Anyone looked at this companies website?

Greeneville, TN(Zone 6b)
They took my picture of Kid's Clothes tall bearded iris and are using it on their website.
If anyone with pictures posted here cares about their photos being used without permission they might want to glance and see if yours are up also.

Shepherd, MT

River Hawk is Schreiner's . Something has got to be done to protect our photo's from being pirated. Sorry it has happened to you "D"

Greeneville, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks S,I would not have expected a company to do that myself....There are some of DG's, Nicholsons pictures are also on there. I don't have alot of daylilies so I didn't look at those pics.

Lebanon, OR

This is getting BAD. I know that when you see the initinals on mine they are friends that have given me permission and they are on the page saying I am using them. I had several of mine used by ebay sellers and know Mid America had a ton.

This is one reason I will not post on DG because sometimes I must use my own that were there and with the DG stuff it looks bad...but I can not seem to lock all my pictures from being copied and that is not fair that a few bad apples ruin it for all.


Lebanon, OR

Just went and looked for something there and found my picture complete with SPI on their website and told them to remove it NOW.


Thanks for catching this never been on that site before

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I can see why they used some of your pictures, Ladies, some of theirs are horrible!

Go get them! This is getting ridiculous.

Lebanon, OR

not only that but tons of them are misspelled....


Greeneville, TN(Zone 6b)

I'm sorry D, I should have caught your picture on the website. I also emailed them yesterday and haven't heard anything. I kind of "lucked" if you could call it that,lol, into their website. Was on Daves garden watchdog and wanted to check out who was selling historical irises and theirs showed up. D

Lebanon, OR

You can go to the AHS display and find out exactly who owns the company.

There are numberous pictures on there that do not belong to them.


Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

I really don't have a dog in this fight but, if you google '', you
will find that dayliliesdirect and irisdirect are actually Dewpoint Gardens in
Waverly, VA. Could be the typical scam operation which was thoroughly hashed
out regarding 'the-iris-cottage', a ripoff of The Iris Cottage located in the UK.

Greeneville, TN(Zone 6b)

I really don't know if they are a scam company, but they shouldn't "borrow" other people's pictures for their website. i also noticed the name change when clicking on the link.

This message was edited Nov 8, 2008 10:28 AM

Greeneville, TN(Zone 6b)

I recieved this email from the company;

I am so sorry !!!! we pay someone to do our website and had no idea that they did that.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I will make sure that He removes it.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

I would think any respectable company selling items such as plants would not
even consider scanning photos from other catalogs and presenting them as their
own. Just routinely checking the pics gives me the impression they were scanned.
There are some ladies on this forum who could put anything on the web page
to shame on their worst day.

Added after seeing the above post: Looks like a serious coordination problem but
they still should check their own adds. You can take thousands of photos for nearly
zero cost so there is no excuse for the "borrowing" of other's work. Reputations
are easier to lose than to build.

This message was edited Nov 8, 2008 9:45 AM

Greeneville, TN(Zone 6b)

Yes you would think that you would check your own website's pictures wouldn't you? I know if I had one I'm sure would,but then I'm my own worst critic on my own pictures,lol, too much sun,too yellow,too close, too fuzzy,etc;
I have started writing in ugly big letters the names of the irises on them in hopes to just slow down some the swiping from ebay.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Oh come on! I am developing a website, and the man that is doing it for me doesn't have a clue about irises. He only is taking the pictures I provide. I can't believe a disinterested web host is grabbing pictures randomly for someone elses website. If I don't have a picture to provide the person doing the website, he just wouldn't go out on his own and get one. He would ask me what I wanted to do with no picture, in which case I told him to put picture coming soon. I certainly wouldn't tell him to go out and steal one, and he surely wouldn't do it on his own.

Lebanon, OR

I work hours and hours on my webpage, checking photos to make sure I have the correct one, that it is labelled, that if I have gotten permission I have a list of the ones that friends have allowed me to use and they are on the acknowledgement page..

