The Christmas Flowerpot Cafe (sweet sixteen)

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Here Sue from the other side of the world, a bit of snow to highlight our decorations!

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Hello everyone! Fingers crossed I'm back online, missed you all. Thank you Trina!
(my ever so shy SIL).

Zany, So Sorry to hear about Bob losing a toe, awfully sad news. Thinking of you both.

Candee, Good to hear you are back in the warm by the fire and the cabin is tucked up for winter. Thanks for the beautiful snowy scene, it's looking really Christmasy at the cafe!

Plantgeek, You've been doing a great job with bringing us goodies to eat, the glazed pears sound outta this world!! Hope the writing is going well, the title of your book sounds interesting!! Good Luck with it all.

Dianne, Hope the dancing is going well, do you know your routine yet? LOL
Nice to be missed, Thankyou darling!!!!

Sue, Sue, Sue, ..... well hello there down under! It looks fantastic with the lights on our tropical bed at the cafe. Great job! Stop teasing us with your promises of flowers ok LOL!

Thanks for the snow Candee, here's Mr Snowman!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Few decorations and new flowers for the cabinet on the olive wall. Great color for Christmas!

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Very nice Candee, so clever with your decorating!
Take a break and have a cuppa.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Yummy my favorite lemon meringue! Lovin that black grass, I like it better than my bloodgrass. I do need a break as I just finished putting up the Christmas tree in the cafe. Glad you were here to help me bring it in and give me that little pick me up!
Now lets get busy with the decorations!!!

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Gosh that was heavy!!! what a great tree choice Candee, it's a gorgeous shape. Love the new Flowerpot cafe sign with Father Christmas, is that your Grandbaby with him? What a darling cherub!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Terri - welcome back!!! That cuppa was just what I needed after trimming the nectarine tree. I am the world's worst prunner - I have a hard time lopping off branches that are still alive, even if I know that it is for the common good of the tree. There are still some straggler leaves on the tree - gives me an excuse to wait until next weekend to spray for peach leaf curl. Hopefully I will get the spray regime right this year so that I can bring some nectarines out to the cafe next summer. It got down to a low of 35 degrees last night - so winter is definitely around the corner even for California. Dress rehearsal tonight, and no, I am not at all ready LoL.

Candee - you are so on top of getting the decorations in. Sue - the garden looks lovely lwith the ights you have out too. Mine's are all still in the cabinet upstairs.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

You will be ready soon as you get dressed Dianne. What kind of dance? I took ballet for 16 years, came in handy for dancin on tables LOL, gave me great balance! It was in the 20s at the cabin and the wind was fierce, good to be home where it is 30!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Dianne! ohhh I'm looking forward to your home grown nectarines already!
Dress rehearsal, do you have 3 different costumes? Hope we get a private viewing at the cafe!
Loved seeing you in your dancing gear last time, full of energy and fun.
I guess you will start decorating when the show is over? you are let off the hook for now LOL!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

How many?

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

I was given some craft packs about 3 years ago for xmas, and I finally decided to make them up. These are them! I'm going to give them to some of my favourite customers, along with some African violets that I grew from leaves.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Well, look at all the lovely decorations and crafts! Oh, I wish you could post video of the dance here! But I guess we will have to content ourselves with what you can manage. Maybe a picture of the costumes...with you in them?

My addition to the decor... it is a bit non traditional... but then so am I ;~)

Thumbnail by Zanymuse
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Sue - didn't realize you are so crafty! Those and the african violets would make great gifts.

Terri - I am doing a tango routine with the women's group (we call ourselves the girlfriends), a west coast swing, and a bolero routine and will have three costumes. I took up ballroom dancing just before I turned 50, and it has kept me young at heart for the last 5 years.

Candee - ballet for 16 years. You must have excellent posture and are full of grace. Ballet dancers are so elegant. My daughters took ballet when they were young since I did not want them to be a klutz like their mom. I never did a step of dancing until I was 49 years old (too self-conscious in my younger days) because by then, I did not care what I looked like out on the dance floor.

Zany - wonderful decor to the cafe. Non-traditional is always a good thing. Tomorrow, I am taking a dear friend to UCSF for some medical testing. I will be thinking of Bob and you.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Here's a photo from last year's show, with my dance teacher - also a west coast swing piece. That is one of my favorite dances.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Ohhhhhhh Dianne, chic is what comes to mind. You look marvelous darling! Class act you got there! I do have great balance, but that could be because I am so short as well?

Zany I really like it. The gift boxes are "icy hot" with pizazz!

Sue that is a great gift idea for your customers, they will love them. You are too clever.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone! Looks fab in here today. I saw a light on at Steven's just now!

