CLOSED: Native Tobacco

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

I have a native American Indian Nicotiana rustica from the Mt. Pima region of western Chihuahua.
I just harvested a bunch,

I originally got seed from, these are great people to deal with!

My dream is to get some German chamomile, Matricaria recutita from Mexico or Spain. It originally came from Spain, but it has been bred to do well in colder climates. I want some that can still survive an 8b summer.

I cannot resist any plant that is tasty. pretty and thrives.


Thumbnail by throneofyord
Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm looking to try a variety of different Nicotianas and I do have German chamomile seeds, but the plants I harvested these seeds from were grown from US seed stock (Lake Valley Seed).


College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

Happy to share, do you want some romaine lettuce seed, while i am at it?


Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

Wonderful. I currently have seeds for 'Green Towers' and 'Parris Island' romaine lettuces, but if you have a different variety I would most certainly love some. Just let me know if I have anything else of interest to you.


College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

Your 'Sakata's Sweet' crisp melon sounds pretty exiting! If you are out of it, I will have to order some.


Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

Perfect. I have plenty 'Sakata's Sweet' seeds to send some your way. It's a really fun type of melon and a great variety of it.

I'm in the address exchange (and see that you are as well) so I'll get your seeds packed up and heading your way.

Thanks for the trade.


Greenacres, WA

Hi my son smokes and we are wondering if we could grow his own plants it seems to me his Mother if he grew his own it would be Healthier for him then all the added stuff in the cigerette's you buy. I would like to try it if some one would have seed to try
Thanks Marcia

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

If you plan for him to smoke it regularly then getting a packet from would be the best way to go.

A packet from him, would run $2 and be lower in nicotine and be a milder smoother smoke.

The Nicotiana Tabacum Havana 142 (h) NICO-36H1. Packet: $2.00
Germination: 94% Tested: 10/07, Gram: $6.00, 5 grams: $21.00 BULK OUT OF STOCK - PACKETS ARE AVAILABLE
An excellent Havana tobacco, giving a quick harvest (about 65 days). Good for chew & cigars. Good in the North. Seed grown in Wisconsin.

I would be happy to send you some seeds however, and I do smoke it, but I am a once a day smoker at most, just to prevent Parkinson's disease. Typical regular smoking of Nicotiana Rustica might not be a huge reduction in nicotine.


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

How about Roman chamomile?

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

I have grown nicotiana in the past. It is supposed to be a mosquito deterrent. Can't swear that it works, but thought I would throw that into the discussion.


College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

Roman Chamomile, Chamaemelum nobilis or Anthemis nobilis, is one of my favorite plants in the world. A lawn with small flowers that you can walk on and produce such an amazing scent, is too wonderful. Sadly the stuff will not survive the summer in my area, it barely survives spring. It does great in winter, but then is dies. I plant it every year, but it is a short term thing.

German Chamomile, Matricaria chamomilla, is more productive and should be able to take our heat in summer, but the seed that is sold here in the USA is the result of careful breeding over hundreds of years, to allow it to live in more Northern climes. So I plant this too every year, but in fairly heavy shade. Spain has similar weather, and Mexico is even further South, so unless they grow it at higher altitudes, manzinilla should thrive here.

I am pretty sure that tobacco smoke is not a mosquito deterrent. I have been at parties where the smoke was pretty thick and the mosquitoes were not deterred. As far as the presence of tobacco plants deterring mosquitoes, I would not be surprised, since tobacco is covered with tiny hairs and resins so things like mosquitoes are going to stick like fly paper. ;)

I would be happy to trade tobacco seed for roman chamomile, I have a bad case of zone denial disorder, and I have an amazing quantity of seed really. My estimate is that I just sent Amanda something well over 20,000 seeds. But since tobacco seeds are 10,000 to 20,000 per gram, and I have over a pound, I can spare a few seeds.


Greenacres, WA

Thanks for all the replies. I WISH HE WOULD NOT SMOKE, I raised him not to smoke because it is hard on the lung's, I just think if he chooses to smoke than it should be the safest way. Are the plants hard to grow can I start them in the house?
Scott has Seizures and he thanks smoking helps him relax so he doen't have them as much. I do worry that he does not get sick from smoking.

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