CLOSED: Anyone Looking for Baldhip Rose or Snowberry?

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

I hadn't been out to check on these and just saw that the seeds are ripe on them. There doesn't look like there's a lot of the Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus), but there's enough for a couple of people if anyone is looking for them and there's more of the Baldhip Rose (Rosa gymnocarpa).

If anyone is searching for these, just let me know and I can collect the berries.


(Marymac) Statesvi, NC(Zone 7a)

I wouldn't mind a few of the Baldhip rose..

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

Wonderful. They are a very enjoyable, lovely little species rose and quite tolerant of various conditions. While my Nootka's grow in full sun, the Baldhip plants are in a fairly shady area and still flower nicely. I have a few seeds I collected this afternoon, but I'll go collect more tomorrow.

Do you by chance have any seeds left for the 'Extra Long Handled Dipper' gourd?


(Marymac) Statesvi, NC(Zone 7a)


Yes i still have the gourd seeds I have 12 left...

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

If you have a few of those that you could spare I'd absolutely love to try that variety. I finally have some sun to grow my gourds in so it would be great fun to try some interesting ones instead of just reading about them and wishing that I had somewhere to put them ;)

Either way I'll get the rose seeds ready to head out your way. They'll do best with fall planting or if that doesn't work well for your area, cold stratification in the fridge, but otherwise shouldn't be much trouble to get started.


(Marymac) Statesvi, NC(Zone 7a)

I'll get those headed your way first thing Monday morning!! I still have your address from a previous trade.. Enjoy!! Thanks for trading and have a good night.


Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

That will be absolutely fantastic. Thank you so much. I have your address as well and will get these lovely little roses on their way to you.

Thanks again,

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

There may be more Rosa gymnocarpa ripening soon (depending on how much the birds and furry friends eat first), but all the currently ripe seeds for both these species have found homes.

Thanks again,

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