Bokashi-fermented food scraps: attractive to rodents?

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Hi! As recommended on the Bokashi website, for several months I've been putting my Bokashi-pails of fermented food scraps into my compost bins to help finish my compost. In the last few days, I've encountered two mice in two different bins as I toss my compost (much jumping and eeking in surprise, on both our parts.) For some reason, I had thought that the fermented scraps might not be attractive to rodents. Am I wrong about this and should I just get used to it?
Note: my Biostacks are supposed to be resistant to critters since they are covered, but mice know how to burrow.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

CCG, did you ever find rodents in your compost piles before you started adding the Bokashi? I haven't seen any rodents in the compost bin in the community garden where we mix in the Bokashi. I have seen the occasional tree rat in the pile of plant materials to be shredded, but no sign of them in the bin itself.

Do you think the cooler weather may have something to do with it?

Hopefully EMEric will visit this thread and let us know what he has experienced.

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Garden_mermaid, thanks for your response. I composted for three years with unfermented vegetative kitchen scraps with no visible rodents when I tossed my compost. I started adding my Bokashi-scraps to my bins last Spring because the website recommended this in cases where you don't bury them in an underground trench.

I will also be interested in someone's expert opinion as to whether fermented Bokashi kitchen scraps are attractive to varmints. They don't smell ALL that attractive to me, but then, earthworms really love them!

(I could try them on my dogs, but I'm not prepared to deal with the consequences LOL)

The cooler weather may also have something to do with it, winter is coming, and --a mouse has got to do what a mouse has got to do.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

According to this Australian website, failure to attract rodents and flies is one of the advantages of Bokashi composting.

That being said, when you have finished the 2 week fermentation period, does your Bokashi smell pickled? I'm wondering if you need to add more Bokashi or spray with some EM/AEM?

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Garden-mermaid, that was an interesting website. I do ferment my scraps for at least 4 weeks--But I must say, when I check my Bokashi-scraps in the bins there are often some tiny flies circling around (I just ignore them.) Plus there is sometimes a less-than-salubrious scent.
Your suggestions to spray with some EM/AEM is a good one. I will do so.
I am not prepared to forego using my Bokashi-fermented scraps because I love being able to recycle everything from my kitchen. I just can't stand to discard stuff.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

No need to forgo using the Bokashi! Just experiment with fine tuning your system.
Are your Bokashi bins air tight? Could the mix have gotten too wet? You may want to add some shredded newspaper to the bins if it's too soggy.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I tried burying the 'bokashied' kitchen waste beside my asparagus rows, and our Lab ate anything still in one(or three) piece. She loves the stuff. Now i put it in a bottomless 50 gal. rubbish can half buried in my gardenwaste pile. The lid isn't air tight, but there is no odor to my old nose. Thelma (the Lab) doesn't seem interested in the rubbish can. I have not seen rats or mice around it either(nor wild pigs/we have a lot of them)...and critters haven't shown any interest in the Bokashi either. I also have a pail of Bokashi out in my greenhouse (I mix it with my potting mix).

I have not had any problem with flies (the big ones) but there is a gnat that is attracted to anything fermenting...or going old. When the Bokashi is being dried out the gnats get all over it but they don't congregate around the bucket where I store it as it's airtight. They are called Fungal Gnats for a good reason and if they are still bothersome after I seal up the Bokashi (if anything spills) I hang a sticky yellow card and they are 'thwocked'. DH is amazed at the health and vigor of the plants we share the stuff with.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

That rubbish can method sounds super- That ought to restrict your stuff from anything that can dig only somewhat shallowly, plus keep most above ground things out. Super! Kind of in the vein of the half buried five gallon bucket that some use for dog waste. We do that, and when its getting too full, we pull up the bucket, top off with dirt and dig a new hole for the bucket.

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

I tried burying the 'bokashied' kitchen waste beside my asparagus rows, and our Lab ate anything still in one(or three) piece. She loves the stuff.

And she didn't get sick or show any untoward effects, Aloha? That is either a testament to the gentle fermentation of Bokashi'd scraps, or to your Lab's digestion! I know that my Border Terrier is always VERY interested when I transfer Bokashi-scraps to my compost bin.
I guess the trick is just to keep the scraps as protected as possible, in closed bins or trash cans or under the ground. That's what this informative thread has taught me.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'm curious about the discussions wherein EM is actually even healthy for animals. probiotic fashion. The Lab may be smarter than we know!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Well...I have drunk EM - tastes good and good for 'us'. DH thinks I am nuts...only a capful. I am told it IS very good for the digestive track...

Old Garbage Gut Thelma is seldom sick...only when she overdoses on avocados!!! I think the fermented garbage is very appealing...after all, pigs and cows are fed silage which, in effect, is the same thing (or really close!).

Sitka, AK

I have had ravens and other critters here in Southeast Alaska dig up and eat my bokashi compost. I really don't want my compost to be a source of food for vermin so I started looking for information on whether rats do in fact eat bokashi or fermented foods. The only websites that claim vermin are not attracted to bokashi seem a bit biased. The bokashi process probably decreases the odor and appeal of your kitchen scraps and leftovers but that doesn't mean animals won't be attracted or eat it if given the chance. I don't regret buying the system but I would say be realistic and develop a system that truly discourages them. Burying it deep in the ground or in with a barrier seems to be the safest bet.

San Juan Capistrano, CA

Rats and mice will eat anything. I suggest a 5-gallon water bucket with two inches of water in the bottom and plank with tiny blob peanut butter near my compost. Keep replacing the dab of peanut butter and maker sure the mice have a ramp to get in, but they will drown. Dispose of the dead mice away from the house where birds/owls/ larger critters can eat them, Gross but soon the mice population will decrease.

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