Wanted: Edible Peas

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm looking for edible peas. I had the start of an heirloom collection at the beginning of this year but lost the entire seed crop. I'm looking for a lot of varieties so pretty much anything would be fantastic. I just wanted to check to see if anyone was looking to trade any edible peas before I placed an order or two.


Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi Amanda. How about some Mammoth Melting Sugar Snow Peas? These were great in salads and stir frys this year. The seeds were packed 2008 and I got them from heirloomseeds.com. (http://www.heirloomseeds.com/peas.htm ) I have more than enough left for next year's crop and would be happy to share 20 seeds. Z

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

Thank you very much, Z. The Mammoth Melting Sugar Snow Pea would be absoltuely perfect. That is one of my family's very favorite varieties and one of the ones that I lost the seed crop on this year. Twenty seeds would be fantastic. Just let me know what I can send you in return.


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)


did you know that the Pride Of Barbados is a pea? yup - aamof on the island of Barbados, folks harvest the seed pods when they are still green and supple in order to obtain the seeds in their edible form. if i have sent POB seeds to you in the past you can just grow your own to eat, or send me an SAE with 59¢ in loose stamps and i will provide seeds you can easily germinate and grow as a perennial in your zone.

ATBTY ! ~ £az£o ;--)

Thumbnail by LazLo
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi Amanda,

I have some Oregon Sugar Pod peas if you'd like them. I can just send some back with your tomato/pepper seeds for the swap when I return those.

Sound ok?


Langley, WA(Zone 8b)


No, I haven’t heard that before. While I knew the Pride of Barbados was in the pea family, I’d never heard that the seeds had an edible stage – what a wonderfully fun fact. It sounds like an amazing plant and looks so gorgeous in pictures. I absolutely can’t wait to try it and thanks to you I’ll be getting that chance because I do believe that you’re sending some seeds for that my way. Thank you so much for that.

And Heather, if you have some extra of the Oregon Sugar Pod that would be incredibly appreciated. Edible podded peas are a big favorite here.


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