i got pigeons comeing too!!!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

alright i'm to excited had to share with everyone else too!! here r pics from the breeder of my new babies comeing they r frillback pigeons!! they will be shipped out from TX tomarrow so i will be holding my breathe till they get here safely within the next few days. i will take lots of pics of my new kids once they get here, i'm totally thrilled this is my first 2 pairs of them!!
enjoy the pics!!

here is the first pair they r an almond boy and black girl and 08 hatch.

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

and this is the 07 hatch pair the girl is a dun bar and the boy is the blue one.

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Yay for you silkie! Can't wait to hear from you how it works out. If I get pigeons I wanted frillbacks. So I'd also be interested in who you chose as a breeder and why. :-)

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

silkie, you just love fuzzie things don't you?? no sleek backs for you huh?

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

well, my first 3 favs of pigeons r the frillbacks, jacobins and fantails those r what got me hooked on them,lol. i checked out feathersite, loved the pics there and fell in love with fairy swallows and tiger swallow too, i doubt i will ever find those 2 though. http://www.feathersite.com/Poultry/Pigeons/BRKPigeons.html

i watched eggbid for awhile it was the only place i knew to get them but if u surf the net u can find classified ads and stuff too with them listed. ya have to watch some sellers will bid up their own auctions and then relist and put a reserve on. i watched for awhile and kept checking the breeds i knew i definately wanted. i had a chance to buy a pair outright of jacobins and a pair of fantails from same breeder for $210 shipped for 4 birds and to me that was just to much before christmas since i got 5 little ones.

so i kept watching, the girl i picked for the breeder is jenny that's her id on eggbid. she answered my questions and was really nice, combined shipping and looking back through past auctions i saw she didn't bid up her auctions(big plus there!!). the birds looked wonderful, purebred and healthy from pics and she seemed like an honest good breeder. i bid on 2 of her auctions and the babies above r what i won no one else bid on my birds but 2 others did on 2 other pairs we all got them for $25 a pair + ship so total i paid $113 shipped for 2 pairs and 2 boxes to ship them express. i fell in love with them soon as i saw the pics of them and i so can't wait for them to get here to spoil!!! they haven't got here yet but so far i'm very thrilled with how things r going. i will keep u posted how it goes!!!

yep i'm queen of fluff and fuzzies and have no idea why,lol. i have 11 cockatiels the curlies was just a nice change, rotfl.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

That is so cool when things come together like that.

A friend just showed up at my door with a dis-oreniented dove, I am not sure what she is.. but she said she flew on her porch and looked winded and sat for awhile, she went out and talked to it.. and it jumped in her hand.. she put it in a fish tank and scribbled on the sides so it would see it couldn't fly through and ran to vote then bring it to me..

Oddly enough while she was voting she overheard a person saying they had purchased a pair of doves yesterday, but her husband had let one out.. the other person asked what she was going to do... my friend said the first person said.. "nothing, dumb bird is on her own"..

So she came over here, dropped off the bird.. and was going back to tell the lady that she knows who has the bird and it is safe and see where it goes from there.

I don't know a thing about Doves.. what the heck do they eat? Can I give her chicken crumbles tonight? I covered her to calm her and she went right to sleep. She has plenty of fresh water.

Thumbnail by frans530
(Zone 7b)

Fran Doves eat a bird seeds mix and give her fresh water i'm glad your friend caught her a tame Dove will starve if let go. They are like any caged bird and don't know how to feed themselves Thank You for saveing her^_^

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

looks like doves u release at weddings. our pet store sells dove feed and it is a seed mix. yes a tame dove cannot survive outside alone. the breeder told me for my pigeons that layena pellets was all they needed since it is a complete diet. i have that, crumbles, starter, mash and cockatiel mix so i'll see what they like best once here.

i haven't had dove's for years since i was a kid but the only thing i remember feeding them is seed mix and grit for mourning and ring neck dove's.

my babies r on the way and shipped out today!!! crossing my fingers they make it here safely!!!!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

November 04, 2008, 6:44 pm, AUSTIN, TX 78710 come on little babies!!!! i'm doing the happy dance they r on their way home but biteing my nails!!! i'll update soon as i know anything else.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

is it possible fran's friend is a white raceing homer?? it maybe just me but after studying that pic i think it is a pigeon aka white dove they are released at weddings, funerals and special events and such.

