Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

This is my first bloom of the season.Lima from Willow Creek Gardens

Thumbnail by gone2seed
Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

And another shot...

Thumbnail by gone2seed
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

nice photos, esp with the water droplets on the blooms.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Beautiful! Thanks for the cheering pics!

Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

Now Chico is blooming.This one is also from Willow Ceek.She will be dusted with Lima pollen as soon as she's ready.

Thumbnail by gone2seed
Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

One more shot

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Ewing, VA

Aren't they unusually beautiful???

Thanks for sharing them JT. Most of my exotics are snoring right! With the exception of the Jungle Stars which are actively growing and enjoying the cooler temps. They inherited this trait from Papilio for sure.

Good luck and may you be blessed with beautiful crosses!

Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

Here is LaPaz from John Scheepers.It looks a lot like Lima but has nice ruffled edges.
Dusting with Lima and Chico pollen.

Thumbnail by gone2seed
Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

Here is a side shot.

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JT is in love.

Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

You are so right Liz.These things are habit forming.There are two more blooming this week.Here is Merengue.This one has a short scape,about 8 inches tall.This is one of the bulbs from Eden's blooms and the bulbs were very dry.The scape may be longer next year.Anyway,I like the color.

Thumbnail by gone2seed
Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

Another shot

Thumbnail by gone2seed
Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

And then there is the miniature Bright Spark.2 1/4 inch blooms,Four blooms on the first scape.Another scape coming along.Scape is about 6 inches tall.

Thumbnail by gone2seed
Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

More BS

Thumbnail by gone2seed
Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

Obviously this obsession has to be reined in.I think next year I will confine my purchases to a very few cybisters and any species that I don't already have. should see the Japanese hybrids (be still my heart), their teacup varieties most notably.
I really love the species amaryllis and have crossed many of them with each other and the H. papillio.
I might see some results this year, as the bulbs are pretty hefty.

Ewing, VA

Great pics JT!!! Doncha love em exotics??? The next step for you to do is to KNOW each and every variety. Their likes and dislikes, growing and flowering habits, resting and active growing period, fertility and so on. They might look almost the same but a lot of them have very different characteristics. Just like the brugs...right?

Gordo...Here's some Japanese ones for you....

Little Variegate

Thumbnail by mariava7
Ewing, VA

Fall Star

Thumbnail by mariava7
Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

yes,I guess some of the Japanese varieties need to be added to my want list.Every other hybridizer in the world is 200 years ahead of me.I got into brugs at just the right time so some of my hybrids have been well received.It won't be nearly as easy to come up with different Hippies.Ah well,the fun is in the trying.
I'm taking pages of notes as each of my varieties blooms and grows.It will take me a long time to get up to speed but I'm learning.The forums are a gold mine of information for us beginners.

Well, JT...if you really want to immerse yourself in all things amaryllis you're going to need a few fast tracks to information required to satisfy the flower fire in your belly.
I have links to many resources and information.
Give me some time and I will compile.
In the meantime, cash in the CD's and the entire retirement fund, get a few additional part time jobs, buy more land and start building those outdoor tables with the shaded roofing material. ;-)

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Oh you guys in FL are so smart. LOL, I truly envy you. My Lima is just getting ready to open. Yours are beautiful. All of you.


Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

Here is Bellissimo bloming today.This miniature is a great one.Love the color.
This shot is with flash.

Thumbnail by gone2seed
Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

A daytime shot of Bellissimo

Thumbnail by gone2seed
Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

This one is supposed to be San Antonio Rose.It looks like a species or species hybrid to me.Even the bulb looks "species".About the size of a golf ball and slightly flattened.
The scape is a nice pink/peach color.

Thumbnail by gone2seed
Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

One more of SARose?

Thumbnail by gone2seed
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Very, very pretty.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Gone2seed, how tall do your Cybisters get? I thought they were suppose to be minis but my Lima is almost/at least, 18 inches tall. Maybe they are called minis because the blooms are small???? I haven't seen any bloom yet.

I love Chico, LaPaz, Marengue, and??????

The Japanese shots are gorgeous.


Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

Jnette,my Lima and LaPaz are tall with 18-20 inch scapes.The others range in between,down to 8 inches for Merengue.Understand that these are first year blooms for me.The size of the small ones may recover and be larger next year....or not.

Now,more on the San Antonio Rose.It seems that this is an F1 hybrid of two "species".
H.Aulicum var stenopetalum and,the now extinct,H.iraubiifi doraniae.Need I say I will attempt to self pollinate this one.

North East England, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Those cybisters are fantastic. Must get one as most of the amaryllis I have had have been the standard ones. Great photos.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Thanks J.T. Got my fingers crossed for the self-pollination.


Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I just measured the scape on my Minervia and it was 221/2 in. tall and the Grand Cru that is growing it probably 12 to 14 in. already so it is going to be tall too.

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