Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #18

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

We came from here

Here's your new thread Star! : )

I liked Tuink's picture idea so I found this picture on the web.
The E2BN Gallery system contains thousands of high-quality, copyright free images.

Thumbnail by Meredith79
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I like this one too. : ) I think this one would be better for the swap than the first one, because there are more piggies! LOL
I hope no ones mad I just thought this could be like a preview see if we all mind seeing a thumbnail of piggies at a trough next to our swap thread. It would definitely suit the theme, huh Tuink!! : ) A feeding frenzy of piggies ; )

This message was edited Nov 10, 2008 12:16 PM

Thumbnail by Meredith79
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Meredith! Those are soo funny!!! I love them we should pick one of those I'll vote for either one!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Great! I especially like the second one, with the piggies crowding each other at the trough. I like the idea (from the previous thread) of using the trough image for the swap forum thread and continuing to use the queen piggie image for continuing our chat threads here... :-)

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I'm glad you guys like them too : )
Gemini I saw your post in the poppies thread about poppies sprouting now and I am having the same thing happen!
I sprinkled all the packs of poppy seeds I got from the swap in a bed and I got about four plants that flowered. Now I have about 50 seedlings and I am not experienced at poppies so I don't even know what types are popping up besides definitely some corn poppies. I hope I might have the type you said overwintered and flowered the next spring though! : )

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I posted at the same time as Critter, I was about to post the Queen Piggy pic and then I thought it would be fun to try out a potential swap one. I agree we should keep using the Queen Piggy on future chat threads for here. Sorry if I ruined the thread by not using our mascot : (

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh no, not ruined at all! I just wanted to suggest a return to Queen Piggy for the next continuation thread... it really does make these threads easy to find!

I was just looking at Bluespiral's swap info again and had an additional editing suggestion. I don't think we should get into trying to define "premium" seeds -- everybody has different ideas about the relative worth of various seeds, and I think trying to put it into the guidelines would just raise a lot of different expectations and unnecessary complications.

I'd rather just leave it to Starlight's discretion. That way, you send what you have, and you get what you get, and with a lot of prearranged swapping going on I don't think anybody is going to end up bummed.

Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

I like the piggies at the trough too:)

I have a preliminary list of things ready to go, after spending all morning figuring out how to print out labels for things..can anyone tell me why my printer thinks it needs yellow ink to print black text? I am guessing it is so that they have to sell me more expensive ink cartridges...grr!

But back to the swap at hand:

Would anyone mind if I included a few things I only have a single packet packet of? Like a few things I have gotten in trade and had no room for, or just didn't have a bunch of extras of after cleaning? (I had a whole baggie of malva that got sealed too soon and got moldy, for example, so only the most recent collection was salvagable...and it only yeilded enough for me to have some and single bag to share)

I have 30 packets so far, and I still have a huge baggie of tithonia to clean (so prickly I keep putting it off) and some marigolds that still have quite a bit more chaff to go over again.

I know joe pye weed was on the common list, but I have some seeds of the "chocolate" variety if anyone is interested, let me know, and I will put some in my envie for you..otherwise I will assume everyone has enough of it to choke an elephant, and won't include it:)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I think single packets are fine, although you might want to list them as such on your swap post... that way, you can earmark them for the first requester if possible.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

artemiss, I would lo to have some chocolate joe pye weed seeds, I lost mine to the wet winter we had last year :) Here I go, oink oink LOL Just annuals I have to remember that lol I would like some seeds though lol

If anyone has the seeds to the 'Scarlet Magic' I would love to have some too, I seem to have lost mine :( I'm not sure if anyone has them cause they weren't offered last year I don't think I was looking for them and was for sure someone would have them lol

My perennial poppies are up about four inches so I'm not surprised that you alls seeds are coming up :)

I agree with Fairy on the Nicotania, I would love to see some offered there are more different kinds coming out and I still grow the old and never tire of it :)

I'm not quite sure how to take this, I'm a little dense sometimes :)

"5. Does this forum want to do "anything goes" with both targeted and loose seeds, or just with loose seeds, so that the loose seeds might have a better quality?",

But some of the hurricane people might want to share some seeds and they may not have time to clean the chaf out of them to be offered, trying to clean the chaf out of their lives :) Maybe I'm taking this the wrong way? I'm sure most of us will be cleaning the chaf out of our seeds except for some of those darn seeds like yarrow that it's a little harder lol

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Lea, I'm so glad you mentioned Tassel Flower (Scarlet Magic)- I had forgotten, but saw a pic someone had (..was it Suzy perhaps..?) and really want some for next year. If I recall correctly, it reseeds itself for some people.

