So You Ask Why Do I Like The Real Earthboxes?

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I've been a backyard gardener since 1944 when it was called a Victory Garden because fresh food was hard to get and the government encouraged families to grow their own food as much as possible. I was seven and have been gardening ever since but no where near as great success as I have been having with my EBs. Their are imitations on the market but I stick with the original because of my phenominal success with most all plantings and not just veggies but anything that can be grown in them. I like the ease of maintaince, the elimination of weed pulling and the fact that I can not drown the plants by overwatering. The newer EBs are much more sturdier than the originals but I wish they would give me a choice and discount if I don't use the casters as I grow on soil and not concrete so I don't need the casters and I fertilize just once with 10-10-10 and dolomite lime and that is it for the season and I am partially disabled so it would even be better for a physically fit individual.
My ground is extremely hard as it sits on a large pad that they made for our mobile home and they overdid the padding so it is darn near impossible to drive a support in the ground without using a hammer and chisel. No kidding! Their staking system with the netting is perfect for me though an additional expense but they last forever so it is worthwhile and I buy a couple at a time. So now you know...

Thumbnail by Tplant
Crestview, FL

TPlant: I was looking at a slideshow today of some woman and her husband that have an EB farm. They have 1,400 EBs, can you imagine? I was looking at her setup and it looks really nice, now I don't feel like my addiction is that bad right? LOL
Your plants look wonderful and here is why I like the boxes:
A. You can't over water the plants!!!!!! A plus for me.
B. No weeding, the mulch covers pretty much guarantee that.
C. No problems with diseases in the soil, you aren't planting in the ground and the bugs are fewer.
D. The plants pretty much grow themselves, all you add is water, love and pest control.

Canyon Lake, TX(Zone 8b)

I am still pondering the EBs. I just can't let it go, in spite of the expense. I am trying to justify buying Bob's coconut stuff, but the shipping cost is terrible. I finally found some locally (an hour away) that cost about the same as Bobs when I consider sales tax and all.

Joy, The folks with the 1,400 units must have a method for recycling the growing medium. It has to be costly to replace the medium every three years or no? If they are recycling, I would like to know about it.

Crestview, FL

texasrockgarden: She didn't say anything about recycling the potting mix and to beat all she is not on well water either, that has to be expensive. I will ask her though ok?

Crestview, FL

Texasrockgarden: I asked the girl about if she was recycling the medium or not, she said what she does is let's the rain wash the salts out, as that is the only problem that the salt builds up in the medium.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

lol Tplant you always make me so jealous! Aren't those just beauties, I'm chomping at the bit to go ahead and start my own seedlings.

I've purchased an EB for my Dad for Christmas. I'll send him a few plants or have Laurel do it when time comes so he won't insult the EB by putting in a nasty evil Bonnie seedling in it. *G* I've told Santa I want an Earthbox gift certificate this year so I can buy 3 more...that will put me up to 17. Have no idea where I'll put them all but I simply can't wait to plant corn!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Corn does very well in the EB's. Plant eight on each side with the fertilizer in the middle. Took some pictures today and will show on the self container grow box.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Ok, Araness, I can confess that I was secretly (in my heart) trying to keep up with your EBs but I doubt that I'll EVER get to 17 in this life! siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.....

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

DH has told me after each order for the last 10 "No MORE!" but then he or I will find something else we would love to have and sooo...It's all Tplant's fault, if he had never posted all his wonderful pictures I wouldn't have been hooked.

I received my order from Park's while I was away and can't wait to plant the corn (Silver King and Avalon) as well as the carrots, radishes, beans, eggplant, zuke's and of course cucumbers and tomatoes. Serg is going to use my own EB mix in a raised bed that he can amend so it will be ok for the carrots and radishes...please note that to date I have not been able to grow a radish to save my life, maybe a raised bed is the lucky charm. I am keeping my fingers crossed cause DH LOVES them.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

araness -- Is Serg going to use your old EB mix for his radishes because if he does he will have great radishes and will be so happy he might "spring" for more EBs for you? LOL

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

What kinda beans did you get?

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

The Burpee bush beans.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Gymgirl I bought from Parks and got Nash, Sugar Pod and a pea...can't remember but I think it had the word arrow in it.

LOL Tplant, that's what we are using and I'm keeping my fingers crossed as he LOVES radishes and we haven't been able to grow them in the past. With the economy the way it is I'd love to grow as many fresh veggies as possible for our personal use and then to pass along to some of our neighbors who are retired and on a fixed income. Things here aren't looking great as this is a very heavily industrialzed area with Invista, Temple-Inland, Dupont, ISP etc. Only ones around here not laying off or cutting back to two weeks on/off are the oil companies but that won't help all the chemical and pulp & paper employees. If I can have a good enough year I thought we could have enough for ourselves the freezer and the older couple next door.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

That is real kind of you Gymgirl! I'll help from my end as much as possible. May I suggest Eggplant as many various and inexpensive meals can be made with it. We were poor growing up and my mother would make eggplant sandwiches with tomato sauce on it and it was delicious. Of course I didn't know we were poor?

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