Has anybody seen Claire???

(Zone 7b)

I searched high and low and even checked all the zoo's and all their critters are accounted for so she is not looking for new pets.
I called canada and they had no information i even called england and she wasn't visting relatives.

Can someone please tell me where my Dear Friend Claire has Gone???

Claire Can You hear me it's Harmony Please Come Home!

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

The picture is of my driveway and i'm waiting on claire to return there's room for everybody pull up a stump.

Clarkson, KY

I've maxed out my Dmails and can't even CHASE her properly. (though I did finally send in my subscription...only took 4 months)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh Harmony, you have a truly lovely driveway and it nearly makes me want to come out from under my rock. You too Grownut, with the wassailing...

Clarkson, KY

Rocks are nice...I guess I'm in no position to say ANYTHING...

As soon as we clear US turkey day you really HAVE to be sucked in...

Clarkson, KY

I always forget to say the nice stuff ---your driveway really is beautiful, Har. Might go driving just to get to come home!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I like the drive too. I wish there where rocks down here I could use one to hide under.

Clarkson, KY

You can borrow mine if you feel the need?....

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

If I have another day like today, I may. Or run away from home.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

My rock is big enough for the both of us. Or all 3 of us.

Clarkson, KY

Now there's a thought! A rock, some hens, and a bucket a hooch... And three of those really cool glow-in-the-dark crazy straws....and chocolate covered strawberries. And rum cake...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

And Christmas Pud.

Clarkson, KY

Set for life! Poor Wren...have we moved in too much mayhem under that quiet rock-getaway you were offered?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

No I am ready for a party as long as I do not have to move to much.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Nope, comfy chair, possible campfire with marshmallows, lotsa blankies and pillows and a generally comfy spot that you won't want to move from.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Sounds very good. Count me in.

(Zone 7b)

OH! count me in this stump has really been hurtin my rear can we go inside now;)

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes just next time remember to bring a feather pillow.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Need some upholstery for that stump!

(Zone 7b)

Well Claire It was Nice;) seeing your smileing face comeing up my leaf covered driveway don't go wanderin off for too long and if you do leave a note on my stump so i know you will be back.
That way i will know when to go out and wait on my stump till you return again.


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Sorry Harmony, I just needed to think about some things. All my leaves are down here and there's going to be snow flyin' soon, so I'd rather be on your driveway.

(Zone 7b)

BBBBRRRRRR Baten down the hatch's and cut on the heat lamps and keep watch on them pretty llamas ;)

(Zone 7b)

"I" know this is an old Thread but has anyone heard from Claire??

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Hi Harmony,
Just got back on line today. We leave tomorrow after lunch for the long drive home. Hope it won't be as bad as the one on the way up. We have had a great time here in Canada but we do miss the animals. Apparently a lot of my chickens got a virus ( our farm help was absolutely beside himself with worry on the phone) and we lost nearly all the young ones that we raised this year. There are 10 left out of over 100 originally. I am devastated but these things happen I guess, and I can give no help when I am 3 days drive away. He said they started dropping like flies. He lost about 5 adults too. I am just heartbroken, but there it is. I will hopefully start again in spring with new batches of eggs. I feel so bad that I could not help them, but if it was a virus, it would have been the same result if I'd been there or not.

Clarksburg, MO

Claire -

I am so glad that you got to spend Christmas with your folks, but SO SORRY that you lost your chickens. I would be happy to send you some hatching eggs when the weather permits. Just give me a yell and hope you have a safe trip home


(Zone 7b)

I'm so sorry and upset for you!!! :(....

I hope you are okay and a {{{{{BIG HUG}}}} ♥ :(.....

Ferndale, WA

Hi C. I'm so sorry for your loss "Sob's" I know you have put so much into all of your new babies. This is devastating. I truly do feel very saddened for you. Your always so good about helping others, I wished we could have helped you not to suffer this loss and emotional trauma. If we can help please let us. Haystack.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the kind wishes everyone. I just feel so helpless being so far away. I have an order of day-olds coming from McMurray at the end of February, so I'm hoping they will be alright. I will be careful to disinfect the brooder area and everything first. It is a lesson learned about fall hatching - I will stick to the spring in future. I think they are less likely to come down with any illnesses if they hatch early in spring, rather than having to make it through the cold Iowa winter as young birds. I also think I will choose my breeds more carefully. It is good to learn things, even when it is the hard way.

(Zone 7b)

{{{{{{HUGS CLAIRE♥}}}}}}

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Oh Claire! I am so sorry. Its an awful thing to happen. Especially with you away and nothing you can do. I wish there was more I could do.

The weather is suppose to be better for your drive home tomorrow (here at least.) I know you pass by me at some point! Nothing like you had on your way there. Almost 60 (at least mid 50's) tomorrow as I hear it. Unbelievable change!

Harmony, that driveway looks very inviting!

Wren, you are almost there! Hang in there my friend! (or chill under Grows rock) she is pretty fun! hehehe sing songs and such!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I have thought of going under the large rock in the front yard

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

O NO!!!! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS AND MORE HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Was not to bad to day I spent the day editing my picture,listening to a book, playing games on my lap top and staying out of the line of fire!!!!!

Ferndale, WA

Hey C. I also have day old's comming from McMurray on Feb 9th, I ordered 25 red stars, 5 Aracaunas, and two red star roosters. You know what you said about things learned, I have been thinking about those same things you mentioned, No more fall, and winter hatchlings, and I have so many breeds now and want to narrow it down to maybe three breeds at the most, with the exception of some specific breeding I want to try. I'm even a little worried about an early Feb delivery of day old's. Hope I won't be sorry. Haystack

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Claire, please be safe on your way home! I'm so sorry you are going through this. Breaks my heart. You have a wealth of folks here wishing you well. I'm lost for the right words.. but I can assure you, you will be on my mind for days.. be safe.. it will all work out.

Clarkson, KY

The rock is pre-stocked with hot buttered rum, several bottles of dry red wine, German Christmas candy and Mediæval Babes CDs -and a few early carols I snuck in. It is lined in forrest green and wine red velvet and made for wallowing...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

If you put in some diet coke I will be right there(I very rarely drink).

We are going to the Aquarium today so hope that goes good.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Have fun at the Aquarium Wren. I bet that place is great. I have seen comrecials for it.

Clarkson, KY

I might put in a few less sinful decoctions... Enjoy the aquarium!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes I enjoyed the Aquarium but not the crowd.

Now if you had Irish Cream I would be right there. I am more a Irish Cream person than a wine person.

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