Chicken Diapers what do you think?

(Zone 7b)

I wanted to see what others think of this i personaly find it cruel but i'm only one person and my opinion rarely carries any value.

With all the pet birds and other indoor animals why chickens?

Is this a health issue as far as the poop i was told a long time ago not to handle any poop without rubber gloves anybody know about this?

Do you think this is just a fad like pet rocks and aligaters?

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Conroe, TX

I think if someone has a chicken they feel the need to keep in the house then by all means put a chicken diaper on it. But why would one want to trap one indoors when they love to hunt and scratch and peck so much...outside.
Ours think they need to follow us in through the back door sometimes but this is because they are spoiled rotten and think they will find a treat. My son likes to bring one in and let it sit on his lap. He usually keeps a papertowel under the backside in case of an "accident".
As far as the poop. I have never heard not to handle any of it but I would think it may carry a lot of bacteria considering what all the chickens tend to eat.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

Shelby & her babies and eggs are in my bedroom for now and I can say I love to hear her cooing to them.. even the scratching and the scolding..

although lastnight when she screeched at someone and me and the 2 cats flew across dh on the bed to see what was up with her.. he woke up and asked why we were all on "point" LOL..

So other than making me look like a dingbat, I could see someone wanting to have a chicken in the house as a pet... but Shelby and her gang will have to count their days.. cause when the other 2 eggs hatch.. their time is limited... (she can really "let one" after holding it for days.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I think it is quite silly. An attempt to make money is all. I would think it might be useful if you HAD to bring the chicken in for a short amount of time. Otherwise.. come on, gimme a break.. LOL

(Zone 7b)

Enjoying the comments^_^ Thanks keep them comeing this helps us all express our feelings on these subjects.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I think it is silly. I know birds have personality put there are a lot of pet animals that are much better at interacting with us dumb humans. And most can be house trained.

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

So far I've just had chicks in the house but with me you never know! We built our house 4 years ago and within a few days of moving in, I had triplet goats living in my bedroom! So I can never say never! If anyone is sick and needs special attention, in the house with us they go!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

That's different. If any animal is sick and needs special care that is one thing but to keep a animal that t would be happier out side inside for you amusement is different. The only way I would have a parrot, finches or other pet birds was if I could have a very, very large flight cage so that they can a more natural live.

(Zone 7b)

I brought the link over just in case someone didn't know what this was about I wanted to note some things to look for in this video the first is how ruff she is with these chickens and how she appears very agitated that they won't be still. She has to run to get the one and it's doing what chickens do which is they are hardly ever still.
I thought at first she was nervous but then i knew she was agrivated by the chicken when the roo kept eating something behind her and then the cruel thing she said he had metal issues and pecked himself and thats a sure sign of stress.
I'm just evaluateing the facts to decide if i would sell a chicken to someone who would do this and i've come to the conclusion i would not.

Look this is my opinion, NOTHING WRONG WITH PET CHICKENS, CHICKENS SHOULDN'T WEAR DIAPERS, NOT EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A PET OF ANY KIND,(Harmony YOU need to value your opinion). I have a pet chicken. She is my first baby hatched at our ranch. She has her own yard off our bedroom patio and her own pet bunny. She has a"coop" attatched to our home with central air and heat. We plant her a vegtable garden every year. She has a swinging door into the house. She comes in the bedroom if she likes. As there is nothing of interest to her, it's not very often. once a month or so we have to get a paper towel and pick up something on thetile. Big deal. I love my chicken, they are smarter than people think. DW thought I was crazy 10 years ago when we paid contractor for room addition to house my pet. Anyway thats my opinion.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

That sounds like she has the best of both works. And that is great. she can be herself and that makes her a great pet.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Easy there, just asking opinions and everyone is able to have one. I know Harmony ment to harm.

Chickens make great pets as long as you remember what makes chickens happy. With a little thought even a condo with a small yard could acommadate a chicken. We have to rake everyday but that keeps the oyster shell looking all zenned out anyway.

