Weeping Willow Problem

Bedford, TX(Zone 8a)

We have a weeping willow tree in our back yard on which the inner branches are dying and, on some of the outer branches, the leaves are dying and falling off half way down the stem. In previous years, the tree has not gone dormant and dropped it leaves until Christmas. Also, it should not be in drought stress because we had a relatively wet summer. Does anyone know what could be causing this?

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

Each year is different so you really can't go by what has happened in other years.

How old is the tree? Willows are really a very short-lived tree.

It's funny, the Ginkgo trees in front of the building where I work have turned color at about the same time almost every year but this year some of the trees are completely yellow and some of the trees are almost all green. It just goes to show that what a tree does in one year means nothing in subsequent years.
Good luck

Bedford, TX(Zone 8a)

It's difficult to say exactly how old the tree is because it was already here when we bought the house. However, the house was only built in 2001, so it cannot be more than seven years old. What most concerns me is the fact that the branches where we are losing leaves are also dying.

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