Quickie greenhouse

Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

We just enclosed a simple 8 x 16 garden area I had to keep our dog out during the summer. Now I need to overwinter some plants. I have too many to drag in and out on the occaisional freezes we get. This was real simple. We bought the PVC at Lowe's and I bought the plastic at an online greenhouse place.


Thumbnail by PamelaQ
Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

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This message was edited Nov 13, 2008 2:38 PM

Thumbnail by PamelaQ
Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

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Thumbnail by PamelaQ
Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)


This was where I got the plastic.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Great idea!!!! That's so smart.

I had a hoop house put in yesterday - I think I'll be using it a bit more than you will be using yours, but I also paid a gazillion more dollars than you needed to. And yours can still be a planted area in Spring?

Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes. I may use the garden again in the Spring. If I change my mind and decide to keep a greenhouse here, then I would have to beef it up a lot more. Do you have any pictures of yours to post/

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Oh, it's not fancy at all - just one of the hoop houses that you see around.

I have one shot of when they had just started, that'll give you an idea.

Thumbnail by Pagancat
Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

That will be nice and sturdy. Did you buy a kit? I've been looking at some kits here: http://www.mortonproducts.com/page.cfm/1508
It's awful tempting. I would first have to clear a section of our property where I would love to have one.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Should be - they used 4x4 posts for the framing on both ends (and to frame out the doors) and sunk them into cement.... A good thing, too - it gets awful windy on our hill.

The area it's in is where I had a pool yanked out (too much maintenance and water wastage for me!) so it's down about 2.5' from ground level at the back. Hope that will help with wind and cold, too.

I priced them at Morton's and at Grower's Solutions - there's about a $300 diff from what I could tell (Mortons being the less expensive) but I got the GS one because they brought it up to me (I live about 45 minutes away) and had workers that could set it up for me (for a small fee... ahem!).

Took a long time for me to figure out exactly what I wanted and if I'd really use it, ect. ... it was a big investment, in my eyes (I'm pretty frugal!).

Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

A big investment in my eyes too......but soooooo worth it! Post some pictures of the finished greenhouse when you get some. I'd love to see it finished. Having them bring it and put it up must of been really great. I don't think I live near any distributors.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Yeah, although I do know that the guy who runs GS goes to Florida (only) for vacation - I was teasing him about it...

Seriously, this stuff is *not* rocket science. Anyone with any sort of carpenters experience could have done this and I think that GS has a blow-by-blow set of directions on their site - I *think*.

I'll get a pic tomorrow. DH went today and got lumber, galvanized fencing and cinder blocks to construct some tables in the morning. Yay!

Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

I got most of my stuff crammed in for these temps in the 30's at night.

Thumbnail by PamelaQ
Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

This is looking toward the door.

Thumbnail by PamelaQ
Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

Sure hope all these make it to Spring.

Thumbnail by PamelaQ
Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

I see on the weather channel website the temps for tonight. BRRRRRRRRRRRRR.........
28 degrees.....
I'll see how the plants do after this.... If they make out okay with this, they may actually make it to
Spring. We'll see!

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

That's pretty cold for Florida, isn't it?

I've been taking one of the little ambient temp thermometers out to measure in my GH.... it is only about 4 degrees diff between inside and out - but the GH is also currently empty - no plants, tables or anything. I need to haul some cinder blocks in to make the tables ... but I'm feeling soooo lazy....!

Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm in the panhandle area, so it's like southern Alabama. With all the plants and generated humidity from them, it helps it get a little warmer. I'm just hoping it will be warm enough.
Hauling cinder blocks is no fun. But once done, it will be great. If I were closer, I'd give you a hand. All I can do from here is give you a hand (clap clap clap) to cheer you on! Think final vision of tons of plants all crowded in your new greenhouse........

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Ha - I need a cheerleader, lol!

Yeah, you know, DH owes me a few plants - he made a bad bet that he needs to pay off... or I calls Guido...

Okay - I'm going out now to take a picture and... yeah... .haul those dang cinder blocks. DH (and you!) is lucky to be out of town!

Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

Guido, huh? Look out knee caps....

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