(Zone 7b)

No thats definately a dove i know i have 16 of them and silkie I'm not sure layer pellets are right for pigeons i would stick to pigeon feed or seed mix.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

while you all figure out what it is.. all I can say is, I have no idea.. it is a white bird!!! I know nothing of birds and all I know of this one is what I said above.. I will give her a bit od my mix of crumbles and scratch and go to the store today and get a bird mix.. I will give the scratch because my scratch has about 6 different grains in it and hopefully one will be something she likes.

My only other option is... list her on craigslist for someone who knows birds.. or just love her and care for her in the best manner I can.. other than the chickens, I have never really been much of a bird person.. I mean I admire them and all... maybe she'll change my mind.. ;-)

(Zone 7b)

She's a Dove Fran and i hope you keep him/her they make really good pets.

If it's a male he will bow and coo if it's female she will for the most part be silent but she has a soft coo sound.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

dh says dove too but here white release doves r actually white homer pigeons but we call them same thing. no clue just a thought.

they do not sell pigeon feed here only dove feed and i'm not paying $8 a 3lb bag for that sorry or $12 a little box of grit when with pellet nothing else is needed for $12 a 50lb bag.

(Zone 7b)

I use 50lbs of bird mix plus 7lb of safflower and it cost me $28 and i use red grit at $20 for a 50lb bag pigeons are birds they are not poultry.
Red grit is and important part of their diet as it contains the minerals they require.

Edited because i'm and idiot

This message was edited Nov 5, 2008 1:59 PM

Clarksburg, MO

Congrats on your new pigeons. Am keeping my fingers crossed til they get there.


Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Yahoo silkie! Can't wait to hear about their arrival!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

they do not sell anything here for pigeons so what am i suppost to feed them? she is a 10 year breeder and i trust her judgement we have talked several times. other breeders have also told me to use same thing u r the only one who told me differently.

(Zone 7b)

I was responding to the question on what to feed a Dove and i was giveing my opinion on that and i was told when i started to not feed them chicken feed.
I prefer to feed mine a diet more suited to thier needs as birds and what others feed thiers is strictly up to them.
Fran it is perfectly okay to feed the dove the scratch but if you have some chick grit offer that to her to help her digest the grain.
Any bird seed mix is okay they like sunflower and safflower as well as the millet.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

oh i'm sorry yes i agree for a dove it is different i said seed for them also.

(Zone 7b)

Thats okay i have a tendency to lump my birds together as they all eat the same i will have to ask my breeders why they say not to feed chicken feed.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

well i went to ship out eggs at the po. they said the pigeons should be here today cuz it should be over nighted. the first truck at 11:30 didn't come in, bummer i waited for nothing. the next express truck is here about 3pm. i pray they make it here today i don't want them in the mail any longer than needed and it is warm here today and sunny. i think the 3pm truck is the last delivery today so crossing my fingers hard and hopeing they r on it. track # is still reading tx yesterday. why on earth r they not scanning it i hate that!!!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

this is exciting because now I know there are folks out there that will ship them. I don't want the standard pigeons I can get at a pet store. So maybe I'll look into that next spring. Eggbid sounds like quite the enabler! ha!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

go check eggbid it has about 150-190 fancy pigeon auctions daily, lol. very enableing!! i got 2 pairs comeing so i'm sure come next year i'll have some extra babies about, wink. i'll help enable too!!

my po allows live ships out as long as i check with them the zip codes first to make sure they have flights to those locations cause most have to go by air. there is not to many regs so it's not bad.

(Zone 7b)

Well Well look at the know it all idiot today!

