now and slop some paint. lol

london England, United Kingdom

Oh what a precious tree, Thank you Zany! it must have taken you hours to make that one! We might need to hire someone for security, don't think Madam Woodsy could handle Ali Baba and the forty thieves if they roll up!
Thanks for the explanation of £ cake Candee, got it now!
We need a few more lanterns out the back, no doubt someone will lose their Elton John glasses before the nights out! When Steven turns on his Christmas lights, it will be much brighter for us out there!
Love the way Sue put the lights around our tropical bed, it looks magical.

Ta for the sleepy tea, it worked a treat!

Humansville, MO

i would love your recipe
we got 1 more line to go
that 28 water bottle
thank for the kind word
i need them
i got to work xmas and new year
it do not bother me i just feel
sorry for dave have to be home a lone

london England, United Kingdom

Hi elle, tell Dave he can come to the cafe for a christmas beer! We will look after him for you,
no worries! Sorry you are having a hard time.

Humansville, MO

here a xmas candle for the cafe
it one i made for a nurse

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Humansville, MO

here the back
p.s. forgot picture

This message was edited Dec 11, 2008 11:40 AM

Humansville, MO

here it is

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Very nice elle, glad to see you have some time to work on decorating. I won't be around, but am sure that Terri and Zany and everyone else will charm the pants right off Dave. Oops, didn't mean that we have enough pasties going on here already!

I'll look up my recipe and post this weekend!

I adore Elton, are you sure he wants us to be wearing these? I picked up a pair and swear I need armed guards to wear them outta the cafe. Or wasn't I supposed to leave with them on?

london England, United Kingdom

Very pretty candle arrangement, Thanks elle! love the glitter tree and red ribbon.

Louisville, KY

LOL, Candee, you wear those glasses anywhere you want. I got the whole lot at an auction when Sir Elton decided to redecorate.

Terri, your'e right. We may need to guard Zany's fantabulous tree. My snakes volunteer if y'all ain't skeered. I promise that they are very sweet to friends, dangerous to foes and will eat any "problems" that occur. hehehe

Elle, yes please tell your hubby that he is more than welcome to hang out with us. Pun intended. There are snacks all over the place, enough to tide us over the holidays and then some. Why look, there is a whole keg of home brew, a gallon of mead, kombucha tea on ice, blood orange green tea, a tray of roasted sweet potatoes seasoned with Icelandic butter and Himalayian salt, rolled oysters and another pound cake, as it was so popular.
Great candle BTW. I love things handmade. A bit of ourselves go into it. Have you tried using beeswax or soy? I know it's more expensive, but there is a growing market for candles made of those materials if you are interested in doing something like that.

london England, United Kingdom

NO WAY!!!! I'm skeeeered.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

No need to guard the tree. In cyber space theives can steal the whole tree and it just magically stays put at the same time. I was thi8nking that for New Years we can take the tree down and give the jewels away as party favors. Being rich is fun even if it is just web riches!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Zany, I love your tree, it would be a great xmas present if it were for real! I'm glad Bob is home, but sorry he had a fall, but glad he is ok. Lets hope he can get a bit of rest for awhile.
Terri, I loved that arrangement with the leaf that echoed the rim of the vase. What is that jug used for? I have one the same, but in black. I would love to play hop scotch, can we drink the scotch?
Elle, I hope you're keeping warm and toasty and that the weather is kinder to you over the xmas season. It's amazing that your chooks are still laying when it is cold! What a shame you have to work so much, but as you say, it's great that you have a job. There is always someone worse off eh?
PG, you are too funny. That 'pun intended' did not go over my head! I might get up on that table and flop around a bit myself.
Candee, what are your plans for christmas? I managed to get a pair of Eltons glasses to wear. they match my boa quite well. Coff, coff, (got a feather in my throat) The new haircut is still a bit short! (hasn't grown much in two weeks)

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Hahahahahaha! cool! love the purple boa, missed you!
You cut off your curls awww!
Thanks on the jug arrangement! The jug is used for flowers of!
Please bring my handbag to the cafe, I want to dance around it, just like the old days!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Shouldn't you be in bed?

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Hey!!! it's only 10.30pm. Katie has only been in bed half an hour....... give me a break lol!

Oh, Thanks, you forgot the flowers!!!

see my christmas present from Sue everyone? It's great I love it!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oh, sorry! thought the flowers might get knocked over when PG does that kick flick with her legs, you know?
My bed time is usually 9.30pm, I struggle to get my head off the pillow at 6am otherwise. I obviously NEED my beauty sleep! LOL
Lovely misty rain, and coolish weather! No work, and still haven't sat down to read my book. I have been looking at the garden art forum. I love the planted furniture there.
I'm going to log off now Tez, but you keep dancing eh?
Don't kick the flowers over PG!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom


sleep well beautiful woman! night night.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh my that is too adorable Sue, you look fab in those. The cut will grow on you and bet it is much cooler for you these days. I love short hair, I can get so funky with mine. Listen to this ole broad, funky LOL!
Elle, lookin for the recipe as I speak.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I always make 2 batches of this, I drink one while makin the other LOL!

6 large egg yolks
6 large egg white, at room temperature
1/4 cup sugar
1 pint milk (that is 2 cups)
1 pint light cream (2 cups as well)
2 cups brandy (steve picks the better stuff)

ground nutmet

Beat the egg yolks and 1/3 cup sugar in large bowl until thick and pale yellow.
Stir in milk, cream and brandy,
Chill - covered, several hours or overnight (If chilling overnight, also cover and chill the egge whites; bring to room temp before proceeding with this recipe)
Just before serving, beat egg whites until foamy in a large bowl;
Gradually add remaining sugar, beating until whites hold SOFT peaks.
Pour chilled yok mixture into punch bowl.
Fold in whites
Sprinkle with nutmeg
SERVE in the CAFE!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Weed, those purple feathers and Elton glasses are a riot and your purse is too cute for words.

Fresh eggnog... We are going to celebrate the season in style!

Well, Bob slept through the night once the Vicadin kicked in and woke up a bit sore but otherwise fine. The Home health folks came out this morning to change his dressings and make sure he knew how to administer his IV antibiotics. Then the medic delivery service came with his drugs and spent a while going over everything again. He has to go back to Frisco once a week but that will just be an overnight trip so he is happy to be home the rest of the time in his own bed and to be here where his friends can drop in for a visit. One day at a time...

I am starting to adjust to all the changes in our lives and making time for myself by taking the pup to the park again. We both missed it a lot. We had two old puppy friends show up this morning to run and play with that Pyxle hadn't seen in quite some time. Those three dogs ran so hard she was still gasping for air when I left for work 2 hours later and Bob called to say she had slept for 4 hours after I left. If it doesn't rain tomorrow I'm going to take her again. We both need the excercise and fresh air.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone! It's freezing outside, but nice and warm in the cafe with good friends to hang out with!

Funky Candee, Thank you for the eggnogg recipe! Looking forward to some of your fabulous cocktails using our best crystal of course lol!

Hi Zany, Glad Bob is settled back home and his friends will be able to visit, hope that doesn't mean more work for you with endless cups of tea and sandwiches to make lol! Having fun with the dogs in the fresh air will do you good and give you a break.

Plantgeek, I've been painting my bedroom, it's taking forever! could do with you over here to slop a bit of paint around for me! Thanks for working so hard in the kitchen, I must say, our menu has improved so much since you joined us, we love your creative offerings!

Better get back to work, there's paint in my hair already!!

This message was edited Dec 12, 2008 3:48 PM

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