Im afraid I did not make myself clear. went back and read my post.

I meant Harmony should value her opinions. She said her opinions rarely carry any value. I meant dont devalue the worth of your opinion.

By typing in large print I was demonstrating how important I think my opinion is. Which has nothing to do with Harmonys opinion, hers being of value as well!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Look at the expression on the chicken's face. She's saying, 'O another silly peoples trick'. I always wonder what the animals/birds think of our inventions.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I have a dog that lets me know all the time what he thinks. Mainly that he thinks that I am a joke.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Forget a picture of him

Thumbnail by wren107
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Tee hee wren. My ferocious mountain cat thinks that about me too!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I don't know. I think I can see both sides of the coin on this one. I think its ridiculous, but its also a fine solution to the going whenever the urge hits if you want to enjoy your chickens in the house. DH and I actually joked about there having to be a chicken diaper long before this you tube was found.

When DH was first injured he was really quite depressed about not being able to do anything but sit in bed or on the couch. So one night I started something, I called it "chicken therapy". I brought the girls in 1 by 1 for some DH lap time. He was happier at the time than he had been in weeks. We spread a couple of shop towels out and then they were able to hang out and not worry about the mess on our clothes or furniture.

That being said, I'm not sewing up my own chicken diaper at this moment or anything -- I am sitting on the fence on this one. Although I think its ridiculous and I think that a chicken enjoys being outside, I also think so did all other things that we've chosen to domestic. So who are we to judge those that truly care for their chickens as best they can if part of that "care" happens to involve them in being in the house? I'm not sure I see it much different than a big parrot in a cage or a show chicken stuck in a cage. I'm not certain I believe being stuck in a cage outside vs. inside would make much of a difference.

I'm not trying to disrespect anyone, I'm just rambling my thoughts that were rattling in my head.

Seth, I would LOVE to see pics of your set up. I could see our dear Lacey, Talula, and Anya having a set up like that someday - ha!

(Zone 7b)

When i said my opinion carries little value i was refering to the fact i never assume i'm right because i think every ones opinion carries the same value it's what it means to you that counts.
I will not shout my opinion at anyone i have no problem with pet chickens only in the respect it is allowed to be a chicken i know many people with pet chickens and that is not what this was intended to be a pet chicken bashing.
I sold a few silkies to a little girl who kept them as pets in a little coop she brushed their feathers and had a little brush and bowl to clean their eggs and i thought it was just precious.
Seth your chicken seems to have the best and if that works for you then great.
But to put a chicken in a diaper no i will not agree with that and the attitude of the woman was just wrong in my opinion.
I was weighting the issue as this is the poultry forum and i wanted to know what everybody thought of the video because i know everyone here has their own ways they deal with their chickens.

Again I was not meaning any harm and I was not shouting. I dont believe I have ever been known to raise my voice. I agreed with you, chicken dont belong in a diaper. Some people should not have pets at all.
100 times on the black board " I will never type in capitals....."

(Zone 7b)

Thanks everybody for your opinions and wren i love your dog.

Lady how sweet to bring in the chickens for your DH to see if i was injured i would get my DH to bring mine in like that i worry about them when i get sick and can't take care of them.

Fran your so funny!

ZZ my friend i agree with the makeing money.

Thanks smedgekles i'm glad your son enjoys chickens and thanks for your opinion.

Dahlianut i agree with the look on the chickens face and it tried to get away but dang it she caught it and brought it back.

Seth your just a typical man always messin up and tryin to apoligize ladys how many times have we had that happen LOL!!!!! Just kiddin Seth and glad to know theres no diapers at your house and as good as that chicken has got it watch out or somebody might ask to move in LOL!!!

Been outside most of the afternoon cleaning pigeon poop out of my breeder pens and came in and checked my thread.

