Great Big Hi! New Here...

Lake City, SC

I've been lurking for quite a few days. Finally joined & just wanted to say hello & thanks for the ideas I've picked up while lurking.
I'm currently working on a helmet lady bug & have one set for a turtle (if I can ever figure out the legs). I've put in a call to my local bowling alley too. I've also scored from the "trash" from our neighbor business - got a huge wire spool & 3 small ones (I'm going to tile them for Ashlee's playground - table & stools)!All this based on tips & ideas & creations that I've picked up just in the last few days.

I know you want pics! LOL I'll be posting them soon so you can see the end result of your inspirations! But I've got a lot of work to do before I post pics.

BTW, Ashlee is my 2 1/2 yo baby girl - the greatest gift God has ever seen fit to give me! Her Santa Suprise is a fenced playground with lots of Mommy created projects (to make it as affordable as possible). If you have any playground ideas, by all means, PLEASE share!

Okay, that's long enough for my first post. Just thought I'd introduce myself & tell you that I'm already inspired & overwhelmed by all the creativity on this forum. You ROCK!

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