Need help with newbie seeds

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi, I've started a thread to send seeds to new Dave's members. I would love to have "donations", or even trades. If you have extra seeds, please let me know if you would like to donate some to our new members.

I remember how generous everyone was to me when I first started out here, and I always said I wanted to pay it forward. I know most of you did too.!!! So this is our chance to be generous. (Although I know you have all been generous anyway, this is just another chance. ^_^)

Please let me know if you have seeds to send.
If you don't have a lot to donate, you can send packets and I"ll send back the same amount to you in diff seeds. That will help you with variety as well as our newbies. So we all win!


Corrales, NM(Zone 7a)

Hi Lorraine! What a wonderful thing to do. As a very new gardener I know how fun it is to get some seeds to get started. I am technically a newbie too. I have only been at DG for a few months, but I have had a few wonderfully generous people send me seeds already so I didn't want to take a spot away from someone who maybe hasn't gotten any seeds yet.

The only thing I have for trade are some HollyHock seeds. I do have quite a few of them though and would be interested in maybe some different types of seed if you have enough. I could probably send 15-20 packets of HollyHocks (I have white and pink) for you to give out to people. Would that be helpful?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lorraine... I'll see what i can do for you again.

**waves to Lissa**


Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Lissa, girl, you still need some seeds!!! lol Just send your hollyhocks or whatever and I'll send you some things in exchange.!! I
I'm trying to get it together so I can post some of the seeds I have to send out, so check there and maybe you can tell me somethings you want. Haven't got it up ;yet, so give me a day or so.

I';ll put your hollyhocks on the list. Thank you so much, doesn't it make you feel good to give something back. Dave's people are just way too generous.!! I'm really glad I can give back a little.!

Thanks a lot Terese, whatever you can do will be appreciated I'm sure. (I know I'll appreciate it, lol) I'd like for it to get where we could really send lots of packets out and people don't have to wait for them.

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi Lorraine. You are a good person. I will get something in the mail for this adventure. I need to look through things to figure out what exactly. Z

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Z. You are too.!!! ^_^

Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Are open pollinated O.K.? That's the only seeds I have to offer.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Mine are too Daisy. All my seeds are from my garden... none are packaged.

Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

OK. I'll get a variety out to you this week. I'll put them in envelopes and individually marked.

Corrales, NM(Zone 7a)

Thanks Lorraine! I will get those out to you then. :)

** waving back to Terese **

Terese is so generous!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank ya'll sooooo much. This is gonna be so much fun!!

All mine are from my garden and a couple others that I was let loose in to harvest and use. All my friends just hand me "collection" bags when they see me coming. lol

Waving to all of you . Ya'll are so great!!!

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