Meridith, I'm not sure corn poppies are the hardy ones. I just checked, and its P.rhoeas (also called Shirley Poppy). The ones that overwintered for me were Iceland poppies (P.nudicaule). They look so much alike I confuse them sometimes.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Awesome Meredith!!

Ugggg, now i have a lot more reading to do, since i never finished the last thread...

anyhooo -- been working in the yard all morning ... and one thing - while cleaning the beds....

Keep an eye out for Mantis egg sacs .... I found 4 of them.
One on my Lavender, another one Coreopsis Early Sunrise, then on something i have no idea what it was - accidently knocked it off, so i put it 'inside' the Bronze Fennel. then one on my siding.

I actually still have one LIVE mantis in my south flower bed... I"m surprised she's lasted this long with the cold weather... are really no bugs.

Well, no rest for the weary ..... as long as the sun is shining... i'm taking advantage of it... though i'm getting into a shaded area... so it's much colder.

OH -- anyone want some Bronze Fennel ??

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

My Bronze Fennel seeds were very popular during last winter's trading, even when I had only small packets left to send out. This year, I only got a few seeds -- they seemed very slow to ripen. I brought some inside and tried to ripen them in a little vase of water, but I'm not sure if they matured or just dried out. Might have to try germinating a couple... or just toss them "out yonder" and see what happens.

(Zone 7a)

Hello All,

Robin dmailed me and is going to be sending those pics to Star for the swap logo.

Lots of good suggestions and answers from everyone about the swap rules draft - I pretty much followed them, using my discretion. We had discussed earlier putting an invitation to Gustav/Ike survivors at the top of the rules, so I stuck with that.

Y'all take a look at what I did to the loose seeds section - This is a different swap from the last time, so I agree with previous remarks about broadening the selection of seeds we'll accept.

Regarding dividing the rules up into a few separate posts, y'all need to keep in mind that one problem swap leaders have had in the past was that DG only allows 7 edits a day (unless it's changed since then). If the rules are in one post, then the swap leader won't be using up so many edits hopping around between posts. Take a look at my latest Draft #2 and see if we can't leave the rules like that in one post.

Critter and Tonya - gotcha on the list of participants.

Star, I hear ya about Tuesdays, so will pop in to see if anyone needs any answers - heehee - might leave them more confused, though.

Welp, Star now has the swap rules. Let the piggy frenzy begin, and thank you for letting me help out :)


Draft #2 of rules to follow.

I've got a doc appointment coming up, so y'all will have to keep editing without me...good luck on getting the swap going today.

This message was edited Nov 10, 2008 2:26 PM

(Zone 7a)


This 2008 Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap is a regular piggy seed swap, with the hope that Gustav / Ike survivors will allow us to share as many seeds with them as possible in order to help rebuild their gardens. Gustav / Ike survivors will not be required to contribute any seeds, but rather let regular swappers be their Piggy Seed Fairies. So, survivors, please join us and let us know what kind of seeds you would like to have.


Signups will be open for 35 regular participants and all Gustav/Ike storm victims beginning Nov 10, and the swap will run until December 15, with all seeds due in by December 20.
The deadline is Dec 20th for seeds to be into me. There is a 100 pack limit on seeds going back to you, so if a 1 for 1 trade is important to you, send 100 packs or fewer. All participants should tell me how many packs they sent and how many packs they want back.

The swap is divided into 2 parts: 1) Loose seed packs to be shared among the general swap and Ike/Gustav survivors, and (2) seeds in baggies for a specific person (including those Ike/Gustav survivors who let us know what they want).