Newton, AL

sounds pretty wacky to me. It's hard enough to keep the hen house from smelling bad, can't imagine your house. EEEEUUUUUUUUUWWWWW!!!

(Zone 7b)

Seth might i see a pic of your new Goats? Surely a manly man like you can work a camera LOL

How is loves Doing hope there were no hard feelings about the sneaky trick.
I would also like to see some pics of your chickens room i find it interesting that you built a room for a chicken.
I hope you can get another experiment going so we lady's can all join in:)

BTW Don't you know Tamara Faye how is that girl doing??

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Seth, I would really like to see photos of your pet chicken's set-up. It sounds pretty nice!

(Zone 7b)

Gwen Seth Knows Tamara faye i wish he would tell her to come back

sydney, Australia

hehe thats a good idea!
my chickens just wander around the whole back yard and tend to poop on the concrete. I know i should lock them up but im too soft!
hhhmmmmm chicken diaper rash........................

Clarkson, KY

Gah! That was my first thought!! Poor things having to spend their time with poo attached to their little chickeny butts!!! I chafe at the thought!!!!

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9a)

Having an indoor chicken is in some ways not much different than having an indoor dog or cat. And there are certainly people who believe that dogs and cats belong outside, always, or at least most of the time.

I know quite a lot of people who have pet and house chickens. The best house chickens are not ones that a human chooses, but where the chicken itself has made that choice. I have had a couple that seemed to view themselves as humans, as my family, dog and cat as their flock. And I have tried to keep others inside and they just plain have no interest in that, they'd rather be outside acting like typical chickens in a typical flock.

If you are going to have a chicken living inside, then a diaper makes it much easier. I know some people who have a chicken or even several that live inside in large hutches/cages for much of the time and are let out to interact with their people occasionally. And I know of others who have free-range of their homes all the time.

As for house chickens being a fad? Well my great-grandmother had a pair of house chicken bantys WAY back in the early 1900s. My 95 year old aunt will tell tales of them from when she was a little bitty girl. They roosted atop the kitchen cupboard and somehow my great-grandmother kept her house spotless. I've heard about them all my life, but far more since I've had chickens of my own.


Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Cute story Suze and thanks for sharing!

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9a)

I've always been amazed that a Southern Lady (cleanliness is next to godliness) would have house chickens.

If you buy diapers from, they have a pouch at the back where an egg or poop can collect and not be stuck to their vent. But the diaper should be changed as needed, or removed if the bird is going to be caged where it can use "the facilities" lol.

Clarkson, KY

I've had chickens want in -but we have waay too much carpeting. I guess my mind just rebels at the thought of a lifetime of diapers -and not enough grasshoppers-n-bugs. As much joy as I get out of my birds, though, I s'pose I can hardly fault someone for doing what it takes to keep a happy chicken.

Hmmm. How far WOULD I go to keep my critters? I wonder...

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9a)

They can also provide an all natural, organic (sort of) pest control service in the house. No more roaches, spiders, scorpions (I do live in the desert), etc.

And provide either breakfast service or wake-up calls as needed :)

(Zone 7b)

By Southern Ladys what did you mean?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I want to know that to???? What is spotless? Clean--Clean what that?

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9a)

Genteel, refined, hospitable, etc. Think Mellie in "Gone With the Wind."

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9a)

You've never heard "Cleanliness is next to godliness"? Really? It was a very common saying and belief a hundred or so years ago. Read "The Miracle Worker" about Helen Keller.

(Zone 7b)

Are people still holding on to the belief that us southern women are like that?

Clarkson, KY

Sure! Twice a year! Spring and Fall cleaning! no-wait...that was BEFORE I was born...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I'm confused. What are you cleaning? Tubers? Garden tools? I thought southern ladies garden in poofy dresses, sip on mint julips, sniff gardenias and have cool chickens. ps I've always been jealous of the mint julip thing. ok southern ladies fess up. Whatch y'all doing? Has my bubble been burst?

LOL don't the old stero-types just kill ya???

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