Sue, you have been busy! Love the Santa counting the days till Christmas. I'm sure your customers will be delighted with their gifts, so sweet! LoL 3 years!!!!!!

Zany, I love your non traditional tree, it's so COOOL! The dragonflies and frogs look so elegant!
Thanks for bringing that one in, it's beautiful.

Dianne, Wow you do look glamorous, go girlfriend!
Candee, now what have I told you about dancing on the tables in the cafe? lol!

Get down from there!!

This message was edited Dec 8, 2008 4:45 PM

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oops, I misunderstood, I thought you said I could do it as long as nobody got hurt!

london England, United Kingdom

ok then, dance the night away!

Louisville, KY

Hey Candee, got room for one more up on that table? hehehe That sounds like too much fun. Whaddaya say about putting on red jingle boots for more effect. I have an extra pair.

Wow, everyone decorations are wonderful! I'm going to be hard pressed to keep up. So, meantime, I brought more goodies- candied violets, blackberry tarts and a tray of roasted veggies- sweet potatoes, new potatoes, jeruselum artichokes seasoned with sea salt and garlic butter. Then to wash it all down, oolong tea.

Dianne, that is one great shot! You look so happy too.

london England, United Kingdom

Hello Plantgeek, they sound like sexy boots!! We will have to make sure Candee keeps her Bra on this time LOL!

I'm leaving a flower magazine in the cafe for you all to browse through when you get a minute for a cuppa!
Is the latte machine fixed yet btw?
Thank you for the goodies Plantgeek, love those candied violets, I'll try not to scoff the lot!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Candle arrangement

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Red and gold

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Christmas wreath

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Light the candles

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Red and Ritsy

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

coloured foam with texture

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Sheep, these look great in the cafe gardens!

Have a nice evening all!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Those sheep look like the shearer got a bit carried away. You don't think they will catch cold do you?

I am going to help myself to a blackberry tart and a nice cuppa joe to wash it down before I settle in for the evening to watch the table dancers.

Louisville, KY

Oh I don't know Terri, as a safety precaution against overheating from all that dancing, I think flinging off our bras is well called for. Ok, so I brought everyone a pair of sexy jingle boots. Y'all feel free to join in. "Jingle boots, jingle boots, jingle all the way. Oh what fun to fling our bras and leave them where they lay, hey!

Love those sheep BTW.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks I love the boots and that spike heel makes my legs appear longer even if I had to put some cotton in the toes! Bra, what bra, haven't bothered with one of those for years, just another cumbersome bother.
Terri, those are interesting, I like the swag but really go for the twig one! Right up my alley.
So who is gonna be responsible to clean up after the sheep. I don't think that Madame Woodsy is gonna go along with this at all?

I am loving those new potatoes, I just love taters!!!

london England, United Kingdom

There's no chance of the sheep getting cold Zany! They are Holy sheep and they don't poop either Candee!! It doesn't show on the photo very well but their heads are made with tiny Chrysanths, so I think Madame Woodsy will like them!

Jingle boots Jingle boots jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to .. fling our bras today ..hey!!

london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
Louisville, KY

ROFL! You sexy beast.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

LOL, oops now I have this mental image!!!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

What a wild bunch you all are. PG - if you have one of those sexy boots in my size, I'll bring up the tail end.

Terri - thanks the photos from the magazine.

Louisville, KY

Dianne, one pair of red-hot sexyness coming up.
I brought a box of licorice whips that we can do with as we like. hehehe

Ok, it's time we thouroghly wrecked our girly figures, (but with all this dancing, not to worry). I brought decadence on a platter in the form of chocolate hazlenut orange poundcake. Then, there's cre`me brule`e, and to put us under the table- triple ginger apple crisp. Dig in.

Love all the decorations here. This is so festive in a most refreshing way. Y'all rock!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

No jingle boots for me thanks. I prefer Birkenstocks and moccasins these days. But I'll enjoy sitting with a cuppa and watching the rest of you dance the night away.

Chocolate hazlenut orange poundcake, now that does sound downright decadent... where's the knife... gonna have me a nice slice!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I gotta have that pound cake Zany, shove it over my way if you are finished, or just even taking a break.
If you are gonna dance in your slippers Zany, please ring a bell so you don't keep sneakin up on me, I nearly fell off that last table when you startled me!
That ginger apple crisp is just the thing for a hangover I am told, the ginger will really settle your stomach quickly! Perhaps we should save a bit of it in the freezer so we have it for the New Year.
We are having a celebration for the New Year aren't we? Are we going to have a New Year cafe? I know, already getting ahead of myself, but since we have our Christmas gathering at T-day I do get ahead of myself. Did I just repeat myself??? LOL
Dianne, I think you should take the lead after all you are the dancer in the group and can coreograph our whole routine.

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