Daylilies-how much shade ??

Muncy, PA(Zone 5a)

I have a flowerbed on the northeast side of my house that I am contemplating planting full of daylilies. Would it be profitable to do so? During the hottest part of the summer the sun does shine there for 5+ hours but it varies to that point. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

south central, WI(Zone 5a)

I have daylilies in areas that only get a little direct sun and I still get blooms. With 5 hours of sun, I would think that yours would do fine and put on a better show than I get.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

I have some planted in almost full shade, they do get some very late evening and dappled through the day and mine still bloom. I think the key is water! Daylilies like a drink every day! Good drainage is a must as well so they wont rot. The more water they get the more blooms you willl have. You may be happies planting something else in behind them that will bloom after the daylilies have finished. They will be nothing but grass once they are done. Some Black eyed suans, Purple coneflowers are both taller and like suna nd will bloom in the summer. Even if you planted annuals zinnias. Just a thought.

My local daylily hybridizer actually RECOMMENDED that the deeper burgundy & purple shades of dayliles be grown in partial shade so that they hold their deep color better. Let us know how you make out with them on the northside; I don't have any yet in the area heavily shaded by the house in my northside bed, although I have them where they get slanted sun & they do wonderfully.

High Springs, FL(Zone 8b)

Like lindap, I've also been told that the darker shades do better in the shade. For other colors, it really depends on the variety - I have a large bed of yellow daylilies (don't know the name!) that are commonly used for general landscaping in this area. They won't bloom AT ALL without full sun.

On the other hand, the plants I bought this past spring from a local hybridizer were all growing in nearly full shade and blooming like crazy!

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