Have: Autumn Olive var "Garnet"

Greensburg, PA

I saved some seed from my Garnet Autumn Olive this year. I'll send you 20-25 seeds for postage as defined below.

If interested, post interest here. I'll d-mail my address and confirmation. You then send me your address and 4 "Forever Stamps". I will ship the seed to you in a new BE that you keep (I'll tape it so it can be reused). Postage for a BE is typically around $1.20 to most places in the states, and BE's cost me just under $.50 each, which is pretty close to the value of the 4 stamps right now.

Garnet is a commercially available, unpatented variety that is targeted at the edible landscaping market. Garnet is self-fertile, but plants grown from Garnet seed are not "Garnet" but properly called a "seedling of Garnet". Fruit has a tart skin and sweet interior. AO has very high lycopene content and routinely eaten by many people, myself included.

Please note that Autumn Olive is considered unwelcome and may be banned in some parts of the US. It does not appear to be invasive here. You must accept responsibility for requesting seed in your area as not being banned.

Carrollton, OH(Zone 6a)

I would like to have some of your Autumn Olive var "Garnet".And if you have any of the Chinese dogwood, Cornus Kousa "Big Apple' that would be good also.Dmail me and let me know.

Greensburg, PA

synda, sending you d-mail.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi Krowten,
Can I get two packets of those? In return you can choose whichever you please from my list: http://www.freewebs.com/belevenissen-van-een-tuinkabouter/apps/webstore/

If you're interested, please send me d-mail.....

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