If you DO NOT do your own webpage I would think that you would take the time to check to see if it is correct


Santa Ynez, CA

it probably is bull, I emailed someone on ebay about their picture for an iris that was incorrect, and she said Schreiners had it in their catalog that way, I thought to myself did you ask to use it? and why would a big company like that have the wrong picture in?????
My motto is if I don't have a picture of an iris, I don't put it on ebay, I wait until I do have it blooming and take it and THEN put it on ebay, yeah I have to wait but it is all my own pic's etc.... I mean that is greed if you can't do that, and this is a company that should know better

Shepherd, MT

Hey D I noticed that you were writing in names right in the middle of your photo's on e bay , and i would never had thought some one could remove that in the middle of your photo and not make the picture smudged. so it seems that the picture was taken off here and the copyright cut off.
And your pictures are beautiful, I even asked you what camera you were using since your pictures were so pretty.

I know there is a lot of time getting pictures right with descriptions been looking at more of the pictures and I seen your Dee with SPI
Sorry it was hit you to Dee.

I seen a lot of these pictures also on e bay Riversrubie is also using these pictures to sell her iris.
The- Iris-Cottage has bought a lot of unknown iris from VA.

I contacted Blue J iris and talked to Cathy, Sheri's mom about the many use of seller using there photo's on e bay, since Sheri was gone, her mom told me Sheri allows 1 person to use her photo's on e bay, well that one person has turned into many, so I bought just 1 iris from a seller with Blue J pictures and the iris arrived in a sealed plastic bag with saw dust in it, the same kind of packaging you get from your local Wal-Mart or K-Mart iris .

It is a shame website's are not safe from pirating, or the catalogs, or our pictures we take a lot of time with. I am sure

I don't know if this falls under the internet fraud, it seems it should to me, they are pirating others pictures and using the internet to sell also it looks like it would fall under mail fraud since they are using the mail system, and who knows what they are shipping.

It is completely out of hand.

Waverly, VA

I am so Sorry every one!!!! we payed good money to do our website the person we used is a collage student and we were told that he was good we had no idea that he would do something like this. Thank you to all for bringing this to our attention. All pictures have been removed and we will be getting a new web-person.
Thanks again

Shepherd, MT


I think the photo of River hawk clearly with the name Schreiners should have been a RED FLAG, hey this picture belongs to a large commercial iris garden and maybe we should not use it, but you did allowed it on your website and you should have looked at the SPI logo, all those different size pictures are a dead give away of pirating..

Why can't you take your own pictures to use?

Waverly, VA

the nursery is our retirement I know very little about the web I guess we should have not been so trusting lesson learned the bad part is we made next to no money not even what we were charged by him we gave him hundreds of pictures

Ok I had someone new check the site and they assure me that all pictures are gone.

This message was edited Nov 8, 2008 5:19 PM

Greeneville, TN(Zone 6b)

Yes its easy to remove your name off of pictures, I've got one person on ebay that periodicly will snatch a picture of mine,remove the name,and mirror reverse it. She's a member of daves also. I just keep turning her in to ebay,they jerk her listing off and still charge her a listing fee. Yes she knows better, but does it anyway.
I found this camera does better on automatic, when I've tried to fool with the settings I really mess up,lol, thats how I've ended up with yellow pictures this spring, forgot about messing with the white balance!

Chattanooga, TN(Zone 7b)

there is a lot to learn about pictures. just taking someone elses is not ok - unless:
1. the picture is in the public domain.
example: the image is hosted by photobucket (anyone using photobucket has put their picture into the public domain just by uploading - it says so in their user agreement) or some other image host with this type of terms.
2. one has permission
a. companies that sell wholesale usually provide pictures to their customers (often via a DVD or separate section on their website that requires password to access)
b. the picture comes with retailing/marketing software one uses (ours has a database of 8000+ plants and allows us to add our own pictures and those from wholesalers)
c. one has asked the owner and adheres to the owners requirements (link, credit, etc).

i must agree though - some of the best picture takers are here on dave's - it's easy to see why some folks are lifting pictures.
i have given and received permission for some pictures - and if someone is looking for a specific picture, i usually provide mine if i have one. i do provide only those i have taken myself, i don't think the marketing software use extends beyond the license i carry for my business.
i also have to say that the people i have asked about their pictures have been most gracious. thank you.

