Zone 4 - High Wind, When to Wrap Trees

Longmont, CO(Zone 5a)

Can someone help me with a tree wrapping problem? I live in an extremely high wind area in Zone 4 and have just this summer planted three new trees. All of them are 2" or better trunks. I can't seem to find the guidelines for wrapping their trunks. My last big planting of trees was with smaller trees and we were told to wrap them for the first two years.

any help or direction to help would be appreciated.

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

Wrapping the trunks prevents sun scald in winter and keeps the bark from cracking and blistering. I bought my wrapping at Lowe's. I don't remember the name of it, but it wasn't paper. It was a synthetic material and it stuck to itself so the wrapping didn't come loose and slip down. I kept the wrapping on for a couple years only. We also used three guidelines to keep the trees from growing crooked. All the old trees in our fence row lean east because of our severe westerly winds. The guidelines will prevent that. We threaded old pieces of hose on the wire where they touched the trees. We kept these lines on the trees for several years. It's kind of a pain in the summer when it's grass cutting time, but necessary if you want straight growing trees.

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

There are several methods for protecting tree trunks. Here is a website which has a really nice selection of choices. I personally don't like anything that actually clings to the bark because it can trap moisture and be a haven for insects. I use the open mesh style which lets in some light and air. Here the main problem are rabbits which will gnaw the bark of young trees in the winter. But a lot of people use the tight wrap without problems, so to each his own.

Longmont, CO(Zone 5a)

Our big problem here is winter kill from the wind. I need to use a more solid cover than a mesh. Do you have any idea if you have to wrap trees after the are 2"? Or do you just wrap for the first two years the trees are planted no matter what size the trees are?

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

Here, trees are protected in the first year only, but we don't deal with extremes you do. Two years doesn't seem unreasonable. hat does you local Cooperative Extension office advise? They would be a great source of specific information for your climate and locale. Click on the link and then look under horticulture. The gardening information is free and it's university researched based. Give the horticulture office a call. You'll be surprised at what they have to offer.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

I don't see how wrapping tree trunks can prevent winterkill. Even frost cracks (or sunscald) on the trunk doesn't kill a tree outright and in a year's time. Although, neither are good, and both can be problematic long term. I recommend that people here in zone 4 wrap their trees after Halloween when it is colder out. Wrapped trees in warmer weather are invitations for insects to hide and diseases to breed.

I kept the wrapping on for a couple years

I hope that just came out the wrong way. NEVER wrap trees during the growing season! Wrap trees every winter until the bark becomes rough, but take it off as warmer weather returns. March 15 in zone 4.


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