Weight Loss Challange Nov. 22-29 2008

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

It is cold outside. Time to dig out the sweatpants, etc. tho most places I go those aren't acceptable yet. And won't be at all this winter at work. At least I don't think it will be. Sweat tops are tho. I dress in layers and shed as I need to throughout the day.

Eating has been fairly good. Just a couple small cookies at work yesterday and no toast or potatoes at the cafe' last night. Most meals are pretty balanced tho I have fallen down on the cooking the past week or so.

Debbie, I know this is hard on you with your father, but it really is in everyone's best interest. Your mother can't lift or turn him as he needs to be, get him up, clean up his privates when he is incontinent, feed him, etc. and neither can you. It is terrible when it comes to this point in life, but thankfully you seem to have in a good home this time.

Joann, there is something in the mail to you. It went out yesterday. Running after a baby or toddler can be exhausting. I couldn't do it anymore. I don't know how Ally or you do it.

Pebble, any word on your DD's vehicle? What will you replace it with? I know you said something not as valuable as the stolen one. There is something good to be said about driving/owning older not so valuable vehicles.

My few houseplants seem to be doing ok. The cats can't get to most of them because they are in cages which now sort of resemble terrariums(?)only no water. Just bars which are being filled in with plant growth. Only a couple taller more bushy ones so far. The ones not in the cages seem to be fairing well too. I need to remember to turn them more often.

Vic, how are the dogs and you doing with the walking. I do wish I could walk like that. A few years ago I go close to one of your daily walks in a week's time but that was then.

I was reading on the Farm Life forum and see that Kathleen said they have gotten 4' of snow in the past week. She is in New York somewhere. And more is expected soon. I'm so glad we don't have that. It has been some time since we had a 'big' snow. Maybe 3 or 4 years. Sedalia had 16" at one time back then. I don't know how I will get to work if that happens here. The drive drifts closed so quickly and takes a large tractor to clear it.

Anna, is the competition today or tomorrow? I am thinking today so it is an all day event. You haven't talked much about the routine this time. Or is it the same as the last one you used?

I forgot to pick up my prescriptions yesterday before I left town so I have to go back today to get them. Drats. I hate extra trips for little things. But I'm short a sleeping pill to make it thru to Monday so I have to get them.

To all who are struggling with the eating, exercising, plateaus, etc., hang in there. Maybe just a small change in one thing or another will make things happen for you. I have to do those little changes all the time. The body adjusts to one routine and become too comfortable with it so we have to change things slightly to get it to give up those pounds.

I need to finish meds and get busy. So much to do that is left from last week. I still have laundry to fold and put away.. And seasonal clotheing swap in the drawers. I'm sure I'll find things I know I will never wear again so I may as well give them away.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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