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)


Photos uploaded to Photobucket are only in the public domain IF the photo albums in which they appear are designated as public albums. When a Photobucket album is designated as private, the content is fully protected under copyright law. Private albums can only be viewed with a guest password, but the album owner can provide the guest password to as many people as desired. Still, the content of those albums is protected as long as the album is designated as private.


Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Hi All
I have exchanged some e-mails with the owner and have since given her permission to use any of my photos on my site or this with credit given.
I feel this was a web person thug who took advantage on some one who is NOT
savay in the web world. They are truely trying to do the right thing and are looking for
better webmasters and help in this field.
If you want to blame someone blame the website developer.

Waverly, VA

I want to thank all that have emailed me with all the offers to use your pictures I'm not sure if I will even keep the website sometimes things sound good you know like if you had a website you could make lots of money not always true. so any way thanks again to those that have tried to help and to every one else try not to be so quick judge it could happen to you someday Anita you get a special thanks from me! if everyone was like you this world would be a better place thanks again.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Well that's good to hear. An honest person, obviously.

Don't give up on iris sales. Just find a better, more honest, webmaster. Or better yet, learn how to do the pictures yourself, so you know they are yours, or have been given to you. I know, easy to say. I'm not very computer savvy either.

But thanks for admitting the pictures were wrong, and explaining why.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Clearly, dewpoint is trying to do the right things. The internet is a new and mysterious thing to many people. Dewpoints actions show that she wasn't trying to rip anyone off. The fault more clearly lies with her web developer, but since he/she is/was a college student, he/she may not know any better than Dewpoint. In a web development class, perhaps one learns about intellectual property, but in computer science classes only the theory of computer science comes up -- which is mathematics, and has nothing to do with intellectual properties.
The answer to all of this is that all of us must learn how a copyright comes into being and that we are all required to obey this law. Frankly, I took plenty of computer science classes never heard mention of copyrights until I took a class in business law. That makes it doubly important for us to alert people who usurp our copyrights that they have done something illegal.
It isn't necessary to sue in most cases, just notify the usurper. As in this case, many of them are unaware of the law about intellectual property rights.
I am proud of Dewpoint for being able to come forth and admit her error and to take the pictures off her sight. Hopefully her web developer will become more enlightened as well.
Thanks, Dewpoint, for doing the right thing.

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

I do appreciate Dewpoint's acknowledgement of her fault and action to correct the situation. Ignorance of the law, however, is never a legitimate excuse for breaking it. Anytime one ventures into unknown territory, it is one's obligation to research the legalities. When one publishes anything, whether in hard copy or online, one must make sure the published materials have been legally acquired, either through personal ownership, public domain, or written permission of the copyright owner.

After having had my photos and written materials stolen and used without my permission more times than I can count over the years, I have simply run out of patience where this issue is concerned. The "I didn't know any better" excuse has worn itself out with me. I used to be a lot more forgiving, but turning the other cheek doesn't seem to be doing anything to resolve this ongong problem with internet copyright theft. There just has to be meaningful accountability to prevent this problem from continuing to escalate the way it has over the last decade.

It's really no different than someone walking down the sidewalk and digging up a plant from an adjacent garden to take home. "I figured since it was within reach of the sidewalk that it must be in the public domain." Maybe we forgive and turn the other cheek after the first ten plants are dug up, but after the first fifty, it's going to get pretty old.


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

What can I say, laurief? I certainly see your point. Maybe it doesn't seem so powerful to me because I haven't had any of my photos stolen -- I am just a beginner and nobody wants them.
I agree that people who have websites are ultimately responsible for them and should check them or have their attorneys check them to make sure everything on them is legal. I will remember that should I ever decide to have a website.

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Wow, Thanks Tigger, I just found this thread, I have not read all of the replies,But I did check the site, It looks like they took the pictures off, but they had requested if anyone wanted to see picture to email them.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

I do not know about most people that take Iris pictures, and maybe I understand commercial growers, I love photography and as I read the AIS is dedicated to disimiation of information of the flower we all love. To that end anyone can use my pictures for any reason as long and they note where it came from. They can even get high quality ones if they contact me.
But that is just me. The more people exposed to good quality pictures the more hopefully will become Iris Enthusiast.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Very generous of you, Anita. Good iris pictures do help people get involved in growing them.

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