Regular Participants (Total number of participants will be 35, but we'll vote on anyone wanting to join after that number is reached, as was done in a previous piggy swap.)


Storm Victim Participants (no limit)


For the loose seed packs, which are packs for the general swap, not for a specific person, I will distribute these based on who I think will like them the best. All seeds will be welcome, and if we have any left over that no regular swapper or storm victim wants, I'm sure folks on this thread will come up with some great ideas for their final home.

*No Delphinium older than 2007
*No Larkspur older than 2007
* Here's a guide to seed viability:

For the packs to a designated player, all you need to do is post your seeds in the Seed List Thread (link is below in post with links) and watch for the responses in the parallel Swap thread. This will be fast and furious, then there will be a lull, then more posting. Please use one post in the Seed List Thread for your seeds available, and try to edit them off as they are taken, (and edit when you add on it as you clean, sort, and sow). You can dmail or post if you want somebody's seeds, but remember, it is up to the sender to get the seeds marked with your name on them, so be sure they see your request.

Grab a box of cheapie snack baggies, sandwich baggies, or ziplocs, and as people sign up, write their name on the baggie or on a slip of paper inside the baggie. If you have seeds for each participant, you might need 30 baggies.

Some seeds are premium seeds because they are rarer and "worth more". As loose packs of seeds come in, I will sort of separate those out and distribute them in a way that makes sense in terms of what people send in (or ask for, as in the case of Ike/Gustav survivors). If you send in a lot of commercial half packs, or the more premium seeds, you will get more of those back in your envie.

The last wrinkle is your wishlist! When you sign up, also post 10 things you'd like to have. These can be specific (Lupine 'White Snow') or vague (anything white for part shade). It is not "anyhting for butterflies and hummers" or "anything for part shade". Note: You will not be considered "in" the swap until this wishlist is posted.

I need to know what you want before your seeds show up! Tell me the kinds of things you want!!!! In a private Dmail to me (with the subject line 2008 Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap) send your list of 10 or more things you'd really like AND a list of 10 things you really don't want. LOL! It would be so helpful to me if you also added things about you and your garden, such as: I have a Moon Garden; I have too much shade; I have a cutting garden; a Cottage Garden; I like bright colors; big & bold plants; pastels; pinks and purples; I am new to seed growing; I have every seed known to man, try to surprise her. Whatever you can tell her about yourself or your garden will help her sort seeds you'll like into your envie.
Foreign DG Members: Yes! You can join! We are currently trying to find a volunteer to whom you can send a dmail with your address and she will send the APHI paperwork to you.

Newbies: New DG Members/New Gardeners/New to Growing from Seed: Yes! Join in. You will receive back many more seeds than you send in, but you will be required to make an effort to send in something. If you have absolutely nothing to send in, you could buy a mega pack of a more unusual seed from a small seed house like Fedco, Gourmet, Territorial (locate through (all for less than $5.00 including delivery) and divide it up into trade sized packages. Or! you could do the same with some inexpensive or bulk seed from the seed houses listed here: . Be sure to check with me first to avoid duplication. If you decide to go this route, be sure to aquire the seed early enough that it won't arrive too late to be available by this swap's deadline of December 20.


1. Your seeds. added: Since I need to send back as many packs as people send in, I need some help counting. LOL! On the baggies that are tagged for certain people, I would like the number of packs you've enclosed for that person written on the slip of paper with their name so that I don't have to go rooting through to count them.

2. Return address label (or piece of paper I can tape) to use on bubble mailer you send to me.

3. Postage to return your mailer to you. If you have 100 packs, use postage for 13 oz. and consider sending me a little box instead of an envie.) added: If you want extra packs back, really, really consider that box! And pay attention to the postage amount you send me as it will cost more than what you sent in. Do not be stingy on this postage.

