Vermicomposting in Atlanta - red wigglers?

Atlanta, GA

Hi there! I'm interested in starting up a worm box to compost my veggie scraps in, and was wondering if anyone in the Atlanta area had extra worms that they might want to unload (=give away)? I have checked out a few mail order red wiggler worm companies, but with the economic times as they are, I thought I might see if anyone had extras they might be willing to give to a new vermicomposter (that's me!) :-) I haven't set up my box yet, but I plan to set it up in the next few weeks.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

If you were local, I could put you on business.I don't know about mailing them.Tell you what, go to a bait shop, and get a small start.I think that would be as easy as anything.You might find them in the hunting/fishing section in wallmart.
Believe it or not, I use to take every worm I could find out to the compost.I have plenty compost eating helpers.Mike

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Try a bait shop???/ I just pick up mine after a big rain or just dig them up after a rain. My beds are full of them.

Atlanta, GA

If only it rained more these days...! Those are good ideas - thanks! And thankfully it DID rain today, so perhaps there are some still lurking about.

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Why are Red Wigglers any better than the garden variety?? I chunk in my "found" worms too, don't know what pedigree they hve.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Red wigglers work in decaying shallow dirt, and night crawlers travel large distances to find forage area, and go real deep.The rarely surface near where they went in. Mike

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