Silkie and apology is in order i checked with 4 count that 4 pigeon folks and indeed with egg on my face you can feed pigeons chicken pellets so please except my apology i was wrong :(}

I have had pigeons for a year and a half and the person who got me interested said to feed them seed and never chicken feed and here because i joined Daves i find out i have wasted money on seed well the doves still need the seed they can't swallow pellets.
I did find out you shouldn't feed them medicated chick thats a no no........Oh well i will be somewhere ashamed of myself.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

rotfl, oh get out here, i still love ya. that's what us friends r here for to learn from one another. i learn things new everyday myself. :0) going to pick kid's up frm school and hopefully along the way the po calls they r in.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

SO in plain english...

what do I feed this little lady?

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

she said they r not in and she will call first thing in the morning if they r in. i'm so bummed the suspence is killen me!! i hope my babies r ok, the longer in shipping the more i'm worried. i hate tracking #'s it has not been scanned anywhere for progress since the first enties in tx yesterday. ugg!!! i'm a nervous mommy!!!

(Zone 7b)

Silkie not to butt in but thats a long time for them to be without water i hope they are okay and i'm nervous too!!

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

I'm so sad for you ... how dissapointing to be so excited then that let-down.. maybe she'll call in a few minutes and say.. "opps here they are.. a truck just came screetching in on two wheels with your birds!!!"

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

oh silkie, so sorry to hear they did not arrive. I sure hope they arrive on the first truck tomorrow!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

i know but it depends on if she put anything in with them or not. when i ship i put fruits in and stuff most breeders do for poultry we also get them full of electrolytes and vitamins and stuff for 24 hours prior to ship as well and feed them up good.

i don't know if pigeon breeders do but i'm praying she did. i will write to the breeder and let here know they r not here yet and check see what i can find out. i'm on pins and needles worried about my babies but i'm confident they will be fine as long as they r here in the am it's still within a good time frame so i'm going to be possative till i find out otherwise. i just sent her an email back she had written earlier to make sure i got track # in last reply..

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

i still have had no word yet from tracking or breeder but she is haveing comp probs. i'm ready to cry, this sucks!! i'm really worried about the pigeons that they will be DOA. i'm going to be scared to open the boxes when they do get in.

i'm wondering if they had to be detoured to columbus ohio if they went by air to get here. i never thought of that we don't have direct flights now from pittsburgh, pa since 911 as a precaution for some reason.

well i've been really upset and worried about them so DH the sweetie he is has decided to help me build them their own cages. so when they do come they will have brand new ones to enjoy. i'm hopeing to be done with it tonight. for now it is helping to keep me occupied and not so worried. i'll update again once i know something.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

post office just called said they were in to come pick them up. she said they were late comeing in, well duh i tried to tell them that yesterday. praying they r ok, she said she hasn't heard any noise from them.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

they all made it and r huge and gorgous!!!!!! happpy dance!!! they look even better than pictured!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)


Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

just one pigeon is about 4 of my cockatiels together,lol they r big plumpies and head to tail r as long as my arm easily. specially the males u can see the size difference and muscle look to them if that makes sence. LOVE THE FRILLS!!!!

they r extremely healthy and well cared for i definately highly reccomend the breeder and am way more than satisfied. i'm in love they are more than gorgous and to be honest she lost out on the deal and i got one heck of a steal on them. if i'd of seen them in person first and had the money i'd of easily and gladly paid a few hundred a piece for them and would have been well worth the money spent. love, love, love them words can't describe how pleased i really am with all 4 of them!!!

i'm gonna take lots of pics the next few days as they settle in and burn them on cd at walmart to upload for ya all. definately got to share pics of them!!!! my ports r messed up on comp so my cam won't unload to comp.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

that is very nice, Question for you will they be house birds?

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

for this winter yes cause they came from tx, they have no time to adjust to the climate here it is cold already.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

yea I think that would be the right thing to do. congrats and looking forward to seeing pics of them.

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