CLOSED: Mailing labels.....

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

... I was wondering what everyone does with the persons address on old labels/envelopes?

Just due to the fear of "Identity Theft", i always shred them in the shredder.

do other folks do that too?


Nilwood, IL(Zone 5b)

Terese, I burn all mine. We are still able to do that in this little town. HUGS BEV

Thumbnail by dragonfly62
Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Well, I'm European, and I do not understand this topic. What happens if you don't destroy these addresses?
What does "Identity Theft" mean in real life. I know what Identity Theft means, but just knowing someones address is here not enough to do that. Here in Europe you can search names and addresses of about 95% of the people.
I'm eager to learn about this.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

here is the Wikipedia definition of it

but basically, people can rummage thru anyone trash and find something that may have name, address, etc on it, and use that info to take on someone elses identity [pretend to be that person] for easy personal gain.

I think it can be a heck of a lot worse if someone gets a hold of your social security number ... which can get the access to just about anything.

Years ago, we [in the US] used to have our social sec. number on our drives licenses. IF that is every lost or stolen, anyone [mostly criminals] could have used that info to buy just about anything, and send you the bill.

As in cars, jewelry, electronics, you name it... it can destroy your credit.

total nightmare.

they have since taken that bit of info off of the licenses.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I shred EVERYTHING that has my name and/or my address. When I get magazines or catalogs, I remove the name and address portion off on the back and in the middle of the page before putting it in recycling bin.

Nowaday, criminals can do so many things with the technical availabilities. Our law enforcement system have not caught up with the thieves yet. Did you know that a thief can get close to your purse and "skim" your credit card number? Then they can make their own credit card and use it.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>Did you know that a thief can get close to your purse and "skim" your credit card number? Then they can make their own credit card and use it.

No -- i did not know this... but DH and I keep really good watch on our statement on line. Our oldest son had some fraudulent charges on his card .... luckily at the time, i was keeping track of his ... and i knew he didnt buy new BR furniture....

I do the same as you... shred anything -- even if it just our address [an in: To Resident]
and I have started shredding the address from other people too.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

That's nuts and paraniod. It's so easy to get someone address and it is useless. Think about how much junk mail you get mailed to you in your name.

You know where people have problems? Storing passwords and CC info on their PC's. A virus on your computer can easily get that info. Also the main problem is people willing giving info to an unknow or thought to be know web site.

But do shred anything that has account numbers etc.

Eunice, MO(Zone 5b)

Mailing labels are not an issue with ID theft. Your name and adress are public record and anyone can get them.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Well, better safe than sorry. You won't be saying that when you have your identity stolen. My DH is a federal agent and when you hear about the stuff that people do, you would not be surprise.

Eunice, MO(Zone 5b)

I would have a nervous breakdown if I worried about what people do with my address. It is publised in every free phone book that is left in every mail box in half the state. It is avaiable at It is avaiable right on this site in the member exchange. I am careful with the papers that matter. My address is plastered on the front of my house it is not a national secret.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

well, it may be nuts and it may be paranoid ... .but i'm gonna keep shredding
and i do not keep CC info on my computer, and i'm diligent with internet security.

I, like LiliMerci feel "better safe than sorry".

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Well, this is not a problem in Europe. Well, it happens, but only when people are negligent with their bank- or creditcards. It does happen here that criminals steal post from the postbox and use cheques and so.
But you all can be sure that your addresses are destroyed by me. Not because of "Identity Theft", but because we burn all paper in our stove, because otherwise we are obliged to bring it to a containerpark.

Eunice, MO(Zone 5b)

I burn all used paper, not because of worry, but because it is the most convenient way to get it out of my way. At this time of year it goes into the wood stove. It helps to get the wood burning. Only non burnable stuff goes out for the trash.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

It's a habit now.

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