i'm back.

melbourne, Australia

hi everyone,

don't know if you will remember me. its been a long time since i posted. i have been very very busy organising a major function the last few months and today is the day of the function.

i haven't had much time to get out in my garden - and i have missed it (and you guys). I have heaps of plants flowering for the first time and i always think of daves garden when a newie shows its blooms for the first time.

hopefully life can slow down a bit - and i can get a lot more active here.

take care,

shelly xx

Merino, Australia

Of course we remember you Shelly. welcome back. i hope your function goes well. come back and see us in the Tea Room for a chat and tell us how your garden is going. Jean.

melbourne, Australia

Hi Jean,

lovely to chat with you again. the first part of the function today is a massive silent auction. there are heaps of gardening hampers so i am preparing hubby to get ready to get the credit card out. i really want one which is a weeping tree, heaps of bulbs and a water fountain. fingers crossed it doesn't go for too much. then we have a night function tonight which will be very exciting. its going to be a long day.

hubby has been busy preparing our next section of the garden. we have put the borders in and top soil and horse poo and mulch. just going to let it sit for a few weeks and then plant it out. have to work out what is going to go in them all. one is next to my other main garden i grew last year so i plan to have similar plantings in 50% of it and then dot it with other ones i haven't got. the other one is directly in front of a shed wall and will get very very hot. i already have a creeper growing over the wall which is going really well. can't think of its name right now but its native and has black and yellow flowers. thinking that i might plant two mandarine trees on either end and then fill the middle with ???. my lemon tree does so well on the wall of the house - and this garden is in the same direction so it gets lots of sun and not much wind.

better go and jump in the shower and get ready... big day.

shelly xx

Hi Shelley Welcome back ...I hope your function went well.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Shelley, did you win the fountain?

melbourne, Australia

no i didn't win the fountain. all the gardening packs went too expensive and i thought i would rather have a big spending spree next market when i need to get all my new plants for the new garden.

did get a heap of other stuff though very cheaply. was happy with my 'wins'.


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