Weight Loss Challange Nov. 1 - 8, 2008

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Can you believe it is November already? Where has this year gone. Well, Sue knows for sure where it went.lol

There is a heavy dew on the grass this morning and I'm sure I felt something wet drip onto me when I let the birds out for the day.

If there are any little roosters in the last 2 bunches of baby chicks they aren't letting me know. I think word got around that if you crow she carrys you out of the bird house, we never see you again, and then it gets smelly around here for a few days. If I counted correctly the other day there are about 20 banties out there right now. I know I had 8 or 9 hens the beginning of the summer.

I'm the heaviest right now that I have been in a year(127)so I have to stop snacking at work. Weighing every couple days is the only way of making sure I don't balloon to what I was before. There is no bread in the house and very few crackers. I do have a bag of tortilla chips in the 'fridge but only eat about 6 at the most every few days. I've used all the large tomato/basil soft tortillas that I cut in half and used for wraps so no bread type stuff there.

I'm tired today so I think cutting up apples for canning is the best way to spend at least some of it.

More laundry to fold and either put away, store for the season, or take back to the thrift store. Some had pretty bad smell of moth balls & was going to be pitched but I brought them home to wash and see if I can get rid of the smell. Other than washing, is there someway to get the smell of mothballs out of clothes that must be dry cleaned? We are getting a lot of them down there and they won't keep them. I got a lovely winter sweater that smells pretty bad. If it can be rescued it would be great for someone. I don't have a clothesline. I hear that is a good way to get rid of a lot of smells but I just don't use one so we took it down. If I keep bringing things home to save I may have to put up one of those retractable ones and run it between the house and some tree. I know fresh air is good for removing some smells. Like just musty.

Breakfast was choc. p.butter maltomeal. I have chicken and chowmein veggies in the 'fridge to have for lunch again. Then more chicken, some brown rice, and lots of fresh and frozen veggies. I'll get thru fine, just get bored with the same foods sometimes. I do need to cut into one of those immature winter squash and see what they are like inside.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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