4. A sheet of paper with your:
1. name,
2. address,
3. email,
4. DG name,
5. Number of seed packs sent, and number of seed packs wanted back
6. Description of your garden, and yourself as a gardener and grower from seed (new, middle, experienced.)
7. 10 things you want (no limit for IKE / GUSTAV folks, though can't guarantee how many will be sent back),
8. 10 things you don't want, and
9. a list of the seeds you are sending of all the loose packs that are not earmarked for another player.

5. Addendum: Due to the sheer volume, these envelopes or boxes will need to be sent back to you with delivery confirmations. Also, since postage & confirmation costs have gone up, and since I may also need a few extra bucks for more postage either for Ike/Gustav survivors or for other participants who may unwittingly not have sent in enough; or for larger envies or boxes than folks send, let's each send in $1.50 in addition to return postage. I will return any extra postage that isn't needed in each person's box or envie.


Seed List Thread:

Chat Thread:

Grampapa's article on a previous piggy swap:

Leave this post blank for anything else that may come up in the future -

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Nicely done! I've been so busy toting and fetching that I've not been around much for the planning stages. It looks like I'd better start taking inventory. Er....when are we starting? LOL.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Had to iron out some puter problems but am back!!!!!

Oh Meridith. Cracking up here. Couldn't figure out what the surprise might be. Figured it woudl be a plant ya grew or somethignthat would driv eall of us green with envy.

I love the piggies. Especially lile the secodn one. Looks like all of us. Can anybody say SUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Here Piggy Piggy!!!!! It almost dinn-dinn time!!!!!! LOL

Hey incase I not around, Blue reminde dme of something. Any previous piggy swap people, I know some are way busy right now and only pop back here occasionly, but if they want in they get a free here's a slop pail get in free card. Previous piggies are welcome even if we go over the total cuz for a year we been a tiny community and evrybody helpign each other to grow and learn and it onyl fair as we travel this next year together that all the regular piggie sfrom last time are include d this time.

We may be startign before midnight, definately not til after dancing with the stars. LOL But somehwre aroudn there, between 11 and midnight cuz i have to get up at 3:30 in the mornign and need my beauty sleep. Ya right, still detangling. LOL

So if anybody has any other questions or things they see we need to change make sure I get them before midnight.

I got alot of stuff, so as I go through it wil do like last time, put stuf f up them some more and more and more..... did I say and more... LOL

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm sitting here laughing at myself, on pins and needles to see what kind of seeds ya'll list! I'll get my list up this evening and I'm sure I'll spend some time oinking!


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)


Neal, that may have been Suzy, I know she had some but I didn't get any from her didn't ever see her offer them :) Thought she thought they might be too common maybe? If she posted a picture I must have missed it lol I had some reseed but they didn't do anything and I transplanted a couple of them and they died probably forgot to water lol

I'm not even ready to list seeds yet I need to get on the ball and get a list together tonite! I still have all kinds of candylily seeds to put in there baggies, have some really pretty ones this year and I remember the year before last waiting so ling on yellow ones for Pamsue, those puppies are the last ones to finish their seeds I wonder why lol

Someone said something wondering about offering just one trade of seeds, I think I have a few packs that are going to be that way but every time I list a seed I'll put the number available by it :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

critterologist Wrote
Post #5774592

My Bronze Fennel seeds were very popular during last winter's trading, even when I had only small packets left to send out. This year, I only got a few seeds -- they seemed very slow to ripen.

OK -- i ran back out and pull the Fennel out of the trash pile and got more seeds, just in case.

I do believe I got my seeds from LeBug ... so that may be another avenue if many actually want Fennel.

Very cool looking plant though... i was very happy she offered me seeds.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

That what I gonna do too for thos eI only have one or two trades of am gonna put that number next to it.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Someone said something wondering about offering just one trade of seeds, I think I have a few packs that are going to be that way but every time I list a seed I'll put the number available by it :)

yes,,, this did work very well last year.
i recall some even added who said 'trade' per that seed, was going too.
Made it very easy to decipher things.

I was planning on doing that too.

sorta like this:

Red Flax 4 Trades of 60 seeds .... 1 trade left

.... something to that effect.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, I'm getting excited now! I like looking at all the neatly packed and labeled envelopes in the tin. I've got 5 packs each of 15 different things, but figured as people list wants I'll have smaller quantities of other things to share too.

