What in the world were they thinking???!!!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

In conjunction with my Christmas shopping thread

I wanted to see if you ever received a gift that you made you think "what in the world were they thinking???"

Hubby always did real good at getting me great gifts. I think it happened that way since we always walked the mall after we went out to dinner or a movie to get some exercise and I pointed out things I liked. Then he tucked that away in the recesses of his brain and bought what I had pointed out(wasn't he wonderful?) well I guess we stopped walking the malls together because things definitely changed. It started going downhill when one year he got me this hideous harley denim zip up vest. Maybe if it didn't look so much like a guys vest it would have been fine but YUCK! What was he thinking?

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

How bout a fishing pole? I LMBO now, but didn't that day.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I never did get anything that would fall under that category.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

My dad proudly gave my mother a washing machine one year. The following she gave him all the other things the HOUSE needed. He got it.

It wasn't ever about the money, always about the thought and care in which something was given. One year I gave my dad a stuffed Yogi Bear. He laughed so hard at my choice that I thought he was going to pee. It stayed on his nightstand until he died in 1981.

My favorite gifts are always the odd ones. I collect demented dolls. My husband gave me this one last year. I loved it far more than all the gorgeous other stuff he gave me. Ok, I loved the trip to Italy he gave me one year. He wrapped up a travel guide with the tickets inside.

But what was my Mom thinking the Christmas my brother came home from a second stint in Vietnam and Santa gave him one of those play ticking bombs? I was horrified. He pretended to think it was funny, but I think it was totally out of line. He still has it.

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

That's one scary looking doll! I'd prefer the ticking bomb.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

going for a midnight snack and running into one of those dolls would be frightening.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Especially if it was left in the fridge.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

you would be glad they switched for glass milk bottles to plastic!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)


Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

I have many of these guys. I love them as much as my lilies. Sickness. They are my rescues.

We once had a friend take the tail end of a big shark and stuffed into our fridge so when we went to open the refrigerator door first thing in the morning out swung the huge tail. This was just when the film "Jaws "had just come out. Startled us to death in the morning when DH opened the fridge to get out the milk. We ate the shark steaks. Pretty good. Wish I had a picture, of our faces. Patti

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh thats funny Patti!!! A bit smelly, but funny!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

That's a good one. It would not be milk that spilled if that was me.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Pixie I'll trade you a comic book for your fishing pole. I'm just not sure what sort of message my boyfriend was making when he gave me that. hmmmmm o well I traded him in for a new one soon after.

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

I'd have to say when DH and I were first dating, for my birthday he mentioned something about the gift he was getting for me, so I made a comment something like "Yeah, you're probably getting me snow tires". Guess what my gift was? He thought he was being so thoughtful wanting to make sure I was safe...

I am in trouble now. The Fire dept. and cops were here cuz of a bonfire.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

A little hot at your house Sherrie! lol

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

I really liked the fishing pole and I used it often, it just wan't what I was expecting. lol

ok simmer dow :-) When we move here a woman named Jackie Elliott
turned us in. We had too many cars in the yard. I asked the guy and also my husband what we had to do to make it right. It was - get them all registered. We did. Now tonight the young kids are having a fire like they have in the past 4 years and the cops and fire department show up. I went out to ask - Why are you here. They would not say someone called in . I said who called? I have the right to know LAW. someone called but they could not tell as they did not now at the time.

I am ticked Jackie you anit seen nothing yet.

Sorry - I am PO. Would you want your kids in the back yard having a bonfire? or Off into the streets or where ever?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

As long as your not burning all your cars I wouldn't complain.
At the forest service house annual after christmas party they had the annual burning of the tree. They threw the christmas tree on the bon fire, ornaments, lights and all. Then they tried riding bikes up a ramp and over the bonfire...can we say "insane?"

The point I am making is: If you have a problem with a neighbor, 1st try to resolve the problem by PICKING UP THE DARN PHONE! No - this witch would just rather call the cops and fire department. (that is your right) OK. BUT if you pick up the phone or go see your neighbor the problem might get solved. So now with the PD and FD getting called to go out, the tax payers now share the burden. Everytime the PD and FD gets called up goes the taxes for the city budget. She evidently dont care too much about taxes or aint smart enough to figure it out.

I would rather have the kids here doing no damage to nothing, instead of going out on the streets or else where getting into trouble. What ever trouble it might be drinking, drugs or bad driving habits - WHAT EVER!

I have lost respect. Since I am home basically 24/7 and see something suspecious. HUM

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