Wanted: Double Cosmos Seed

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Does anyone out there have any Double Cosmos Seed. We can do a seed swap or I can send a SASE.

Thanks in advance


Chimacum, WA

I have some of the "Double Click" cosmos seeds.
There is quite a variety of forms amongst them. - from bi-colored singles, to part double to full double; with both regular petals and the sea shell petal.
do send an SASE please.
My address is in the DG Address Exchange. You get there by clicking on Home, then Extras and then DG address exchange.

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi...I wonder do you have enough for two of us?...if so thanks so much...let me know..I will send you...envelope and stamp....smiles..Diana

Chimacum, WA

I think I could send both of you some.
they are from a packet of seeds that I grew this summer called double click.
No all are double. Some are bi color single, partially double, sea shell partly double, sea shell fully double, reg petal fully double. Don't know just which ones you will get. Some may be very different than what I had this summer.
My double poppies keep changing form and color each year, so I imagine these will do the same thing.

I will be a little slow in sending the seeds. My car is out of working order and it will be a bit of time before it is up and running again...so trips to the post office may be put off for a time.


Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Thank you...very much my envelope is in the tomorrows mail...


Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi....received my double cosmo seeds today thank you very much...as far as the Gypsy Bride MG....try to plant in a pot inside this coming spring..then move them out..and put in place after a gentle switch....They are worth the little extra trouble..for sure...one plant and you will have 40-50 blooms a day...I only had one plant...they will like it in Wa...I am sure...try it...if not..then I owe you something...smiles...let me know how it goes..but thanks for the seeds...single ones do well here...Happy Day..


Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)


The seeds arrived today. Thank you so much. Much appreciated. Can't wait to grow them now.....


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