Therese, Its fun already seeing my name on a list, LOL!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)



.can anyone tell me why my printer thinks it needs yellow ink to print black text? I am guessing it is so that they have to sell me more expensive ink cartridges...grr!

yanno --- for me, i use a blank&white laser printer for most of my stuff.... i too hate using color
BUT -- you can go into the printer preferences and switch to GRAY SCALE,
that should eliminate using so much color.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

that first piggy photo cracks me up :)

I have a photo of a hand holding a fan array of seed would look so funny if that were cut out and superimposed on the bottom left of the piggy photo as if they were all looking over the seed selections! If anyone is good with photoshop and wants to try it :))))


Thumbnail by wind
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH -- i wanted to ask... what do folks think about Marigolds?

I mean aside from the Large African, or single petal French... but plain ole marigolds?

I was out cleaning today, and i have tall ones, about 30" tall and the flowers are just standard sized, not those jumbo ones... but the pretty red with yellow.
I'll see if i can find a photo, but i had a long row of them and they looked really pretty.... SO, i did grab a bunch of seed heads, just in case.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


and they looked really pretty intertwined with Scabiosa "Blanca"
both were still in bloom a few days ago.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi y'all!
Here's the first run at my available seeds:
pavonia rock rose
moonflower vine
obedient plant (purple blooms)
rudbeckia hirta
salvia greggii "wild thing"
salvia coccinea "lady in red"
purple coneflower
aster (new england?)
purple fountain grass
maiden grass
jewels of opar

most are pretty common, but maybe some folks want some!


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Tonya -- may be a bit premature -- but I'd like the
Purple Fountain Grass,
Obedient Plant, and
salvia coccinea "lady in red"

I'll be working on my list later... but most everything is in my Haves LIst


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

opsss... you can scratch the Lady in Red... i did not know that was the same as Hummingbird Sage... i just gathered seeds myself today.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I think we're about to get a whole new thread for this swap... and a second thread intended just for posting lists of available seeds. :-)

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

I wondered if I might be jumping the gun a bit. Still "larnin' the ropes"! I'll be glad to list my seeds again on the new thread. I guess there will be a link from this one.

Terese, I'll put you down for some purple fountain grass and obedient plant!


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Man -- i wish, when i was totally bored this past weekend, i would have started working on 'my list'

I've gone thru my seed basket and jotted down most of what is available... and somehow lost my bachelor buttons.
have no idea how that happened...

but i may stay up late to work on my post and get it up and running.

I really dont have any "wants", but i may just see something that grabs my fancy.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)


I checked out your have list and if you still have some of these seeds available, I'd love some: hollyhock, white coneflower and grandpa otts mg. Thanks!


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OK ... Tonya... i'll get back to you - probably Dmail.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ok, in just a few minutes, I gonan upload everything. Had to set my own alarm. Good thing I did cuz I fell a sleep before my favorite show came on and misssed it

Lets try and hold off on here now and keep the swaping to the main swap thread. : )

Wind.. That cute. When ya post your stuff, put it on yoru thread. Looks cool and at least we cna find ya. LOL

I gotta put all the rules into one , thread , but Blue Spiral made lines sohoepfulyl everybody will see them, I amafraid if I don't somebody will come and post before I get the individual parts up since I got dial up and wil take time for my machien to copy and paste.

Ok, peeps who been holdign their breath, lets START the SEED FRENZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

i'm about half way done with my list... i'm actually emailing to myself, so i can then - go upstairs and do my post.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Her ya go folks!

Hope it looks ok, it did to me when I did a review. Started to post and forgot Meridiths pic and had to coem back for it.

Wil ltry and get back on some time tommrrow afternoon, but if I can't wil be back on tommorrow night, so pelase help any newbies with questions and stuff and especially the storm victims. We really need to feed them . Let's fatten their gardens back up. heheheheheh

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

grrrrrrrr.. posted in the wrong thread....

This message was edited Nov 10, 2008 11:31 PM

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