Townsville, Australia

There are many like myself who have paid to join D.G. in the belief we were joining a GARDENING forum. Sadly this is not the case. The Australian Gardening section has been taken over by a few sad lonely women whose only contact with the world appears to be via this forum. We gardeners don,t stand much of a chance against these odds. Even the Where Are You thread was turned into a gossip column. Sorry GARDENERS, you will just have to try to get a different forum dedicated just to your interests. My sincere regards to all concerned. Robert L Browning. Townsville.
( No good abuseing me in this gossip column because this is my last visit. I just hope it may help the plant lovers amongst you.)

Thumbnail by SpeciesNut

Nice one mate ...what have you ever contributed to anything, we talk about our gardening, swap and contribute to each others knowledge one owns these threads. I think you are in the wrong place if this offends you.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

SpeciesNut I am not going to abuse you but just feel a little sad that you have reacted to our posting in this way. Gardeners (usually) are are happy and friendly lot of people.
We love our gardens and also our gardening friends. We take information and get plants from them but we also give back in friendship.
If this offends you...I don't understand.

Why don't you start a thread and state it is "plant information only"

Just one question...are you posting on behalf of the forum owners or is this just your own personal view?
If you are not representing the owners of the forum I don't think you are in a position to demand us to go to another forum.

Merino, Australia

Never mind . To all of us "sad lonely" ladies. You just know that around Christmas, Scrooge will appear.
True garden lovers like to share, be it info, plants or just friendship.
Go Girls !!!!!!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Well I'll abuse you, what a Wan%$r! And I thought you were a nice guy! My mother always said I wasn't a very good judge of character.
We are firstly, People, and not necessarily lonely! We enjoy each others company. We like to show each other our flowers and gardens, and swap information and help ID things and generally care about each other. I think you are completly out of line, and am glad you will not be back in this forum, because quite frankly Bob, we can do with out your critisism and people like you in this forum! As Jean says, what have YOU ever contributed? Hmmm? SQUAT!
if you don't like it, leave, but theres no need to leave us a nasty note, you child!
And I know you'll be back to see the reaction, why else would you leave such a peice of garbage for us!
Good riddance I say! I could just smack you!
*fuming* *so mad I keep making mistakes*
To all other gardeners and readers out there
we are a very welcoming bunch, and always ready to help and offer advice and support.
If you don't want to chat, start your own Thread and make it specific. You can always request no chat. It does work!
Please don't assume we are all snobs like Bob, as he obviously got jealous and felt left out and not as revered as he had hoped to be.
Sue , Coffs Harbour

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I think we should let this one go right to the bottom of the forum, don't you?

Calm down sweetie it isn't worth getting upset about ...I think Bob you are a coward to hurl abuse and run ...personally I could not care less what you think because if that is all you offer to this forum then off you go a grumpy thread somewhere.I have been a member for over a year and begged for lurkers to join in ...we finally found a formula that works for us ...we welcome everyone, you just sit back waiting to be entertained ...too bad.
You have upset my friends and for that you deserve a spray you knuckle dragging ape! rack off and go hang out on a rock somewhere like the coward that you are.
I suggest we let this dismal grizzle sink out of sight now where it belongs everyone ...
with a reminder that everyone is welcome here no one hogs the threads, jump in and contribute ^_^

Alstonville, Australia

SpeciesNUT, you sure are. I'm not a member, I must admit, but you take the cake these people on the Aussie gardening thread are friendly and informative. I bet you still read it you w- - - - r.

Thumbnail by hel
Alstonville, Australia

Hi Guy's I reckon we should just leave this unfriendly person and forget about the rude so & so, I won't post anymore to this thread. I had my say.

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