You're being propositioned!!!

Clarkson, KY

I want to start a Weekly Wassail. Yes I'm insane. However. As many times as we've ad libbed crazy critter songs around here, I thought a weekly critter song from any and all P&L nuts would be a good thing. I only remember one Thanksgiving song and can start with that AFTER I get home from the dentist. Since we all have different critters and different beliefs I really don't care what kind of song or critter. But I feel like singing and I'm asking you to join... I'd reeeeally like to be able to occasionally pass the buck to specific people who lurk but don't post but the more the merrier!!

Any takers???

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Count me in!

Clarkson, KY

Yay. I'm off to the dentist!! I'll sing later....really. Unless you've got one?

I was on "over the river an' through the woods to da Gen'rul's house..." but go for it if ya got sumpin' Texas rattlesnakes?

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

How about...

Mamas, don't let your chickens grow up to be roosters...
Noisy and mean they don't cost all that much
Let 'em be pullets and layers and such...

Clarkson, KY

You're on!! Finish up that song!!

Clarksburg, MO

Oh Grow you know I love to sing. Count me in.


(Zone 7b)

I can't think of one right now but i will see Hey got a question is it susposed to be about and animal or can it just be a song.
I ain't no composer but i like brigidlily song.
Sheila is going to have long song with all them younguns and chickens LOL^_^

Well i'm thinkin and the old mind is blank right now BB

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

I got my song ready! Grow, hurry up before i lose y nerve

Clarkson, KY

Go Kitty Go!!!

I just thought a song a day would wile away the time -And YES Har. Preferably about any kind of critter. Spoofs are us. How about Kathy today and Sheila tomorrow? I'd love to take Sunday. We'll try and keep it seasonal maybe? To some extent?

Clarkson, KY

I'm publishing Mystery Maid on Monday. Hope you guys get singin'!!

(Zone 7b)

What was that?

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

there they are just a peckin in the yard
clucking do-wah-ditty-dum-ditty do
then the rooster put down his guard
clucking do-wah-ditty-dum-ditty-do

they pecked on
the pecked two
oh my goodness
what they gonna do
clucking do-wah-ditty-dum-ditty-do

i knew they were pecking pecking around
now ust look what they did to the ground


Clarkson, KY

Ha! We used to sing that at soccer practice in HS. Jogging song!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Can I sing my northern chick-a-poo song? Can I? Can I?

Clarkson, KY

OK Dahl's take the Sunday sing!! Unless Sheila doesn't come back and post tomorrow!! Can you stand it??

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

That was too cute Jordan.. LOL Now it's gonna be stuck in my head for days!!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

O I missed jordan's song already :( I will sing along by myself.... mi mi.mi...

O that's a gooder jordan. A real foot tapper!

Cousin nut I think brigidlily is before me too. I can't wait for her song! I'm a HUGE Willie fan! I will be contributing my mostly happy chick-a-poo song cuz my sad chick-a-poo song to the tune of 'Danny Boy' will make you cry.

ZZ tell me about it. The Mickey Mouse club song was my dahlia tuber digging song this year. I'm still singing it and starting to get weird looks in stores.

Clarkson, KY

Yeah, she never came back to post an I lost it. Lemmethink......scrolled. Ok you take Monday. We'll chase Brigidlilly for Sunday I'll do Mystery Maid on Tuesday. Then hit someone else up. My prob is I keep singing Christmas carols -It IS time to start learning your music if you sing...And "Here We Come A Waddling" seems like a perfect goose song..........but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

taking a bow here. glad y'all liked it

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Are we doing Christmas already? You haven't had your turkey day yet. Whatever, I'll go with the flow. I LUV IT! 'Here We Come a Waddling' will be an instant classic.

Clarkson, KY

I'm trying desperately not to! Everyone else has more self control or is less obsessed!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Me too! cuz my turkey day is long past and also I have the patience of a fruit fly.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Where's Claire with her llamas in the sun, song... here I'll do my best:
ah-hem mi-mi-mi-mi lalalala!

Llamas in the sun
Llamas in the sun
Onto this lawn they're born
Into this barn they're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
A guard without a lamb
Llamas in the sun

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Lazy_Ladies have you thought about auditioning for American Idol??? WOW! Great song. Thanks for letting me sing along. ps good point, Where in hoot is our beluved CPO Moxon anyhoo?

Clarkson, KY

Nother classic. Now I'm gonna be singing freaky wierd stuff all night. Can you just see Jim Morrison singing that? Or was it Jim Henson?

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Riders on the Storm - definitely Morrison

Llamas in the Sun - Henson/Moxon


Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh, my gosh!!! LOL

I had to sing them all to my DH!!! My sides ache!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

snort. I'm SURE there is a Jim Morrison song in the works. Jim Henson... I can't go there. I have issues with the Big Bird thing now that I've seen the phenomenomenal BIG ruffly birds. Ya right, like the muppets have a chance. Did you see them? I'm gonna die if I don't get the chance to pet them in my lifetime.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

jasmerr of course you're going give us a song? ( note to self you are a lurker, you are a lurker. Let cousin grownut lead. You have no chickens or roos (cool did you catch that I'm dooooooin the lingo with the 'roo' word. I'm so excited.))

Clarkson, KY

It's Ok Dahl-in'...The main incubating season starts in February. You have a solid 3 months to figure out where to stash 'em and set up the 'bators. Aren't Seramas the smallest? And Harmony has connections with the diaper people -lol- so you can make like they're house pets!!

(Zone 7b)

Grow i got a good one i'm workin on may take me a while but it's a good one^_^

Nice use of the word roo Dahlia now try use pullet in a sentence.

Clarkson, KY

To make taffy ya gotta really pullet ----shoot me noooow!!!

I was meaning to ask you Har -used up my mails for the day. What's the next day?!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm going to pullet the bed sheets down.

Good nite y'all

Clarkson, KY

And we really need CPO Moxon! I think this is her kind of singing!! I may borrow some oldies but goodies she posted just to get my fix if she doesn't show...

Why aren't any Northerners pitching in about New England clam chowder, bean soup and other goodies? I'll eat ANYWHERE.

And yes Canadian yummies count. Still waiting on that recipe...

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I used to think my German grandma was nuts. Every night when she'd come to tuck me into bed when I was visiting she had this routine.

She'd kiss me on the right cheek and say, "Hen"
She'd kiss me on the left cheek and say, "Rooster"
then she'd kiss me on the nose and say, "Pullet".

She'd look quizzical at me and say, "What's that called?" [pointing to my nose]
When I answered, "pull it" -- she'd do just that.

I thought she was completely nuts because I had no idea that a young female chicken was called a pullet until just last year. ha!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

So I was thinking about headin over to the u-pullet to see if I could find me a new transmission tomarra.

HaHA - get it? pullet? huh? huh?

*I crack myself up -- you all are in bed already - phewy*

Clarkson, KY

We're all cracked -when did you first notice?!!

(Zone 7b)

Who's in bed i'm still up.

Clarksburg, MO

i'm still here. or just got here. trying to come up for a song tommorrow.


Clarksburg, MO

Okay here goes, I know it is a little before tomorrow but I sing better at night.......

Pullets for sale or rent
roos 'bout 50 cent
no homes or pools for pets
they'll just stay at my old nest

2 hours of scooping poo
buys and 8 by 12 - 4 nest room
i'm a woman of means by no means
queen of the coop!

first nest box midnight reign
destination dinner plate
i'm a hen of means by no means
chicken ala king

pullets for sale or rent
roos 'bout 50 cent
i'm a woman of means by no means
queen of the coop!

Please hold your applause til the music fades......

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