Talk to me about these 2 vines

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I'm deep into my winter obssesion of trolling for unusual seed sources and just got in beaumontia grandiflora/Easter Lily vine and hederifolia var. lutea/yellow morning glory. I've done some on-line research but I always like to go gardeners for their insights.

The yellow morning glory I take it is a form simular to Noah and cardinal climber and will sew it next spring.

Easter Lily vine I know I will have to grow as a potted plant as it will be tender in my zone. Since it doesn't bloom until the second year,I thought I'd get a jump start on it now by sewing it now on the heat mat under grow lights.There's not much in Plant Files on it.


scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

I've grown the yellow one, the bloom is very pretty but small. It should set seeds for you after blooming so you can collect and grow them every year.

Edinburg, TX

I've grown a different species of Yellow Morning Glory called Ipomoea ochracea. My vines are about five years old. The blooms are 2.5 to 3" in diameter and a bright lemon yellow. I've noticed over the years the blooms are bigger if the vines are fertilized but I tend to leave mine alone. The vines don't die out here and stay green all year long and the bloom period starts around the end of September/October on through April/May.

~ Cat

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

do they cross w/ red carnial climbers? I those come up in my yard like weeds from seeds I sewed years ago.

I'll have to look for that one to add to my vine collection. Are thay as weedy as reg. MG's?

Edinburg, TX

This 'was' the mother vine. As you can tell, I let it grow all along my east side fence. It ended up covering a pony tail palm tree and was moving on up into my neighbor's oak tree :o) It also covered my fence but then I set out a livestock fence panel along part of the length of it with the intention of working on the fence panel but kept putting it off. Before I knew it the vine had covered that too :o)

I removed it a couple of months ago to plant some other butterfly larval host vines.

I still have another huge YMG vine that covers my dining room window bars.

~ Cat

This message was edited Nov 18, 2008 7:10 AM

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Good heaven's to Betsy! Kudzu lil cus! Yikes! I'd like to grow that on the fence next to my evil neighbor....maybe it'd eat her up....LOL

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

No, they won't cross with cardinal climbers. They are different.

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Cat - What zone are you in? I'm attempting to overwinter a YMG that I grew from seed I got from you. I planted it in a pot with an iron trellis in it - it grew, but never did thrive - I'm wondering if the trellis got too hot in the South GA sun. Anyway, the top froze a couple of weeks ago in a light freeze we had, so I put it into the greenhouse after it sent up a new sprout. It's supposed to get down to around 24 tonight here. If it survives the winter in the greenhouse, I may plant it outside, if you live in a similar zone - I'm 8b. I think it will do better in the ground than in a pot - what do you think? Thanks! (Sorry to hijack this thread!) Samantha

Edinburg, TX in zone 9b. Our summers get to 100+ and our winters maybe, just maybe in the 40's at night...rare freezes. Never had to put anything in a greenhouse - of course, I don't have a greenhouse either :o)

Had a couple of vines freeze to the ground a few years ago - I cut all the vines back to about six inches - they grew back fairly quickly.

That vine in the photo was removed completely back in September - now I see several sprouts popping up - but since I also grow Ipomoea obscura am not sure what they are at this time. Can usually tell by the leaves but I just haven't made the time to really look at them :o)

~ Cat

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Cat - WOW! Maybe I'll just keep it in a pot, though I might upsize next spring - I'd love to see it bloom! Is the Impomoea obscura as fast & furious a grower as this one? Thanks for your help! Samantha

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Peggy,
In regards to the Beaumontia Grandiflora, I went round and round looking for information that would help me grow a healthy blooming vine. Not finding much at all I decided to keep a diary, which would help me put the bits and pieces of data and the hunches I got together. I've blogged all my trial and errors, conjectures and theories, sucesses and failures, which I'll post in a link to below.
The blog may be a bit disorganized because I'm in the process of moving, and separating some data on another Beaumontia (Murtonii) that I'm happy to say is setting buds for the first time, so some data is stated twice as I reorganize.

Having said that, an important item to remember starting out is that the vine is more a Desert Tropical, and as it might imply, water quantities play a pivotal role in the success of this vine (in my opinion).

Good luck!

This message was edited Nov 30, 2008 6:38 PM

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Hey,thanks for that info. I'll be sure to read your dairy before I sew the seeds. I'm messy and disorganized too so I should be able to read it just fine*S*


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL, then it will make perfect sense!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Well,if that's disorganized and messy...I'll eat my hat....LOL

My brain(what little is left) reeled with all the info and I don't think I'm going to want th responsibilty of trying to grow and raise these from seed.Think I'll try to trade them to some other for something a little less picky.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I hear ya. Even if you buy a fairly large vine, it will take about 3 years to bloom, and then rarely in a container unless you have that nursery steroid make it pretty bloomer so it will sell stuff.!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I can get nursery supplies from my local BWI. What steriod are you referring too?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I have no idea, but I know they pump them with something to look all pretty for us buyers.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

have to do some checking

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