Wanted to buy Heirloom tomato Seed.

Beerburrum, Australia

I will be paying via Paypal so you get your money first.
Im in Australia and there is no problem posting seed here as long as you list the seed as (lycopersicon esculentum)

Please contact me with variety, amount and price wanted.
Must be heirloom seed.

Many thanks.


's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi Bob,

I have several heirloom tomato seeds. Is there anything particular that you're looking for?

Beerburrum, Australia

Hello Tuinkabouter.

Please list what you have.
Regards IBB

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)


Have you ever visited this site http://www.totallytomato.com/sp.asp?c=7 It might shorten your search.

Coushatta, LA

I have some tomato seeds(heirloom).What do you have to trade?

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